If fleas are wound up in the house, then it is not necessary to immediately call specialists to process the rooms. There are many ways to deal with the problem yourself. How to get rid of fleas in the house, prompt tips published below.
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Where do fleas come from?
The discussed parasites usually get into the apartment with their pets. Even after proper treatment or with a special collar, a pet can bring fleas to its house. A record number of insects live in grass and warm cellars. If a pet is in these places or on a walk in contact with other animals, then it is highly likely that he will become infected with parasites. Fleas brought to the house are on the hair of a cat or dog, but laid eggs can come off the hairs and end up in any part of the room.
If there are no animals in the house, but they are kept by neighbors or homeless cats live in the entrance, then quickly moving parasites can easily enter rooms through a door open for several seconds.
To determine if there are fleas in the apartment, you just need to spread a white Whatman paper or sheet on the floor and after 15 minutes carefully examine its surface. Dark points suggest that the owners have unpleasant "neighbors".
Earth fleas most often fall into private houses and apartments on the lower floors, because they live in the upper layers of the soil. Unlike feline or linen, earthen parasites lay their larvae under the nails of a person or animal.As a result, suppuration begins, from which these tiny black fleas feed.
How to withdraw:
To permanently get rid of fleas in your home, you will first need to deal with their variety. The choice of the most effective high-speed method for combating the problem will depend on this feature.
Cat fleas
This type of parasite usually lives exclusively on the hair of felines. But, if fleas have greatly bred and have not been discovered in time by the owners of the animal, then they may well turn their attention to humans. To prevent this, you need to inspect the hair of a cat or cat for parasites at least a couple of times a week.
If the appearance of fleas is noticed too late, then it is necessary:
- Carry out a thorough cleaning of the entire apartment, with particular attention to the cat corner. It’s best to throw away the old pet bedding immediately. It is on it that the maximum number of parasites and eggs laid by them accumulate.
- Wash the animal with a special treatment shampoo at least 2 times. At the same time, you need to try to choose fleas from his coat and immediately wash them off with a stream of water.
- Clean with a vacuum cleaner in a bag, to collect dust which lay a small piece of naphthalene.
- Treat any area around the front door with any disinfectant.
Dog fleas
When fighting fleas in dogs, the actions of the owners will be similar to those listed in the previous paragraph:
- The first step is the general cleaning of the house. The floor is washed, vacuum cleaned. Ammonia or vinegar is added to the wet cleaning water. Floor washing with such a liquid continues until the parasites completely disappear.
- The dog is immediately washed with a special treatment shampoo and after the coat has completely dried, it is treated with a similar spray.
- To prevent re-infection, you should take care of a special collar for the animal, which repels insects during a walk.
Bed or linen fleas
Do not confuse these species of fleas with lice.
These are completely different parasites and you need to deal with them in special ways:
- Bed linens, mattress covers, bedspreads and other textile accessories are not only thoroughly washed, but also boiled.
- Blankets, pillows and even a mattress are taken out to fresh air. They should spend some time in severe frost or in direct sunlight.
- You can fix the result with special chemical agents against such insects or with compositions prepared according to folk recipes.
Such fleas will be noticed by the inhabitants of the house instantly. They bite very painfully and leave noticeable marks on their skin.
Getting rid of them is not easy:
- It will be necessary to make a large-scale cleaning of all rooms, in the process the floor needs to be washed with water with any strongly smelling product - from ammonia to essential oil.
- Skirtings and crevices in the floor are cleaned with special care. You will have to wash the bottom of the walls.
- In the corners are laid out dried herbs with a strong aroma - mint, tansy or any others.
It is important to properly handle and bite sites. Otherwise, they can swell a lot, and fester. Even ordinary hydrogen peroxide is suitable for this.
How to get rid of fleas in the house:
Far from always general cleaning and hygiene procedures are enough to get rid of fleas. Especially if they have already divorced a large number. As an additional measure, it is worth using various ready-made formulations against parasites or home-made products. Or even call the pest control.
Professional pest control
If the owners of the house have already tested all the known methods that tell you how to remove fleas, but have not achieved the desired result, you need to seek help from professionals.
The experts called will carry out the treatment of the infected premises with modern insecticides that effectively cope with both adults and their eggs.
Flea Aerosols
Today on sale a large selection of aerosols against fleas in a house or apartment. One of the most popular is the Raptor tool. In the form of an aerosol, it atomizes a special poison in the air, which first paralyzes and then kills insects. Also, the product for fleas in the house creates a film on various surfaces in the room, thanks to which the fight against parasites continues even after the termination of the processing procedure.
The following are included in the list of effective drugs:
- "Clean house". Processing is repeated repeatedly. The components of the agent are inactive against eggs of parasites.
- Flee. Destroys insects at any stage of development. It copes not only with fleas, but also with dust mites.
- "Combat." A series of aerosols, among which there are options suitable even for the processing of clothing, textiles and upholstered furniture.
Solutions against parasites
Many owners care about the question, but how to poison fleas, in addition to aerosols? In hardware stores you can find special remedies against the discussed parasites that are diluted with water. They are used for cleaning floors and other surfaces.
Among these compounds stand out:
- "Get." In terms of effectiveness, it falls into first place in the list. The bottle is dissolved in 100 ml of water. This amount of money is enough to process a large room and all the furniture in it.
- "Executioner". An effective remedy, among the minuses of which its high consumption is noted. On a standard "kopeck piece" you need to take about 20 bottles.
- Tsifoks. Its main active ingredient was cypermethrin. One bottle is enough to process about 90-100 squares.
Folk remedies for the removal of fleas
Quite effective are folk remedies. Often, a mixture of finely chopped garlic and brewer's yeast is used to kill the parasites. It is laid out around the perimeter of the rooms in several places.
The safest anti-flea remedy is citrus peel. It will also become a natural fragrance for the home.
It is also possible to fill bedding for animals or small fabric bags with coniferous shavings or pine sawdust. Miniature blanks are hung around the apartment in different places. One of these bags is necessarily located near the front door.
To process the skirting boards and the gaps between the boards in the floor, it is worth preparing a mixture of camphor alcohol, vinegar (3%) and floral cologne. This tool is allowed to spray on carpets. Instead, you can make a decoction of fresh herbs of tansy and celandine. Ingredients in equal amounts are poured with boiling water. When the product cools down a little, they spray the entire room.
Preparing a room for disinfection
Such an event will include several stages at once. Before starting the fight against insects in the apartment, you need to conduct an active wet cleaning, processing in the process even the most inaccessible places.
If you have to disinfect the kitchen, then you should remove all food products or pack them very carefully. All pets are protected from the procedure. The aquarium closes tightly (the compressor shuts off), reptiles are carried away from the house, dogs and cats are protected by a special collar against fleas. At the time of direct processing of the premises, for example, by aerosol, they are transferred to another room, or, if possible, are removed from the house.
Recommendations after processing is completed
After the treatment, it is first of all necessary to carefully ventilate all the rooms in the apartment. It is advisable to arrange a draft.
We must not forget about the prevention of the problem. Pets should not be allowed to come in contact with street animals.Dogs or cats must wear a special anti-flea collar.
At least once every six months it is worth carrying out wet cleaning of the whole house with the use of a solution based on wormwood. If there is a basement in a private house, then the best solution would be to periodically call professional pest control, which properly organize the processing of non-residential premises.