Exotic flower requires sufficient attention from its owner. At the same time, many housewives do not cease to acquire it in order to decorate the window sills with beautiful flowering. Having often read the forums, and having listened to the advice of friends, they are wondering why the flower dies from their departure. We will help to make the flowers delight your eye for a long time. From the article you will learn how to water the orchid often and what water to water.
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How often to water an orchid at home
It is impossible to give exact information on this question. The external factors affect the regularity of watering: indoor air temperature, season, the humidity of the substrate in which the plant is located, the size of the flower pot and the volume of the root system.
It should be noted: it is better to have rare watering, but at the same time plentiful, especially during budding and flowering. The roots must not be allowed to be wet, otherwise this will lead to their death. They should be well ventilated.
Proper watering of the flower under different conditions
Everyone knows that the flower is very picky about leaving. And all because the plant came from the tropics and it is not as easy to adapt to our conditions as it seems to us. But all the same, you can create conditions in which orchids will be comfortable. Read about it below.
When the roots rot
Orchid roots can rot, not only due to abundant watering, but also with other related factors. After resuscitation, the plant does not require urgent watering. So only a new process of root decay is provoked.After rescue operations, the sections are tightened and only after seven days have they been watered. If this is the hot season, then after 3-4 days.
After transplant
This is a very important stage in the life of a flower. After transplanting, it requires immediate watering so that the renewed substrate is saturated with moisture to the maximum. Put the transplanted flower in a container of water for 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to add complex quick-acting fertilizers for orchids here. Repeated watering should be carried out only after two weeks, then after three.
Know! A transplant is needed, as we buy an orchid with dry soil! It is also necessary to prevent the development of the fungus.
During flowering
When the orchid blooms, it acquires flowers of the most unimaginable color: from white to bright red, brown and even green. Flowers are pulled together in an inflorescence panicle. It requires special care and watering during flowering.
Watering is carried out with purified water, without salts and additional components. The temperature is acceptable slightly above room temperature. There are several ways to water - actually watering and "soldering".
Advice! If you do not see condensation on the pot, then the orchid needs to be replenished.
We take a container larger than the pot (for convenience, you can take a plastic cover from the cake or a bowl). We put it in the selected vessel, fill it with water (it is advisable to boil and cool it in advance), the temperature should reach 30 degrees. You can water again around the roots. After watering, you need to wipe the axils of the leaves with a cotton swab or sponge so that drops of water do not stagnate there. This is very important for orchids!
In winter
During this period, it is recommended to water the flowers once every 1.5 weeks. Occasionally, you can wipe the leaves, removing dust with a damp cloth or cotton pads. In winter, orchids are disturbed to a minimum. Watering in the cold period should be at room temperature. You can pick up a bottle of water and let it filter out in the same room where the flowers stand.
Important! In winter, the orchid is at rest, therefore, the less they will be bothered, the better.
Methods of watering orchids, tips and tricks
There are several ways to water orchids.
The first way is diving or "swimming." We immerse the orchid in a bath of cool water, small pots can be put in a basin. After an hour, drain the water and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge or cotton pad. Then we take warm water and begin to water the flowers from above. After that, wipe the outlet with a dry cloth so that it absorbs excess moisture. We let the water drain for about 15 minutes and can be set in a permanent place.
The second method is spraying. This method is quite simple. You need to pour warm water into the spray gun, take each leaf and spray it. You can add fertilizer to the water at your discretion. Then wipe the leaves again.
The third method is "Hot shower." If you water correctly, you can achieve multiple flowering. In addition, this method prevents contamination and cultivation of unwanted insects in the flower pot.
Everything is very simple, we take a basin, or we put orchids in a bath. Water only the leaves, and if we want to soak the root system, we use the “bathing” method.
We take a shower watering can, adjust it so that the water is warm. After you have set the optimum temperature, proceed to watering, directing a stream of water at the leaves. We try to ensure that water does not fall only on the outer part of the leaf, but also on the inside, after which we fill the pots to the neck so that the sinuses of the leaves are not covered by water. The main thing is if the plant at this time is at the flowering stage, then you can not get on the orchid flowers themselves. After that, leave her to enjoy the steam and humidity in the room for 15-25 minutes.
This procedure has a beneficial effect on the life of orchids, namely:
- Activates growth.
- Leaves gain elasticity.
- The plant is at maximum dormant.
- Flower buds appear faster.
- The plant looks healthy and well-groomed for a long time.
These are the advantages that this irrigation option contains. Never water the orchid too often. After all, with proper care, the soil is in a dry state. If it does not dry for a long time, replace it with a larger substrate. Then the roots will be well ventilated and will not have time to start the process of decay.
Read also:Amaryllis care
What water to water an orchid
A fairly important criterion for watering orchids is the quality of the water. Rain or melt water is ideal. If you do not have such an opportunity, or in your area it is not the rainy season, of course, we use running water. However, tap water contains bleach. In order for the chlorine to evaporate and the lime to settle, the water is defended for 12-14 hours, or passed through a household filter. A quick neutralization of chlorinated water can be achieved by adding 0.5 tsp to 1 liter. drinking soda. Watering is best done only with clean and soft water. If you have any doubts about the quality of the water flowing from the tap, we suggest mixing the settled water and drinking one to one.
Remember! At night, the orchid rests, and the best time for watering is morning. Since throughout the day, its roots are saturated enough with moisture, and the soil dries up.
Now you know how to water the orchid correctly and you can protect it from rotting to the maximum. And there are several watering options, so among them you can definitely find the most convenient way for yourself. But it should be remembered that it is better to forget about its watering than to fill the plant as unnecessary. Following simple instructions and the stated rules, the exotic beauty orchid will settle in the house for a long time.