Symbols that come to us in a dream warn of future joys and troubles. They help predict events and choose the right line of behavior. It is not easy to figure out why gold jewelry is dreamed of, because depending on the dream’s details, the dreamer's feelings and the real circumstances of his life, the interpretation will be different. Sometimes such a dream portends joy and change for the better, but in some cases it indicates an unfavorable future.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Authoritative dream books interpret gold and jewelry appearing in dreams almost unambiguously - this is wealth, strength, success.

However, special attention should be paid to seemingly insignificant details of sleep:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. Gold is a sign of a person’s success, all his projects and ideas. It is impossible to postpone the implementation of one's ideas “for later”. Take on the job right now, and get the best result - a big profit, the joy of the process of bringing to life an interesting thing. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, then it promises the appearance of a wealthy contender for her hand and heart. However, do not be prematurely happy, because this is a difficult person, he can be stingy and jealous. Therefore, it is worth looking at it first, and not recklessly agree to the proposal. Gold has a great charm, but yielding to the promises of a beautiful life, a girl can lose what you cannot buy for any money - freedom and dignity.
  2. Dream book of Loff.In his interpretation, dreaming gold and jewelry also symbolize wealth, but not only. It is also the purity of intentions, feelings, movements of the soul. If gold was bought in a dream, it means that a person likes to show his worth to other people, to demonstrate the power of his own nature or his position in society. Unfortunately, such a quality does not paint a person at all. Therefore, people feel discomfort next to him. Friends are becoming less and less envious - more. When a person is presented with a headdress made of gold in a dream - it can be a helmet or a crown - he will gain power. But how he uses it depends only on the dreamer himself. At the same time, one should not violate the dignity of other people, be greedy, use illegal methods of enrichment. Since, as was given, it will be taken away.
  3. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. When dreaming of gold and beautiful sparkling products from it - it’s a snag. To admire the gold jewelry, to hold it in hands, to touch, means to miss your chance. To receive gifts from precious metal in a dream is to be deceived by people who are nearby. If a person breaks and swallows pieces of gold in a dream, it means that he shows selfish interests in relation to someone from relatives or friends. In this case, it is worth restraining your feelings and abandoning such plans, since there are things in this world that are much more valuable than any gold.

A lot of gold jewelry

Is there a lot of gold jewelry with precious stones that shimmer so beautifully in the light? This is only a dream of wealth, prosperity, beautiful life. Now for the dreamer, this is the main thing in life - to get as much material wealth as possible. However, in what ways? This is the most pressing issue.

Having forgotten, a person can offend many people around him. To take away from some, to rob others, to deceive the third ... Is this the way that will lead to joy in life? The dreamer will constantly be afraid that someone too will deceive him or that something will be taken from him, stolen.

Therefore, the path to prosperity must be chosen one that will benefit others around. Only then will life become truly abundant. Indeed, the gratitude of other people costs much more than gold.

Steal jewelry

Had to steal gold and jewelry in a dream? So in the near future the dreamer will do something bad. About this he will subsequently greatly regret.

However, sleep has many details, and here's how to interpret them:

  1. The dreamer stole a beautiful golden ring. Subconsciously, he is tormented by the fact that he is trying to deceive a loved one, a native, one might say. Maybe it's worth telling the truth before everything has gone too far?
  2. When the dreamer was a woman, and she robbed her friend in a dream, she took her golden ring. It is worth considering how disgusting this woman wants to do in relation to her friends or relatives. Most likely, you should not do this - as if repenting later did not have to be too painful.
  3. To steal a beautiful golden bracelet from a stranger or in an unfamiliar place is a big win in gambling. However, it will not be possible to spend this money profitably, since it will bring only blackness and negativity. It’s not worth even thinking about a casino now.
  4. Stealing a gold chain - in reality, the dreamer will perform an ugly act, which will be the last "little stone", which will cause a whole collapse of problems. They will fall upon him like an avalanche.
  5. The dreamer robbed a jewelry store - these are problems at work, conflicts with superiors, unpleasant conversations with colleagues.
  6. In a dream, they saw someone stole gold jewelry? If the dream was accompanied by unpleasant emotions, then comments in the near future from the bosses at work will follow. We can even talk about the dreamer's insolvency, the inconsistency of the position.
  7. Gold was stolen from the dreamer himself - to miss the magnificent, simply brilliant opportunities that opened before him. If you can still return this chance, then you should act very quickly and decisively.

More dream books:what is the dream of the cake

What do the rings, earrings, chain mean?

Various gold jewelry appearing in a dream give its interpretation its shades of meaning:

  1. New gold earrings - good news, pleasant, giving joy and hope.
  2. Old, dull, broken gold earrings - bad news, will not bring anything good.
  3. Wedding ring - wedding, feast. It does not matter whether the dreamer himself marries or one of his relatives, acquaintances, friends. Get ready for the wedding party.
  4. Beautiful rings with precious stones - soon a person will appear in life who will become indifferent to the dreamer. His heart will tremble, a new love will enter into life.
  5. A beautiful, thick gold chain - a strong, strong connection with a loved one.
  6. Thin or torn gold chain - relations with the second half become more problematic. Most likely, treason threatens.
  7. Collect gold jewelry in a dream from the floor - to find new opportunities, connections that will ultimately lead to the implementation of their own ideas.

It is also important under what circumstances a person dreamed of jewelry. To look at them in the window of a jewelry store, under glass, means living in dreams and dreams. Fantasies are good when something substantial is born out of them, an idea that will bring a lot of good. However, constantly hovering in the clouds, missing real life opportunities, is unacceptable. The universe is waiting for actions, decisions, actions to help fulfill dreams.

Buy gold in a dream

I dreamed that you were buying gold jewelry - in reality this means a troublesome business that will not bring any benefit.

If a girl bought a ring in her dream, then in the near future someone will make her the most interesting offer in life.

Buy a lot of gold jewelry - alas, this is a manifestation of the most base feelings. Greed, greed, desire to get something profitable in an unrighteous way. It is worth considering what kind of signal the subconscious sends to the dreamer, because money, material well-being is not the most important thing. In the pursuit of despicable metal, you can miss love, a good attitude from loved ones, lose friends.

To give or accept a gift

  • When a woman dreams that she received a wonderful golden jewelry as a present, then she will find real happiness. Very soon, the wonderful event that she had been waiting for her whole life to take place.
  • A man is presented with a gold jewelry in a dream to profit, success in business.
  • When a familiar person gives a golden gift, it means that in real life he treats the dreamer very well.
  • If in a dream it is not clear from whom exactly the sleeping person receives gifts in the form of many gold jewelry, this means that a powerful patron will appear in life. He will help to cope with any troubles, get a good position or build a profitable business.

To give a gold jewelry to a person you know in a dream - to bestow it in reality with your love and good attitude.

I dreamed of giving gold to a stranger, which means someone will try to cheat. Take care of your wallet and spiritual secrets. Do not tell anyone what is going on in your heart. There are ill-wishers who can use this information for their very ignoble purposes.

Find Gold Jewelry

Are you dreaming that you accidentally found beautiful gold jewelry, jewelry? This is wonderful, because Mrs. Fortuna right now took the dreamer under her wing. A dream bodes good luck in the financial sector. It doesn't matter what it will be - an unexpected inheritance, a bargain, a big bonus at work or a happy lottery ticket. The main thing is to wait for cash receipts.

In a dream, they dug up a treasure, and there - sparkling jewels, gold bullions, jewelry? The dreamer will receive a new position, will seriously advance on the career ladder. Accordingly, the salary will increase.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream and hear the chime of chains and pendants is a very good sign. A person will receive very important financial plan information that will help increase their well-being.

Found gold jewelry sometimes indicate not only material wealth. This is a symbol of new profitable business relationships and acquaintances, which will ultimately lead to success.

Depending on the dreamer's gender

A dream in which gold and precious stones appear can be interpreted depending on the dreamer's gender.


  1. Gold earrings on a stranger - you have to take care of the well-being of a loved one.
  2. Gold earrings on a beloved woman - she has a fan who is also trying to care for her. But how does the woman herself feel about him?
  3. A lot of gold jewelry in handfuls - a big profit in the business, a good reward at work for work and perseverance.
  4. Hold one earring in your hand - missed opportunities.


  1. A pregnant woman in the early stages dreams of gold earrings - there will be a boy.
  2. The young girl dreams of gold earrings - serious changes in life, a change of work, place of residence, new perspectives.
  3. The girl dreamed that she wears heavy gold earrings - sadness, negativity, sad events that will cause very strong emotions.
  4. Gold earrings on another woman - the beloved may be cheating.

It should be recalled that a dream is just a clue. He helps to understand himself, to cope with the real situation, having outlined the right line of behavior. And most importantly, do not forget that not all the gold that glitters. And especially in a dream.