Banana is the most popular product consumed almost daily. Many people are sure that the fruits grow on palm trees. This statement is not true. A banana plant is neither a tree nor a bush. Then the question arises: "How do bananas grow?"

How and where do bananas grow in nature

Bananas are a perennial herb that has thick-skinned berries with lots of seeds. The height of this plant reaches 8 m., And the diameter of the stem is about 0.4 m.

Banana leaves grow from the stem, their length can reach 3 m and a width of 0.5 m. The root system goes down by 1.5 m, and to the sides by 4-5 m.

Science knows 40 species and 500 varieties of bananas.

Food grades are divided into 2 groups:

  • Fruits with a sweet taste are consumed raw.
  • Plantans, in their composition contain a large amount of starch, are used after cooking.

The first mention of bananas, scientists find in ancient manuscripts of India and China. It is there that the berry is considered a sacred fruit that can nourish the mind and body. Also, some ancient buildings in India, preserved to this day, have roofs in the shape of a banana brush. Then the culture spread to Asia Minor and Africa.

Bananas grow on a tree or on a bush

If a person still wonders: "On which tree do bananas grow?" That answer will upset him. A banana does not grow on a tree or on a bush. And the usual childhood belief that it grows on palm trees is not scientifically confirmed.

A banana plant is primarily a herb. The erroneous statement about banana palms appeared in the era of conquests and discoveries of new lands.When Europeans visited the distant countries of Asia and Latin America, the giant banana "trees" seen there did not fit into the usual idea of ​​the appearance of the grass.

In which countries do they grow

Banana is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Russian scientist N. Vavilov, after many years of research, determined where bananas grow. The homeland of the fruit is the southeastern part of Asia and the Malay archipelago. So, in what countries is it grown the most?

Currently, banana is grown in 107 countries: Latin America, Asia and Africa.

It is used as:

  • food (fresh and dried);
  • the main component for making banana wine and beer;
  • substances for the production of fibers;
  • plants for landscaping.

The main use of banana is its consumption as a food product. So the leaders in consumption are African countries: Burundi, Samoa, Comoros, Ecuador. For these countries, fruit is a staple food.

In the list of cultivated crops, banana takes 4th place, after wheat, rice and corn. One of the reasons for such a great attention to the fruit is its calorie content. 100 g of product contains 91 kcal, which is more than potatoes (100 g - 83 kcal).

The leaders in banana production include: India, China, Philippines, Brazil, Ecuador.

The main importers of banana products are the USA, Canada and Europe.

How long does the fruit grow and ripen

Bananas feel comfortable and develop at a daytime temperature of 26-36 degrees, and at night - 22-28 degrees. If the air temperature drops to 16 degrees, then the plant begins to slow down its growth. And at 10 degrees it completely stops its development.

The plant can withstand a three-month drought season. However, the norm for it is about 100 mm of rain every month.

If a cold snap does occur, then the banana plantations begin to heat up. To warm them fumigate with smoke or flood with water.

Flowering begins 8-10 months after planting. The inflorescence has an elongated shape of a rounded bud of purple or green. In the center are large feminine, on the edge of the male grow, and between them are barren flowers. When opened, male flowers immediately fall. Thus, exposing the upper part of the inflorescence.

Flowers are collected in brushes of 12-20 pieces. And they are arranged in tiers under each other, thereby forming a bunch. Uncultivated bananas are pollinated by bats (if it blooms at night) or small animals and birds (if in the morning). Cultivated varieties propagate vegetatively.

So how long does a banana grow? Some varieties are able to produce ripened fruits 10-12 months after planting, while others will need 17-18 months.

Fruits develop in tiers and form the so-called hand. During ripening, the fruit changes color from green to yellow (or red, depending on the variety). The pulp is usually white, less often cream and orange. To preserve the fruits longer, protect them from rodents and transport them to other countries, they are still cut green. The fruit yield can be 400 c / ha.

Commercial plantations from one plant harvest for 3-4 years, then it is completely removed and a new one is planted. And in nature, a banana can grow and bear fruit for up to 100 years.

When is the harvest

One banana bush is able to yield 2-3 times a year. They begin to pick berries when they are ripe by 75%. Depending on the variety and planting date, fruit harvesting begins in early January and continues until mid-November.

Do bananas grow in Russia

Fruit can grow only in the Krasnodar Territory. Japanese banana is grown in Sochi. However, its fruits do not ripen, so the summer period is too short. In winter, the stems and leaves freeze, and when it gets warmer they rise again.

You can grow bananas in greenhouses and at home. Then in the summer, transplanting them into the open ground, you can collect the finished crop in September.

Are bananas berries or fruits?

A banana plant is a huge grass, and its fruits are berries.

According to scientists, a berry is a juicy, soft fruit that contains several seeds.

And grass is a plant with a fleshy, non-lignified stalk that goes down and dies off after it fades and gives seeds. However, with a banana, things are a little more complicated. After the death of the first stem, a new shoot grows a little further from this root. For several years, the plant moves 1-1.5 meters.

Banana is not only a delicious berry, but also a nutritious “vegetable” (for some countries of the world). Seed-free fruits familiar to modern man are grown vegetatively. For many countries, banana is the main export crop and staple food.