Sleep disturbances are an unpleasant phenomenon that adversely affects human health. More serious than this pathology is only insomnia. How to get rid of insomnia for people of different sex and age categories?
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Causes of Frequent Sleep Disorders
The causes of insomnia are conventionally divided into two categories: those that can be eradicated independently, and those for the elimination of which the help of a specialist is required.
Self-correctable causes include:
- Violations of sleep hygiene (excessively strong lighting in the room, lack of ventilation or uncomfortable temperature, the presence of loud sounds).
- Frequent stresses (it becomes difficult to fall asleep due to the constant scrolling of problems in the head).
- Improper diet (hunger and overeating before going to bed).
- Violation of the regime of the day (work at night, change of time zones).
- Reception of tonic drinks or preparations (coffee, tea, alcohol).
Note. Changing the need for night rest often depends on the age of the person. So, in older people there is a decrease in physical activity and metabolic processes. As a result, their need for a long sleep is reduced. This process is not a sleep disorder and does not require additional drug therapy. Teenagers often do not sleep well due to anxiety, because at this age there is a frequent emotionality and, as a result, continuous reflection on disturbing problems. The same can be applied to most women.
The reasons requiring the intervention of a specialist include:
- Pathologies of the nervous system (neurosis and depression, concussion).
- Snoring, often causing sleep apnea (respiratory failure during sleep).
- Hereditary predisposition to insomnia.
- The presence of pain and malaise.
It is interesting: how to cure snoring in men
How to get rid of insomnia with medication
Medications for insomnia are divided into two groups: medicines on a chemical and natural plant basis.
The group of drugs on a chemical basis includes the most effective means of sleep disturbance. To use such drugs without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited. Their effectiveness is based on the action of chemical components that can cause side effects.
Similar medicines include:
- Balance
- Neurostable;
- Ambien;
- Biolan
- Lunesta;
- Sonata;
- Zaleplon.
Preparations with herbal components in the composition:
- Neurostable;
- Ortho Taurine;
- Balance
- Biolan.
Folk remedies for sound sleep
In the absence of the effect of traditional methods of treating pathology, sleep disorders can be eliminated by resorting to folk remedies for insomnia.
The most popular natural recipes include:
- Honey with milk. In a glass of warm milk dissolves 1 tbsp. l natural honey. The drug is best taken at night. This contributes to faster relaxation and falling asleep.
- Infusion of hawthorn from stress. Shredded flowers of hawthorn in the amount of 1 tbsp. l mixed with bird highlander and horsetail (1 tsp. of each herb) and 0.5 l of boiling water are poured. The liquid is taken a few hours before bedtime.
- Massage. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a professional masseur. Even amateur massage of the collar zone, as well as the head and neck can improve the condition and contribute to falling asleep.
- Soothing infusion. To prepare it, mix motherwort and valerian root (1 tbsp each), as well as caraway seeds and horsetail (1 tsp each). All ingredients are poured 1.5 tbsp. boiling water and insist for an hour. Strained broth is taken at 0.5 tbsp. twice daily before meals. The course of treatment for insomnia is 10 days. Attention! The described tool should be taken with caution hypotonics.
- Soothing bath. Mix oregano flowers with motherwort, mint, hop cones (0.5 tbsp of each ingredient). The mixture pour 4 liters of boiling water and insist for an hour. Strained through gauze, the composition is poured into a bath of warm water, which is taken 15 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment is 14 days.
Treating childhood insomnia
Children of different ages often suffer from sleep deprivation and sleep disturbances. Also, the child can form a real insomnia.
The following conditions are considered its symptoms:
- Early rise and drowsiness during the day.
- The inability to concentrate on school and homework. This also includes inattention and making frequent mistakes.
- Aggressive behavior.
- Hyperactivity and other disorders of discipline.
- Difficulty in mastering new information.
For adolescents and young children, insomnia treatment is prescribed in exceptional cases - when this approach is recognized as the only way to alleviate symptoms. Before using this or that fixed asset, consult a pediatrician.
How to get rid of insomnia without drugs?
Non-drug treatment consists in the use of the following methods:
- Lifestyle change. It is necessary to provide the child with the most comfortable atmosphere in his bedroom (remove bright lighting, monitor the regime of humidity and temperature, limit the impact of noise). It should not be placed in a children's computer or TV.
- Compliance with the daily routine. The child should go to bed and wake up at about the same time.
- A quiet lesson before bedtime. The best option is relaxing bathing and reading fairy tales.
Tip.You should not give your child caffeinated foods or drinks at least 4-6 hours before bedtime.
If the child wakes up at night and cannot fall asleep, he should be provided with the most soothing exercises. For example, reading or looking at pictures sometimes works much better than tossing and turning in bed.
The use of folk remedies for insomnia eliminates the need for medications.
The following remedies contribute to fast falling asleep:
- Sleeping bag. The tissue bag should be filled with dried flowers of lavender, rose and chamomile, add a few drops of lemon extract. Located near the bed, such a tool will help the baby quickly calm down and fall asleep.
- A glass of warm milk taken at night. Such a drink has a relaxing effect on the baby.
- A warm bath with a few drops of lavender or chamomile oil. It relaxes the muscular system, helps to tune in to sleep.
What to do during pregnancy
Insomnia in pregnant women can occur in the early stages.
This phenomenon is often caused by several factors, such as:
- Hormonal changes. Increased progesterone and other hormones focus all forces on the process of bearing the baby. In parallel with this, the whole body comes in tone, and surging hormones do not allow it to relax.
- Sleep problems. An enlarged stomach and weight make it difficult to take a comfortable position.
- Stirring of the fetus.
- Lower back pain.
- Frequent urination.
- Heartburn, shortness of breath.
- Nervous tension (often caused by fear of an impending birth).
- Nightmares.
To alleviate the symptoms of insomnia, it is recommended that you follow some recommendations:
- Avoid overvoltage. Fatigue accumulated during the day does not always contribute to a quiet sleep. Often, after a busy day, on the contrary, it becomes much harder to relax and fall asleep.
- Refuse sleep during the day. Of course, many pregnant women are falling asleep and it is sometimes difficult to carry out such a recommendation. Daytime sleep should be excluded for at least a few days until the condition is fully normalized.
- Pregnant women, who often suffer from nightmares, should discuss them with their loved ones during the day. Experts believe this approach is effective in terms of eliminating fears.
- Perform simple physical exercises.
- Morale. About a couple of hours before bedtime, you need to try to tune in to the upcoming peaceful and relaxing holiday.
- Do not eat heavy food at night.
- Take a warm bath or shower.
- Do not drink plenty of fluids at night.
- Ask another loved one to make the collar zone massage pregnant at night.
- Disconnect from disturbing thoughts.
- Monitor the temperature, ventilate the room.
- Choose the most comfortable and high-quality underwear.
- Relax on a comfortable mattress.
- Place several pillows of different sizes and shapes on the bed.
- Find a comfortable sleeping position.
- Having felt the approach of sleep, you need to start breathing deeply and evenly.
- When the dream does not come, it is worth retiring to another room and find yourself a soothing lesson (reading or flipping through a magazine, listening to music, knitting).
As for potent sleeping pills, experts do not recommend their use by pregnant women. It is important to discuss the use of medications to combat insomnia with your doctor.
Tips from experienced doctors
Regardless of the method of treatment chosen for insomnia, you should consider some of the recommendations of specialists to combat this phenomenon:
- Limit or completely stop consuming caffeinated foods and other stimulants (alcohol, chocolate, black and green tea, hot spices, coffee, energy drinks).
- Do not try to fall asleep under the TV. Sleeping is recommended in silence and darkness.
- The last meal should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- Make the sleeping place comfortable and convenient.
- Pay attention to evening walks.
- Take a warm shower before going to bed.
- You should not sleep during the day.
- Do not think about problems and worries at bedtime.
Resting at night, the human body is charged with the necessary resources for the coming day. Insomnia can upset this natural balance of rest and wakefulness and trigger future health problems. To combat these difficulties at home, you can prescribe medications prescribed by a specialist or popular folk remedies. By the method of tests, a person is able to choose for himself the most convenient and effective treatment option.