Many relate to dreams with a share of obvious skepticism, and someone gives them a special, deep meaning. And so it has been for centuries. In particular, people are wondering what the dead relatives dream about and how it might be familiar.

Dream Interpretation: what a dead relative dreams of

Interpretations of dream books about why relatives who have already died dream about.

So, different dream books interpret this dream as follows:

  • Miller's dream book advises to be careful in the near future. Perhaps the danger lies in some new undertaking, which you are passionate about right now. If an event is planned, then weigh the pros and cons before proceeding.
  • If a dead brother appeared in a dream, then very soon you will have to help someone close to you. Do not ignore the requests of relatives and friends.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that the arrival of the deceased in a dream is a good sign, which means protection from impending evil.
  • In the Newest Dream Book, the arrival of a dead relative means the beginning of a period of cardinal life changes. They will not pass without a trace, but will be for the better.

Dreamed of a dead relative alive

When deceased relatives dream of being alive, then this sign is regarded quite contradictory.

Let us turn to popular interpretations:

  • According to Longo, a living relative in a dream who has already died in reality, means cardinal changes that will happen very soon. Moreover, the impending events will be far from joyful and positive. Do not ignore this sign and exercise extreme caution.However, this dream is also a message that distant relatives are looking for a dreamer.
  • Dreamed of a grandmother who had long been dead? This dream is a kind of warning and, perhaps, it contains wise advice. Try to remember the details of the dream and draw a lesson from them.
  • A deceased grandfather in a dream will also be a clue regarding your surroundings. Take a look at whether there are vile gossipers and traitors among your loved ones who are always happy to discuss you behind your back and do a dirty trick. Pay attention to the mood of the grandfather: whether he was joyful or, conversely, angry and upset.
  • The deceased mother can warn of impending misfortune and illnesses of loved ones. Tip: reconsider your lifestyle. If your mother kissed you, then old grievances will be forgiven.

See a dead person in a coffin

A dream in which a dead person lies in a coffin can frighten and shock anyone. The coffin itself in dreams represents longing and fear. However, if you are carrying a coffin with a deceased, then you can rejoice - soon a sudden profit awaits you. If you had to knock together a coffin manually, get ready for promotion at work.

A dead man locked in a coffin, which you bury in the ground, means that you are trying hard to hide some secret from others and forget about it, but it doesn’t work out well. If, on the contrary, it was necessary to excavate, then soon something secret will become apparent. Be careful.

Talking with a deceased in a dream - meaning

Talking in a dream with a dead person means that you need to be careful in conversations with strangers. Be careful not to blurt out the excess, otherwise you risk anyway suffering from this.

  • A conversation with a deceased mother in a dream symbolizes the approach of a waking illness that will affect you or your loved ones.
  • If you had to speak with your deceased father, then expect problems in the business and financial sphere. Perhaps you have planned a bad deal, and a dream in this way warns that you need to abandon it.

If the deceased asks for help in a dream, then in no case do not refuse him! Otherwise, you can expect trouble. A deceased friend in a dream can give practical advice that needs to be heeded.

The funeral of a deceased person

The dream where you see the funeral of a long-dead person can be attributed to the number of positive. Usually this portends the end of the black band, the onset of light times and a spiritual upsurge.

However, it is worth recalling the details of the dream and take into account the fact of who it was necessary to bury:

  • The funeral of a deceased close relative is usually a dream of a change in weather. You can interpret such a dream as a symbol of good health or a successful situation, from which it will turn out to benefit.
  • If during the funeral a strong wind was blowing and it was snowing or raining, this could mean the approach of disease and failure.
  • A rich funeral, attended by many people, will boom in profits and career growth. However, if you carry the coffin, then problems may arise in love affairs.

Living relative

If you dream of a deceased relative who is alive in reality, then try to understand how you feel at that moment. For example, if you are a mother worried about your son, and it seems to you that he is dead, then try to let go of the situation and not be nervous. Most likely, this is only a negative fruit of the subconscious and imagination.

If the deceased relative is now alive from a dream, such a vision can mean a sharp change in some sphere and parting with the past.

Usually they are positive, but it depends on what degree of relationship exists between you and this person:

  • Father or uncle - the life of this relative will not change for the better.
  • Son or daughter - the child will finally grow up and become serious. Especially if he is in his youthful years.
  • The elder brother is marriage for a single and a divorce if the relative is already married.

Close relatives

If deceased close relatives come to you in a dream, then try to recall the specific details of the dream: what the deceased said, how he looked, how you had to interact, etc.

Let us turn in more detail to the interpretation of deceased close relatives in a dream:

  • A deceased mother who is alive, young and beautiful in a dream is a sign of happiness and quick successful changes.
  • A healthy and lively father in a dream is a harbinger of the support of higher powers and says that you can not be afraid of anything in the near future.
  • If you dreamed of dead grandparents, it means that you should listen to your intuition and pay attention to the signs from above.

The meaning of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender

It is also worth paying attention to the dreamer's gender and ways of interacting with a deceased relative in a dream:

  • To a young girl, the dead grandmother dreams of marriage soon and success in love affairs.
  • The deceased mother, who dreamed of a man, encourages you to pay attention to your surroundings. Kissing a mother in a dream - forgive all the insults and omissions that were between you during life.
  • If a woman dreams of a late grandfather who was dissatisfied with something or was completely angry, then soon you can expect health problems and a general decline, especially regarding his career.
  • A dream about a deceased loved one, regardless of the dreamer's gender, promises a meeting of new love. She will heal old mental wounds, especially if the deceased spouse in a dream was happy and was pleased.