Each summer resident dreams of a rich harvest of fruits and berries from his site, so it is so important to know how to plant strawberries correctly, and when to do it.
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When to plant strawberries in open ground
Definitely, in the southern, too hot regions, planting strawberries and many other berries in autumn is preferable. The fact is that in such places spring is very fleeting, and after the cool April days summer heat immediately begins. This does not allow the seedlings to take root and take root in a new place - they quickly dry out and die.
Autumn in the warm regions is usually lingering, and makes it possible to plant strawberries in October. Long autumn with warm days allows strawberry bushes to take root easily and have time to take root in a new place before winter.
In the northern regions, on the contrary, strawberry planting in open ground in springtime is preferable, since autumn passes very quickly here, and spring is usually long and warm, without hot days. In areas with a temperate climate, you can plant this berry in the spring, so that in the first season you can get both a crop and a mustache, on which young rosettes will grow by autumn.
In the northern regions, the optimal time for planting strawberries in open ground is from July 25 to August 10. If the summer is very hot, it is better to plant seedlings in the 1st decade of September.
How to choose planting material
The berry crop directly depends on the selected variety that suits the climatic conditions of the region. Despite the abundance of varieties, it is advisable to purchase seedlings in nurseries in order to be sure that healthy planting material is bought.
Young rosettes, which are planting material, develop on the mustache of the mother cells.The closer the young bush to the uterine will be located on the mustache, the better will be the planting material itself.
It is advisable to take outlets from those bushes that gave a high crop during the season.
Uterine should reach 2-3 years of age. If you take outlets from mother liquors that are older than 3 years, then they are unlikely to give a good crop of berries.
Take as seedlings the bushes that were obtained by dividing the mother liquor is not worth it, since they still will not produce many berries.
First of all, when acquiring strawberry seedlings, you should look at the state of its root system. The roots of healthy, strong seedlings must be very well developed. If the outlet has weak roots, they may simply not take root in a new place.
Choosing a place to plant a plant
In order for the berry crop to be stably high, it is important to correctly choose a place for planting it. The site must be flat. You can not plant a culture on the slopes. Plots in the lowlands are not suitable, since strawberries are afraid of stagnation of water.
Strawberries love the light, so the plot should be sunny. In places under large trees, culture can also bear fruit, but the yield will be small.
Soil preparation for planting strawberries
In order for strawberries to develop well and quickly and bear fruit, it is necessary to prepare the site. Before planting seedlings, they dig the soil on a bayonet, clean it of weeds and destroy pests. If you plan to plant strawberries in the spring, you need to start preparing the soil in the fall. Before the late landing, the selected site should be dug up a couple of weeks before the intended date.
When digging on the site fertilizers must be applied. Strawberries love organic matter, especially rotted manure, peat and compost. Strawberries and mineral mixtures are used for fertilizers. This culture gratefully perceives nitrofos feeding, which is made at the rate of 2 tbsp. l per square of the garden.
After digging, beds should be formed. It is advisable to make high beds, especially if the region is rainy. It is enough to make the height of the beds about 30 cm. If the terrain is dry, then the beds can not be raised, or raised only 10 cm.
Thanks to the planting of outlets in high beds, the bushes will be protected from attacks by slugs and snails.
Step-by-step instructions on how to plant strawberries of various varieties
Before planting outlets in open ground, it should be placed for 10 minutes in a weak salt solution with the addition of copper sulfate. For this, 3 tbsp. Are bred in 10 liters of water. l salt and 1 tsp. copper sulfate. Place the sockets in the solution completely, along with the leaves and roots. After this, the seedlings are rinsed and begin to plant.
If you purchased early strawberries, plant it closely. Each outlet is planted at a distance of 15 cm from the other. In the rows you can leave about 60 cm. If you arrange the seedlings in this way, then in the first season strawberries will give a rich harvest. But with this planting, after collecting all the berries, every second outlet is removed. As a result, the distance between the outlets will be 30 cm. So you can achieve a rich harvest even next year.
When planting late strawberries, the distance between the outlets is increased to 20 cm. 60 cm is also left between the rows. After all the berries are picked up in the first year, every second outlet is thrown away, which makes it possible to increase the yield of the second year.
How to plant strawberries and how much to deepen the bushes? When planting, they dig holes in the size of the roots, carefully lower the roots into the pit and fill it with earth, spreading them well. In this case, you can not fill the outlet with soil - it should be slightly higher than the soil level. After planting, the earth is shed, and the sockets are mulched to reduce evaporation of moisture. The next day, you need to inspect the plantings, and, if necessary, dig in too high-mounted sockets or raise the planted too low.
Many gardeners, due to lack of space in their plots, grow crops in a vertical way.You can plant a berry on multi-tiered beds, which saves space. For this, molds are made in the form of pyramids or cones, which are filled with earth. It is necessary that the volume of each container be at least 1.5 liters, otherwise the plant will not be able to bear fruit.
They grow berries through seeds, but the seed method is too laborious and time consuming. Breeders mainly grow these berries through seeds.