Pruning roses in the fall, as an important procedure for preparing for the cold season, is designed to improve the winter hardiness of plants. In addition, the removal of old branches starts the process of laying the buds of the coming season and contributes to the formation of strong shoots. When deciding how to prune roses for the winter, you must consider the varietal characteristics of garden crops.

Do I need to prune roses for the winter?

If you do not carry out the procedure before the onset of cold weather, this negatively affects the condition of the plant, since the sanitary pruning of rose bushes involves the following work:

  • removal of green, unripe shoots and buds that did not have time to open. Otherwise, in winter they will become a potential source of infection, as they will inevitably begin to rot. This is fraught with the spread of fungal diseases and death of the plant;
  • disposal of old branches older than 3 years. They contribute to a decrease in flowering intensity and a deterioration in the decorativeness of the green nursery;
  • removal of diseased and thickened stems. Some are dangerous as an environment for the development of infections, while the second impede air circulation and worsen the level of illumination.

Also, in the process of preparing roses for winter holidays, you need to remove the foliage. Otherwise, it will rot, which is fraught with the spread of diseases and difficulties for the condition of the bush.

Important! A rose bush with shortened branches is easier to insulate for the winter, which will help the culture to survive frosts safely.

Duration of the trimming procedure

The timing of autumn pruning of roses varies depending on climatic conditions. In the middle lane, this procedure is carried out in late October - early November. For example, to find out when to prune roses in the Moscow Region or another region, you need to wait until the night temperatures reach -5 ° C.This is because early pruning can trigger shoot growth. For the procedure, choose a cloudless day without precipitation with relatively calm weather.

How to prune roses for the winter?

The trimming procedure begins with preparing the tools. The working arsenal in the form of a secateurs and a garden hacksaw is relevant here. Tools must be sanitized before work to prevent the risk of spreading diseases and pests.

The bushes are cut only with a sharp secateurs, otherwise the cut turns out to be torn, which is fraught with a long healing of the lesion site or the death of the stem due to the penetration of infections. Branches with a diameter of more than 1.5 cm are difficult to remove with secateurs correctly; such stems are sawn off with a garden hacksaw.


Key rules for pruning roses:

  • shoots are cut at an angle to white wood;
  • remove the thickened branches growing inside the bush;
  • a section of the stem is performed at an angle of 45 ° above the swollen bud at a distance of 1 cm;
  • inflorescences are shortened just below the branching zone.

Young seedlings of the current season are cut along with the old-timers of the flower bed.

Important! It is necessary to rid the rose bush of buds, shoots and foliage, as they will freeze in winter, which leads to the depletion of the plant.

Types of pruning flowers according to grade

Florists use different methods of pruning roses:


Long trim. Leave tall shoots on 2/3 of the stem with about 10 buds. Gentle technology leads to early flowering roses. At the same time, after several years of weak pruning, the bush risks losing shape, decorativeness worsens, and splendor of flowering decreases. Experienced flower growers every 2 years alternate a gentle method of shortening the moderate.

Long pruning is used for elite varieties with large flowers, such as English, Bengal and park roses.

Medium crop. Shorten the bush by 50% of the height, leaving 5 buds on the stem. Completely get rid of weak branches and shoots. This moderate intervention technology is suitable for almost all types of roses, except for ground cover and curly. Medium pruning is used for repair roses and hybrid tea varieties, Pernepians and Old English types of culture.

Short cropping. All stems are cut, 2-3 sleeping buds remain on the base of the bush. The method is relevant for hybrid tea varieties, Floribunda roses and Rambler. Actively use local pruning of the bush when growing mini-roses or representatives of the family with a highly branched crown.


Among the park roses there are many representatives of winter-hardy varieties that do not need pruning in the fall. Unripe and damaged shoots and thickening branches are removed from them, the inflorescence is cut off minimally.

Hybrid tea varieties respond well to strong pruning. After a successful wintering, they are able to quickly grow new branches and delight in abundant flowering.

Floribunda roses usually continue to bloom until mid-autumn. With the establishment of night frosts, you should prepare them for hibernation, remove all the flowers without sparing. If you subject the plants to a strong autumn pruning, in the next season will grow lush shrubs of short stature, evenly strewn with flowers. With gentle pruning, a slender rose bush with a large number of flowers in the upper segment will be obtained.


A climbing rose is pruned minimally, removing flowers and damaged branches. Ground cover crops do not need pruning for the winter, they only remove flowers.

The procedure for preparing flowers for the winter period

In order for pink bushes to please lush growth and abundant flowering in the next season, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work for winter in advance. In August, it is necessary to stop the nitrogen application. Next, foliar top dressing with mineral compounds is carried out or they are applied under the root. The soil is treated with a solution of copper sulfate, nitrophene or Bordeaux liquid.

At positive temperature in dry weather, the long shoots of large bushes are carefully bent to the ground and fixed with special studs. Climbing roses are removed from the supports, rolled up and laid on a spruce branch.


Depending on the shape of the bush and the characteristics of the varietal group, different methods of warming roses for the winter can be used. The armature frame is suitable for standard culture varieties and Floribund roses with fragile stems. The frame system is equipped with geotextiles, it is able to remove fumes, due to which plants are evaporated.

You can build shelters from spruce branches, which save the bushes from getting wet and create thermal insulation. In large areas, it is advantageous to use a frame insulation system with spandbond, lutrasil or geotextiles.

Knowing how to prune roses and prepare plants for the winter season, it is easy to decorate the garden with luxurious bushes with magnificent flowering.