In the autumn-winter season, a surge in the incidence of acute respiratory infections is traditionally observed. About 90% of them are viral in nature. Parents are looking for different ways to protect their child from the disease, without neglecting the use of antiviral drugs, many of which are unsafe. The instructions for use of Kagocel for children contain information about the absence of toxicity and the likelihood of accumulation of elements of the composition in the body.

Composition, active substance Kagocel

The active substance of this medication of the same name “kagocel” promotes the production of interferon proteins, as a result of the activity of which the cell begins to resist viral infection agents.

The composition of Kagocel tablets also includes additional elements that perform a form-forming function. These include:

  • a salt of calcium and stearic acid - a natural substance that does not have color, is added to the drug to obtain a homogeneous mixture;
  • crospovidone is a compound introduced into the composition of medicines in tablet form to increase the strength of tablets, as well as increase their bioavailability;
  • lactose carbohydrate - is introduced into the composition of medicines to give a sweet taste;
  • starch - a neutral substance, acts as a shaper and baking powder.

There are ten tablets in one package of Kagocel. To complete a full therapeutic course for a child, it is enough to purchase one pack of medicine, an adult will need two packs for treatment.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

The drug Kagocel helps the body fight respiratory diseases of a viral origin thanks to a substance that normalizes the functioning of the immune system. The active biological component of the drug is the natural polyphenol gossypol. It can provoke an enhanced reaction of the human immune system to the appearance of non-cellular infectious agents in the body.

Instructions for use for children

With a diagnosed ARVI, even if the treatment is too late, doctors prescribe Kagocel for children from 3 years old. And also the drug is suitable as a prophylactic if there is a tense epidemiological situation.

Age category 3 to 6 years

For each specific case, a special pattern of drug use is used:

  1. To cope with the flu and SARS, children from three to six years old need to drink two tablets of Kagocel two days. Two more days - one tablet.
  2. Kagocel is also used in the treatment of chickenpox. To cope with this disease, apply a treatment regimen designed to combat ARVI.

It is advisable to start treatment as early as possible, a maximum of two days after the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Over 6 years old

If a small child is sometimes required to give a tablet in a crushed form, then children over six years old are able to swallow it with water. For the treatment of patients of this age group, slightly increased doses of the drug will be required:

  1. Children from six years old are prescribed two tablets in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases for two days. In the next two days - two tablets.
  2. In the treatment of chickenpox, the same scheme is used as with ARVI.

When taking the drug, there is no unpleasant aftertaste on the tongue, and the tablets have no smell.

For preventive purposes

Doctors often advise using Kagocel for prophylaxis if there are cases of influenza or SARS in the immediate environment:

  1. When prescribing medication for children from three years of age for preventive purposes, doctors adhere to a certain scheme. During the first two days, the child needs to drink one tablet a day, then skip five days and repeat the course again.
  2. Children from six years old take the drug in the same way.

It should be borne in mind that according to data provided by WHO specialists, the effectiveness and safety of antiviral agents have not yet been confirmed in clinical trials. In many countries of the world, such drugs are not used in therapeutic practice and are not even sold in pharmacies. In our country, the safety of antiviral medicines is confirmed by special regulatory authorities, and all drugs in this group are tested.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Take Kagocel not all children. Like any other antiviral drug, it has a list of contraindications, including:

  • age up to three years;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition - the active substance, lactose (with the inability to digest milk sugar), emulsifiers and sweeteners;
  • a history of diabetes.

Kagocel is able to provoke an allergy in the form of a rash, itchy dermatoses and urticaria. If there are inflammatory reactions on the skin of a child, the drug should be discontinued and consult an allergist.

Since the drug is relatively “young”, it has not been fully studied, and therefore it should be used with caution in the use of complex therapy for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children:

  1. It is advisable not to use Kagocel for the treatment of boys, as, according to some scientists, the active substance is able to suppress spermatogenesis and can lead to infertility.
  2. There were no special studies that could reveal the effect of the drug on the central nervous system, therefore, if the child has concomitant neuropsychic diseases, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition.
  3. Although the drug is sold without a prescription, you can not self-medicate and use it without the supervision of a specialist.

When taking Kagocel, a number of side effects may occur:

  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • migraine;
  • heart palpitations;
  • digestive upset.

If the recommended doses are exceeded, the child may experience unpleasant and dangerous reactions of the body:

  • muscle weakness and cephalalgia;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting
  • increase in body temperature.

When these symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance. Before the brigade arrives, give the child more fluid. If severe vomiting occurs, use Regidron to prevent dehydration.

The instructions for Kagocel indicate that the drug effectively interacts with other antiviral medications. However, unlike them, it does not contain interferons in the composition, but gives an impetus to their products in the body, therefore it is successfully used in combination with such drugs.

Analogs of the drug Kagocel

The exact analogs of Kagocel in terms of the active substance and the mechanism of work have not yet been produced. However, in some cases, the drug can be completely replaced with other drugs with antiviral activity:

  1. Doctors call children's Arbidol of Russian manufacture more universal, the list of its indications for use is extensive, but the remedy must be taken urgently when the first signs of the disease appear.
  2. Syrup Algirim, the active substance of which is rimantadine, is used in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children older than one year.
  3. Tamiflu for children is a powerful Swiss antiviral drug used in the treatment of viral infections in children older than one year, but having a number of unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache.
  4. Cycloferon is a well-known immunostimulating drug suitable for the treatment of a large number of diseases of not only viral nature. It is used in therapy in children older than four years.

If during the treatment process, or before it begins, it becomes necessary to replace Kagocel with a similar drug, you need to consult a pediatrician who will select the medicine taking into account the specifics of the viral disease, individual characteristics of the child’s health and allergic history.