How to ripen avocados at home, so as not to spoil the taste? Some homemade tricks and proven methods will help to cope with this task.
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How to ripen avocados at home?
In the apartment, this fruit can be ripened in various ways. For example, you can put alligator pears in a paper bag or use other tools / materials.
In a paper bag
To accelerate the ripening of the fetus, you can store it in a paper bag. This is a proven trick that will always help out if you buy unripe fruit. In addition, this method allows you to fully preserve the aroma of the pulp of the fruit, its taste and all the beneficial properties.
It is required:
- Put fruit in a paper bag, for example, from under the bread. The main thing is that there are no holes in the bag.
- There you also need to put another tomato, which must be very ripe. So increase production in a package of ethylene, which accelerates ripening.
- The bag should be tightly closed and kept in a room at a temperature of +18 to + 24 ° C.
After about two days, the fruits will become ripe.
Foil ripening
You can still ripen the alligator pear in aluminum foil. How much does an avocado ripen in foil? Just a few minutes! It's hard to believe until you check everything yourself.
On a note! To make the fruit ripe, you need to warm them in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.
It is required:
- Wrap all the fruits with food foil so that there are no open spaces (this must be done in several layers).
- Then the fruits should be laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the preheated oven for exactly 10 minutes.
- When the avocado has cooled, the foil must be removed immediately.
Fruits will be ready to eat, and exactly 10 minutes will be spent on their ripening.
In the microwave - is it possible?
You can ripen an avocado in the microwave, but many housewives are mistrustful of this proven method.
It will take several days to bring the alligator pear to 100% ripeness. A microwave oven can cope with this task in just a few minutes. This method is recommended to be used if the fruit should be cooked in the near future.
You need to be prepared for the fact that a microwave oven can change the taste of fruits. Nevertheless, this method is very good if puree, salads or cocktails are prepared from the fruits.
It is required:
- Pierce the fruit with a fork.
- Put the fruit on a plate, cover with a plastic lid so that it does not burst during microwave operation.
- Run the program for 30 seconds.
- If the avocado does not become soft enough, turn on the oven for another 30 seconds.
When the fruit cools down a bit, it can be chopped.
How to speed up ripening tropical fruit
It happens that avocados are cut, and the pulp of the fetus is not ripe enough. What to do in this case? The first thing you can do is sprinkle the halves with pure lemon juice so that they do not darken. Then they need to be wrapped with cling film and put in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment in a closed container. A cold storage room is the best way out if the fruit is already cut.
Even at home, you can ripen the fruit, if you wrap it in newsprint. The fruits just need to be wrapped in newspaper and left warm, for example, in the kitchen. You can put fruit in a preheated but already disconnected oven for several minutes, and then leave it for a couple of days.
Boiling water is a somewhat unusual way of ripening fruit at home, but it is with the alligator pear that this method works. To do this, peel and cut the fruit into strips. Then put the flesh in a sieve and lower in cool boiling water for 2 minutes. This method is very simple. And immediately after cooling, a ripe avocado can be eaten.
Storage conditions for immature avocados at home
How to store avocados at home, if you bought immature fruits? The storage method depends entirely on the degree of ripeness of the latter. Cut fruit, even in the refrigerator, is stored for only a few days. If the avocado is already blackened, it remains only to throw it away.
For a very long time, these fruits are stored in the freezer, even unripe. In this case, you can keep the fruits for up to six months in the freezer in an ordinary household refrigerator. To do this, wash the fruit, peel and cut the bones. Then the avocado must be crushed to puree, put in a container, close and send to the freezer.
A very interesting way to store alligator pears with onions. Onions help the avocado to be well preserved: even after a long time, it will remain juicy and fresh. To do this, cut the onions into rings and put them in a plastic container along with an alligator pear, put in a refrigerator on a vegetable shelf. Avocado is stored the longest with onions.
Perfectly stored avocado with olive oil. This method is the best suited for unripe fruits. You can store fruits with oil for 5 days, and during this time the avocado will mature. You just need to cut the fruits and grease with olive oil, put in a container and refrigerate. So the pulp will never turn black.
Some housewives dip the cut fruit in cold water. But the minus of this method is that already on the third day the flesh turns black. In addition, the fruits will begin to absorb water, which will certainly affect their taste.
As soon as dark spots appear on the fruits, they must be removed immediately from the refrigerator and used as quickly as possible. Usually by this time the avocado is fully ripe. If you do not use such a product on time after storage, you will only have to throw it away.
In general, unripe avocados can be loaded into a household refrigerator on a vegetable shelf, even for long-term storage. At low temperatures, the fruits will remain fresh for a long time and gradually ripen. You can’t store the alligator pear in the film for a long time, as the fruits can simply “suffocate” and quickly deteriorate.
If you need to keep avocados at home for as long as possible, do not cut the fruits. Whole fruits lie longer and mature.