If you want to please the family and guests not only with a tasty, but also with a beautiful dish, you should cook the zucchini baked in the oven, stuffed with minced meat. This treat looks very impressive on the festive table. In addition, it turns out surprisingly satisfying and juicy.

Oven baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat - a simple recipe

Ingredients: 3 large zucchini, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat mayonnaise, large onion, a kilo of mixed forcemeat (pork with beef), 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ketchup without additives, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream, granulated garlic, fine salt.


  1. Zucchini wash well and cut into low glasses - about a matchbox. The core of them goes in such a way that the bottom remains.
  2. Chopped onion and extracted pulp.
  3. Stuffing is fried until golden. Vegetables from the second step are added to the finished meat. The mass is salted, sprinkled with garlic.
  4. Sour cream and ketchup are added to the filling for “cups”. The blanks are filled with the resulting mass.
  5. Stuffed zucchini are exposed on an oiled baking sheet.
  6. On each "glass" laid out a little mayonnaise.

The dish is baked for about half an hour in a well-heated oven.

How to cook "Boats" from zucchini?

Ingredients: 430 g of minced meat, 3 zucchini, 130 g of cheese and fatty mayonnaise, sweet Bulgarian pepper, onion, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Young zucchini are not peeled. The vegetables are cut in half, and a pulp is selected from them with a teaspoon. The boats leave fairly thick walls - about 1 cm.
  2. Minced meat is fried in oil. Salted, peppered.Slices of sweet pepper and onion, minced through a meat grinder, are added to it. Together, the ingredients languish on the fire for 5-6 minutes.
  3. The filling is laid out in the resulting "boat". Top blanks are sprinkled with chopped cheese, greased with mayonnaise.

Stuffed zucchini-boats are being prepared for a little less than half an hour in a well-heated oven.

Zucchini casserole with minced meat and tomatoes

Ingredients: 1.2-1.4 kg of zucchini, a pound of ground beef, 2 onions, 8 large meaty tomatoes, 140 g of hard cheese and the same amount of sour cream, 4 tablespoons, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste, a bunch of greens from dill and parsley, salt, a mixture of colored ground peppers.

  1. The onion is peeled, washed, finely cut with a sharp knife. This vegetable must be thoroughly fried in vegetable oil until a delicious golden hue.
  2. When the onion is already completely ready, meat is laid out for it. The mass is salted, sprinkled with ground peppers. Together, the ingredients are left on fire until the minced meat changes color.
  3. It remains to add tomato paste to the contents of the pan. It must first be diluted with a small amount of water.
  4. Zucchini peeled. Young vegetables can be left with skin. These products are rubbed on a fine grater, add. After a few minutes, they squeeze out excess juice with their hands.
  5. Tomatoes are cut into thin circles. Greens and cheese are chopped in any convenient way.
  6. Raw eggs stick and beat. Sour cream is added to the mass.
  7. On an oiled baking sheet, half of the squash mass is laid out. The contents of the pan with minced meat and pasta are distributed on top.
  8. The casserole is closed with the remaining zucchini. On top of it, circles of tomatoes are laid out, the egg mixture is poured and crushed cheese is poured out.

Baked for 40-45 minutes in a hot oven.

With vegetables and cheese

Ingredients: a pound of minced chicken, large zucchini, carrots, onions, tomatoes, salt, aromatic herbs, mayonnaise.

  1. Zucchini is washed, cleaned, and then cut into rings. The optimal thickness of such blanks can be chosen to your liking. The middle of each ring is carefully cleaned. It can be left on squash pancakes.
  2. Chopped onions are fried until golden brown. Grated carrot goes to the vegetable. Together they cook until soft.
  3. Vegetable rings are laid out on oiled baking paper. Inside the workpieces, the filling from roasting and minced meat is laid out. The main thing is not to forget to salt it and sprinkle with fragrant herbs.
  4. Slices of tomatoes rings from zucchini are covered like lids.
  5. Top blanks are greased with mayonnaise.

If desired, the rings can be sprinkled with plenty of grated cheese. They are baked for a little less than an hour in a very hot oven.

Zucchini stuffed zucchini

Ingredients: large zucchini, 330 g of any minced meat, a slice of hard cheese, ¼ glass of white rice, large tomato, half a glass of fat milk, 2 chicken eggs, fine salt, Italian herbs.

  1. The first thing you need to do is zucchini. It is washed, cut into circles of medium thickness. Each workpiece gets rid of the soft center.
  2. The circles are seasoned to taste and fried in hot oil on both sides. If you want to reduce the calorie content of a dish, then this stage can be excluded and use raw billets.
  3. Groats are cooked. When it is almost ready, the rice is mixed with minced meat. The mass is sprinkled with salt and Italian herbs. Pieces of tomato without skin are also added to the filling. If there are no tomatoes at hand, you can replace them with tomato paste.
  4. Zucchini rings are laid out on the bottom of the form. Their center is densely filled with meat filling.
  5. For an omelet, beat eggs with milk. The mixture also salts. She poured vegetable preparations for meat filling. Topped grated cheese to taste.

Bake in a hot oven for about half an hour.

With minced chicken

Ingredients: 360 g minced chicken, fatty mayonnaise, 2 tomatoes, onion, 2 zucchini, 3-5 cloves of garlic, coarse carrots, 80 g cheese, fine salt, dried herbs.

  1. Tomatoes wash and get rid of the skin. Then they are cut into cubes, combined with carrots, onions and garlic, chopped in a convenient way.
  2. Together, all the ingredients are fried in preheated fat for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Then, minced meat is sent to the listed products. The contents of the pan are stewed for about 20 minutes. You can immediately add spices and fine salt to the mass.
  4. Zucchini is washed, cleaned and cut in circles. A core is removed from each preform so that a bottom is left.
  5. Inside the circles, the filling of minced meat and vegetables is laid out. Top blanks are smeared with mayonnaise. You can choose any other sauce.

The dish is baked for about 25 minutes.

Ovens stuffed with mushrooms in the oven

Ingredients: small young zucchini, 220-320 g of mushrooms, onion, small carrot, 85 g of hard cheese, mayonnaise, small salt, 2 pinches of ground black pepper.

  1. Zucchini is cut into two parts, a teaspoon gently gets rid of the middle. The resulting “boats” are boiled in salt water for a couple of minutes.
  2. Mushrooms are finely chopped and fried until tender with carrots and onions. The mass is salted and peppered.
  3. The filling is laid out in boats. Top blanks are covered with mayonnaise and generously sprinkled with chopped cheese.

The dish is baked for about half an hour in a preheated oven.