Many housewives are absolutely sure that they know how to cook hard-boiled eggs, but they often get rubber protein, inedible yolk and shell, which is almost impossible to remove. And all this is because this method of preparation is not as simple as it seems at first glance. All the nuances and subtleties of this process will be described below.

How and how much to cook hard boiled eggs after boiling?

It seems that hard-boiled eggs cannot be spoiled and digested, but this opinion is erroneous. In a digested egg, the protein becomes rubber, and the yolk looks like chalk and is covered with an ugly grayish coating. This is iron sulfide, which is formed under the influence of high temperatures due to the reaction of sulfur contained in the protein and iron from the yolk. Such a product will not make more tender even serving with mayonnaise.

The longer this product is prepared, the more difficult it will be for the body to digest later, and if the cooking time is 20 minutes or more, then such eggs are not recommended at all. A properly cooked hard-boiled egg has an elastic protein and a delicate yolk.

To get such a result, you must act on the following algorithm:

  1. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance and allow them to warm naturally.
  2. Fill a small-radius refractory container with water so that when the eggs are immersed in it they are completely covered with water and put on fire.
  3. After boiling water, pour a little salt in it, gently send the eggs to boiling water.
  4. First, boiling will almost completely stop, and after 30 seconds it will resume again. At this point, reduce the heat to medium, and bring the product to readiness.

And now the answer to the most important question: how much to cook hard-boiled eggs? To get a hard-boiled chicken egg of perfect consistency, it must be cooked exactly 10 minutes after boiling.

The technology of preparation of quail eggs

Quail eggs are often used in cooking and diet. This product can be found in the list of ingredients for the peacock eye roll of minced meat, appetizer of the grouse “Capercaillie’s nest” and many others.


The cooking process in this case is not much different from cooking chicken eggs, the only difference is how much to cook hard-boiled quail eggs. And this is due to the fact that the weight of these two products differs almost twice, respectively, and the cooking time.

Thus, carefully but carefully washed quail eggs in water, carefully spoon them into boiling salted boiling water and cook, reducing the heat to medium or moderate, for five minutes after boiling the water again. Transfer hard-boiled quail eggs to a container of ice water. After complete cooling, you can peel the shell and use them for their intended purpose.

How to cook eggs so that they are easy to clean and not burst?

If the egg shell bursts, then with a high degree of probability the protein will be outside, and sometimes the yolk. In addition to the ugly appearance of the finished product, this can still greatly affect the taste.

We will figure out what can cause this situation and how to avoid it:

  1. The shell may be cracked initially, but the crack is so thin that it is difficult to notice with the naked eye. To prevent the egg from flowing out through an invisible crack in the shell, add ordinary table salt to the water at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 liter of water.
  2. The dense shell may burst due to a sharp temperature drop, so eggs just from the refrigerator can not be placed in boiling water with a key. Let the eggs lie down for at least an hour at room temperature before lowering it in boiling water.
  3. In a large vessel, during boiling water, eggs can roll from place to place and hit each other, which threatens the appearance of cracks, so they are boiled in a small container where they will be well fixed.
  4. At the dull end of the egg there is an air sac (puga), and the air expands when heated, which can cause a bursting egg, so you need to pierce the dull end of the egg with a needle before cooking.

So that the shell is easily cleaned from hard-boiled eggs, in addition to the listed rules, it is necessary to cool them correctly. To do this, freshly boiled eggs should be transferred to ice water and kept in it for at least a quarter of an hour. Remove the shell under a stream of running and cold water.

Read also:methods of cooking eggs in the microwave

Some useful tips and tricks

There are a number of tips and secrets on how to cook hard boiled eggs so that the texture of the finished product is correct.


The first rule is never to put raw eggs in cold water. When the protein and yolk are slowly heated simultaneously with the cooking water, processes different from those occurring during cooking in boiling water occur. Slowly heating protein tightly glues with the shell membrane, which makes it impossible to accurately remove the shell from a boiled egg.

Eggs cooked with an intact sponge do not have a regular oval shape, a dent remains on them. To get rid of it, you should transfer the finished egg from boiling water to the most cold water. As a result of such an ice shower, the steam in the snow will become a liquid, which will take up many times less space than water in a gaseous state. Thus, the supple yolk and protein will fill all the voids and the egg will take an oval shape.

In addition to the traditional way to boil hard-boiled eggs, there are also alternative cooking options: in the microwave and slow cooker.

To cook a hard boiled egg in the microwave, you need to put it in a cup, then pour water and put in the oven. Cook for 10 minutes at a power level of 500 watts.

In a slow cooker, it is recommended to cook eggs using the function of a double boiler. So, after boiling water, raw eggs should be kept on a wire rack for 12 minutes. The product thus prepared is guaranteed to be easy to clean.

Hard-boiled eggs can be a separate dish, a salad ingredient, and even from them you can prepare a delicious spread on a sandwich with butter and pepper. To do this, four crushed eggs should be combined with 100 g of soft butter, 10 g of mustard and a pinch of pepper.

How many calories are there in a hard boiled egg?

Eggs are an amazing product not only in composition, but also in how their calorie content can change depending on the duration of cooking. Here there is one rule, the longer the egg was boiled, the fewer calories in it.

Since eggs are used individually, it is more convenient and understandable to talk about their calorie content not per 100 g, but calculated on one average egg. So, the average hard-boiled chicken egg contains 50 kcal, and the quail - only 16-17 kcal.


Finally, we consider how to eat hard-boiled eggs according to the rules of table etiquette. If the hard-boiled eggs were served in the shell in the table, then you should take the egg in your left hand, hit the sharp end several times with the knife handle to break the shell.

After that, put the knife aside, and carefully release the egg from the shell, which should be folded on the edge of the plate or in a special dish. Next, holding the egg with your left hand, cut it into two halves along and eat with a fork, biting off small pieces.