Clean skin without visiting a beautician? Easily. Here you will learn how to get rid of black dots with the help of improvised products and cosmetic preparations. In the article you will also find information about where they come from and what needs to be done so that they no longer return.
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Black dots: the reason for the appearance
So that the skin does not dry out, pores secrete sweat and fat. Thanks to this process, the aging process slows down. Therefore, people with oily skin encounter wrinkles much later than those with a different type of dermis.
However, greasy fat may not only be beneficial. Its abundant secretion provokes the appearance of acne, an unpleasant shine, as well as black dots (comedones).
Thus, the pores are clogged. Sebaceous discharge cannot go out due to its large amount. This provokes the formation of bacteria. And the development of pathogens leads to the appearance of rashes of a purulent nature and comedones.
Lack of regular cleaning of the skin provokes the formation of black spots.
There are five main reasons for the active work of the sebaceous glands:
- Imbalance in hormonal balance. This kind of problem most often occurs in adolescents. In this case, hormonal failure can also be observed in pregnant women and in people with diseases of the endocrine system.
- Genetics. Excessive secretion of sebum can be inherited.
- Poor derma care. This may include several factors: the use of low-quality drugs, non-compliance with measures in the procedure, and the lack of care in principle.
- External environment. Climate, air, unsanitary conditions, etc.
- Food. Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, even in the mildest form, are visible on the face. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor what you eat. Do not forget about vitamins.
Smooth and clean skin is afraid of eating oily, sweet and carbohydrate foods in large quantities.
All of the above reasons directly affect the appearance of comedones.
Manual removal at home
Black dots are a type of acne. Comedones rarely inflame, while spoiling the appearance, so they should be disposed of immediately.
Acne of this kind can easily be removed manually at home. For these purposes, there are folk methods and cosmetic preparations. Several ways to choose the best method for yourself, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with each in more detail.
It is interesting: black dot mask options
Patch cleansing
The patch is not only effective, but also affordable in the fight against acne. In pharmacies, it can be purchased at a small cost.
A good result is achieved thanks to the principle of the strips:
- The agent is applied to the affected area with the adhesive side.
- The patch is held for a certain time, then carefully removed.
- The inner layer extends the contents of the pores.
The course of treatment is a month, while in some cases it can be extended. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.
When buying a package of adhesives, decide on the required amount. To remove the black dots on the nose, 8-10 strips are required.
Recommendations for use of the patch:
- Prepare your skin. Before using the strips, wash your face in the usual way and wipe your face with a refreshing tonic, lotion or medical alcohol. A clean and dried dermis is easier to clean clogged pores.
- Steaming the face. This is an additional procedure that will facilitate stretching. Moreover, for complex cases when the rashes began to progress, steaming the face is necessary. To do this, boil water and breathe above the steam. The process resembles inhalation folk method.
- Application The strip sticks to wet skin.
- Withdrawal. The patch should be removed on time and carefully. If you separate the strip ahead of time, there is a risk of getting an incomplete result. If you remove the patch after the set exposure time, then it can dry and stick to the skin. Tearing off the overexposed strip, you are unlikely to get it with elongated pores.
- Follow-up care. After removing the patch, it is strongly recommended to moisturize the skin with face cream.
Before using the drug, read its contraindications.
Thus, the skin is cleansed and can again fully breathe. Quickly simple, and most importantly, safe.
The most effective masks - recipes
In addition to effective recipes for home masks, there are one-way remedies for combating acne.
The list of ingredients for applying in pure form:
- kefir;
- White clay;
- aloe juice;
- oat flour.
The product is applied to a clean, damp face and rinsed off after 10-15 minutes.
Do not forget about the procedures before and after the masks. Previously, the skin is cleaned and steamed, in the end moisturized with a cream.
Honey Kefir
The mask eliminates comedones, nourishes and brightens the skin.
- honey - 1 tsp;
- kefir - 50 ml;
- lemon juice - 5 ml;
- salt - 1 tsp.
- Honey is melted in a water bath. Then it cools to room temperature.
- Further, all components are mixed together.
- The finished mass is applied to the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
Exposure time: 10 minutes.
The mask will help not only get rid of black spots on the face, but also fill the dermis with vitamins.
- white clay - 2 tbsp. l .;
- pineapple juice - 30 ml.
- Mix clay with juice. The consistency should be thick sour cream.
- The composition is sent to the refrigerator for half an hour.
- Apply chilled mixture to face and neck.
Time: 15 minutes.
Egg with lemon
The mask helps to reduce excessive secretion of sebum.
- sugar (preferably brown) - 1 tbsp. l .;
- lemon juice - 15 ml;
- egg white - 1 pc.
- Beat the protein in a froth, then add sugar and juice.
- Stir the ingredients thoroughly.
The mask is applied for 15 minutes.
The mask fights against acne, nourishes the skin and gives it elasticity.
- oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l .;
- a little kefir to soften the flakes;
- boric acid - a couple of drops;
- soda - on the tip of a knife.
- The ingredients are all mixed and left for half an hour.
- Then the mass is applied to the face and neck.
After 10 minutes, the composition is washed off.
Apple honey
The mask not only cleanses, but also nourishes, but also moisturizes and has an antibacterial effect.
Would need:
- half apples;
- 3 tbsp honey.
- Apple is mashed.
- The mass is mixed with honey.
The product is aged 15 minutes.
Mask film
The mask clings to the contents of contaminated pores, eliminating comedones.
- activated carbon - 1 tablet;
- gelatin - a bag;
- a stack of warm milk.
- Dilute gelatin in milk and leave for 30 minutes to swell.
- Heat swollen gelatin until crystals are completely dissolved, then cool.
- Pound the tablet into powder.
- Mix all components with each other and apply on the T-zone of the face. It is more convenient to use a special brush. The layer must be dense.
The composition is allowed to dry completely. It is better to separate the film upward from the chin.
Cleansing scrubs for problem skin
Skin scrubbing is considered an indispensable procedure for proper care. If you want to get rid of acne and other problems, regularly use a face scrub.
Means have the following properties:
- deep cleaning;
- smoothing scars, scars and stretch marks;
- anti-aging effect;
- exfoliation of dead cells;
- normalization of the sebaceous glands;
- improving the structure of the skin and increasing its elasticity.
Scrubs should be applied with massage movements.
The frequency of use depends on the type of skin:
Normal | Once a week |
Greasy | 2-3 times a week |
Dry | 2 times a month |
Combined | 1-2 times a week |
Excessive scrubbing will harm delicate facial skin. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended number of procedures.
Soda scrub
Would need:
- soda - 1 tsp;
- salt - 1 tsp
- Mix the ingredients with each other and apply to the skin with a moist cotton pad.
- For sensitive dermis, you can add a little olive oil to the mixture.
Only affected areas are treated with a scrub.
Would need:
- liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
- some semolina.
The components are mixed together, and the mass is applied to the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
Would need:
- coffee grounds - 1 tbsp. l .;
- ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l .;
- sour cream - 1 tbsp. l
Products are mixed together, forming a homogeneous mass. Scrub places where there are black dots. Then the composition is washed off.
Steaming and steam baths
The secret of the face baths in a healing pair, which penetrates deep into the dermis, moisturizing and nourishing it. The regular holding of steam events improves the condition of the skin, and also contributes to the treatment of inflammation, including comedones.
In addition, steamed skin lends itself better to therapy with cosmetic and folk methods.
To combat acne, it is better to use herbal baths.
Recommended herbs and tinctures as the main ingredient:
- St. John's wort
- chamomile;
- coltsfoot;
- plantain;
- scarlet;
- immortelle;
- succession;
- lavender;
- calendula.
The above extracts have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.
- To start, a decoction is prepared. Two tablespoons of herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water and put on the stove. The composition should boil for 15 minutes. Further, the broth is infused for 1 hour and filtered.
- A liter of boiling water and a glass of broth are poured into a basin or saucepan. Thus, the bath is ready.
Instead of decoctions, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of anti-inflammatory plants to the bath.
You need to take such baths in the same way as they do inhalation. Namely, cover yourself with a towel and breathe for 5-7 minutes. The time can be extended up to 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, do not immediately wipe your face. Firstly, the skin needs to be saturated with therapeutic steam. Secondly, many procedures are best performed on steamed skin.
Cosmetics at home
Preparations against black dots are presented in a convenient form of release and with a minimum number of contraindications. All for comfortable use. There are a lot of funds, so I would like to highlight the most popular.
The list of cosmetic products:
- Cream "Baziron".
- Cream "Klenzit".
- Soap with volcanic clay.
- Korean masks with volcanic ash.
- Masks Dermal.
- Gel for washing "Garnier".
- Cream "Propeller".
Cream is recommended to be applied every other day in the first 14 days, then it can be daily.
Black Spot Removal Precautions
If it is incorrect to carry out procedures to combat comedones, then you can cause significant harm to the dermis.
To avoid this, the following precautions are recommended:
- Exclude extruding comedone. Self-removal of blackheads in this way can be the cause of infection with various infections.
- Before using the funds, an allergic reaction test should be performed.
- If there are injuries on the skin, open wounds, rash, etc., it is forbidden to steam and scrub the dermis.
- After the procedures, do not apply makeup for several hours.
If the procedures do not give a result, then you should consult a doctor. A second course of therapy or excessive use of anti-comedones will have the opposite effect.
Preventive actions
To reduce the risk of acne, the following preventative measures should be followed:
- For prolonged sun exposure, use a protective face cream. Exposure to rays only provokes abundant secretion of the sebaceous canal and clogging of pores.
- Use only proven, quality facial preparations.
- Skin requires daily care.
- Watch your diet and take vitamins regularly.
The tonic dries the skin, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is advisable to wipe their face twice a day. Also for these purposes, a tincture of calendula, diluted with water, and an ordinary cucumber are suitable.