Bleeding from the nose (epistaxis) usually occurs suddenly and puts the person in a state of panic and confusion. How to quickly stop blood flow from the nose in the first minutes to avoid the loss of a large amount of blood? And what mistakes are often made when stopping nosebleeds?

How to quickly stop the blood?

Regardless of the causes of epistaxis in humans, the key at this point is the question: how to quickly stop blood flow from the nose. This task is no less acute for people who seemed to be nearby the victim. To stop bleeding, it is permissible to use classical, traditional methods, as well as traditional medicine tips.

Traditional methods of stopping bleeding at home

In most cases, the problem of epistaxis can be dealt with without the help of doctors.

Advice! Call for help or call an ambulance team in the first minutes of bleeding is not worth it.

If the bleeding occurred suddenly and there is nobody nearby, the victim needs to take the situation into his own hands. The main thing is not to succumb to panic, try to keep calm as much as possible. Do not forget that in exciting situations, the heartbeat speeds up, which means that the blood will drain much more abundantly.


At the first signs of nosebleed, it is recommended that the following algorithm of actions be followed.

  1. Take a sitting position, slightly tilting your head forward.
  2. Carry out a series of actions to facilitate oxygen access to the lungs - loosen the collar, unfasten clothing, open the window.
  3. You need to breathe as deep as possible, inhaling air through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. This helps improve blood circulation and increases blood coagulation.
  4. Place a container with ice or a towel moistened with cool water on the bridge of the nose. On the lower extremities, place heating pads or wrap them with a blanket. This technique allows you to narrow the blood vessels of the nose and expand them in the legs. The result will be an outflow of blood from the head.
  5. Press the wings of the nose to the septum with your fingers, keep them in this position for 1-2 minutes. In this case, breathing is carried out through the mouth. It is also permissible to mark in the nostril a ball of sterile cotton wool, abundantly moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Thus, a bleeding vessel is pinched.
  6. If the bleeding is profuse, it is recommended to drink 2 tsp. 5-10% solution of calcium chloride (calcium gluconate, glycerophosphate). As an alternative, you can take 2 tablets of Vikasol or an alternative remedy with a hemostatic effect. If there are no medications at hand, you can take 1-2 tsp inside. salted water.


It is important! The opinion is considered erroneous that when bleeding from the nose it is necessary to lie down or toss back the head as much as possible.

In such cases, the impression is that the blood stopped, although in reality this is not at all the case. The thrown back head does not stop the blood, but only allows it to fall into the mouth. In the best case, it then drains into the stomach, where it can provoke vomiting. At worst, it gets into the respiratory tract and makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the lungs.

More materials:nosebleed

If for any reason a person who has epistaxis cannot sit down, you need to provide him with a lying position. In this case, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the head of the victim is raised and turned to the side.

If bleeding is the result of heat stroke, the patient must be moved to a cool, carefully ventilated area. In this case, in addition to distributing the cold over the bridge of the nose, a cloth dampened with cool water should be applied to the entire face of the victim.


Folk remedies

Proven for centuries, traditional medicine can help in many problematic situations. Epistaxis is no exception. To stop bleeding, you can apply one of the most popular folk recipes:

  • Instill freshly squeezed juice of lemon, yarrow or nettle into the nasal passages.
  • Take decoctions of herbs with a hemostatic effect inside. These include dogrose, chamomile, barberry, bearberry, motherwort, thyme.
  • If bleeding has begun on rest, it is helpful to find a leaf of plantain. After washing it with mineral water, roll it into a tube and place it in the nasal passage.
  • In order to prevent bleeding, it is recommended to flush the entrances with saline (1 tsp. Salt in 1 glass of water).


How to stop nosebleeds during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, significant changes occur throughout the body of a woman. They concern the nasal mucosa. High blood pressure, rhinitis of pregnant women and other factors can lead to frequent cases of nosebleeds in expectant mothers. You can stop it by following all the standard recommendations for such cases. After stopping blood, it is recommended to rinse your nose with saline. To improve the condition of the mucosa, you can use petroleum jelly or natural vegetable oil.

Advice! For the prevention of epistaxis, expectant mothers should often ventilate the room, drink more liquid. The ideal option would be to purchase a humidifier and place it in the bedroom.


Ways to Stop Blood from the Nose at High Pressure

A separate discussion requires the question: how to stop blood from the nose at high pressure.

Epistaxis with hypertension is a very common phenomenon and is a consequence of rupture of blood vessels that could not withstand the load.Faced with this problem for the first time, most people are scared and are struggling to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, experienced hypertensive patients are in no hurry to do this. At high pressure surges, it is much more preferable to “bleed” blood through the nose than to allow it to accumulate, for example, in the vessels of the brain, causing a stroke.


However, this does not mean that with increased pressure it is necessary to wait for the end of the bleeding without taking any action. On the contrary, hypertensive patients must know by heart the mechanism for providing self-help with heavy nosebleeds:

  • It is necessary to lie down or sit down, not forgetting to raise the headboard.
  • From sterile cotton wool, make 2 swabs, moisten them with peroxide and place in the nose.

If after 10 minutes the bleeding has not slowed down and has not stopped, you need to seek the help of doctors.

In what cases do you need the help of specialists?


In most cases, the simplest first aid measures for epistaxis are enough to stop the blood. An important condition is to monitor the nature of the bleeding. If even after the measures taken, it does not stop, but becomes more abundant, you should immediately call an ambulance. The same applies if the bleeding is the result of an injury, especially if the latter led to a distortion of the anatomy of the nose.

If nosebleeds are sporadic, this is usually not a cause for concern. However, heavy bleeding that recurs at a regular frequency is a good reason to see a doctor. Most likely, in this way the body tries to indicate the presence of health problems.