Vivid and colorful dreams with plants cause only pleasant sensations, but only a few know what natural flowers dream of. This vision does not always have a positive interpretation, because it often depends on the color of the petals and the plant variety.
Material Content:
- 1 Interpretation of dream books
- 2 See flowers in pots, in the flowerbed
- 3 Had a bouquet of flowers
- 4 Giving or receiving flowers
- 5 The meaning of sleep depending on the variety of flowers
- 6 Why do I dream of fresh flowers for a man, a woman
- 7 To plant plants
- 8 One or many colors
- 9 What was the color of the petals in the dream?
Interpretation of dream books
Flowers in many dream books mean: life, feelings, the beginning of a new business.
In Freud's dream book, these plants act as new acquaintances, relationships, and sexual relations. According to the interpretation of this dream book, the girls this vision portends the imminent development of relations with a guy. Often after sleep, an offer to marry comes. If there were many plants, then she should try to establish a relationship.
Miller's dream book talks about flowers as a symbol of pleasure and joy. Only dried flowers and white plants are considered a bad sign. Women dream of a bouquet in a harbinger of a romantic date.
Wangi's dream interpretation interprets a dream as an opportunity to comprehend knowledge and the world. Presented plants in a dream portend unpleasant news of the death of a friend. Moreover, if the dreamer pricked with flowers, then this means that he is experiencing at the expense of treason.
See flowers in pots, in the flowerbed
Potted flowers often symbolize the dreamer's constriction in the manifestation of feelings. This closeness does not allow building relationships with people around.But if you dream about the process of planting flowers in a pot, then this dream prophesies ideal relationships in the family circle. The interpretation of vision depends in many respects on the dreamer's gender:
1. For girls, potted plants promise a huge number of suitors. But in the end, she will not marry. For women, such a dream prophesies a strong family hearth.
2. For men, plants planted in a pot dream about the harbinger of unexpected profits, which it is advisable to immediately invest in a new project.
Indoor plants are considered a good sign, which usually symbolizes only successful meetings and gifts. If you dream about watering them, then expect to be promoted and improve your material condition.
When flowers are dreamed on a flower bed, then this means that you should not often worry about nothing. Usually the flowers in the garden dream only for joyful adventures and the pleasure of life. After a vision, a person may make new acquaintances, who will later become good friends. You should also pay attention to the condition of the flowerbed. If the plants on the flowerbed are dried and wilted, then the person needs to urgently change his outlook on life and reconsider his relations with people. When they just begin to blossom, then this is a sign that the person is on the right track and he needs to continue his work. Moreover, if you had to stomp plants in a dream, then the dreamer will have to ask the help of friends who can finish your business.
Had a bouquet of flowers
A bouquet has long been considered a symbol of harmony and beauty. Wangi's dream interpretation interprets the bouquet as a sign that it is time for the dreamer to take a break from the routine.
According to Wanga’s dream book, such a dream promises a breakup and sadness. According to the psychological dream book, a bouquet in a dream symbolizes inheritance. The larger and brighter it will be, the more valuable the inheritance will be. To give an accurate interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to take into account all the points:
1. To see a huge bouquet in a dream sometimes means false news. Sometimes he may portend new acquaintances.
2. Holding a bouquet - joy, success, fulfillment of dreams.
3. The dream in which you yourself make a bouquet promises the well-being of family ties, as well as joy and success.
Giving or receiving flowers
The dream in which you receive flowers as a gift portends you with ardent love and new relationships in the future. At the same time, there will be many fans, because of which it will be difficult for you to make a choice. Flowers as a gift dream in the harbinger of a surprise from the second half. If you received a bouquet of roses, then do not doubt love. If the bouquet consists of a large number of flowers, then prepare for an unexpected offer of a hand. If you experienced joy during receiving the bouquet, then a dream confirms the true intentions of your companion and his faithfulness.
If you had to give flowers in a dream, then the dream portends small losses of a financial nature. This gift may signal an overly open person. Also important is the dreamer's gender:
1. When a woman gives a man a flower, then the dream suggests that the development of relationships will depend only on her.
2. If a man gives a bouquet, then there is a risk of treason on his part. Due to the fact that he subconsciously feels guilty, the dreamer tries to smooth out his guilt in this way.
In addition to the negative interpretation, there is another version of the interpretation of sleep: to give a bouquet of flowers in a dream means showing sympathy for a person. Therefore, to interpret the vision definitely will not work.
The meaning of sleep depending on the variety of flowers
Depending on the type of flower, a dream can be interpreted in different ways:
1. Living roses in a dream portend joyful events. She is considered a sign of longevity and happiness.
2. A dream with daisies promises the dreamer a warm evening with his family. At the same time, a wreath with daisies portends genuine love.Also, after sleeping with these plants, expect small joyful events.
3. Chrysanthemums in a dream are considered a manifestation of pride, because of which relations with the other half can seriously deteriorate.
4. Peonies symbolize the employment of a person. The dream with peonies also portends new intimate relationships that will not lead to anything good. Pink peonies portend love. Scarlet flowers in a dream promise fatigue from impossible work.
5. A dream in which lilacs were sniffed portends erotic adventures. In this case, do not forget about the feelings of the opposite sex.
6. Violets dream of a harbinger of trouble. For women, the dream holds promise from the male side. If you were given violets in a dream, then a conflict may soon arise. A wreath of violets prophesies fidelity and a strong relationship.
7. Tulips in dreams mean pleasure in the relationship between a man and a woman. According to Freud's dream book, a dream with tulips is a dream in the harbinger of a date.
8. A vision with an orchid prophesies unexpected surprises. In addition, sleep portends small difficulties in the business sphere.
Why do I dream of fresh flowers for a man, a woman
For men, fresh flowers dream of a small gift or friendship. Plants in the flowerbed symbolize acquaintance with a beautiful girl. If in a dream a man tore flowers, then this indicates his serious intentions for a woman. A dream with flowers is a dream before a romantic date. A vision with a clearing of flowers for men suggests that he needs to be wary of the flattery of others. When in a dream a man buys roses for a girl, then a dream promises to conclude marriage ties with her.
According to many dream books, fresh flowers for women portend increased attention of fans. A dream with roses is dreamed before a marriage proposal. The dream in which a woman sees plants in the garden promises the pleasure of a romantic date. For pregnant girls, a dream with flowers portends a premature birth.
To plant plants
When in dreams we saw how flowers were planted in the ground, then the dream portends quite profitable projects that will give a chance to realize oneself as a successful leader. At the same time, any business undertakings will bring profit. Therefore, do not hesitate in drafting the contract.
From the point of view of the love sphere, such a vision prophesies pure and unearthly love. For women, sleep predicts a successful solution to problems in intimate life.
The interpretation of sleep with a transplant, the plant advises the dreamer to be attentive to the feelings of loved ones, as he may in the future act ugly in relation to others.
Planting flowers on their own plot in a dream suggests that the dreamer will soon perform a very noble act.
One or many colors
When interpreting a dream, it was necessary to take into account one flower, or there were many:
1. One flower always dreams of joyful events.
A living plant in a dream embody human life. Therefore, any actions with flowers should be taken as an embodiment of the dreamer's life path. A planted flower portends the beginning of a new stage. A torn plant in a dream promises the emergence of new friendships. For girls, this vision predicts a sweet kiss from her chosen one.
2. Many flowers in a dream is auspicious sign.
If the plants were bright enough in color, then they predict joy and happiness to a person. A dream with a whole glade of flowers is always a dream in the name of a successful conclusion of a contract or the beginning of one's own business. Women dream of an armful of flowers before the courtship of fans.
What was the color of the petals in the dream?
Important when drawing up a dream interpretation is the color of the petals:
1. Plants with white petals in a dream promise a happy combination of circumstances, during which the dreamer will be able to establish relationships with people around him.
2. Yellow flowers can predict the successful elimination of small business difficulties. Lovers plant of this color portends separation.
3.Red flowers in a dream symbolize love and passion. In addition, the dream promises pleasure and a strong financial condition.
4. Blue flowers are an unfavorable sign. The dream warns against treason and betrayal.
5. Plants with pink petals in a dream promise the dreamer harmony in relations with a loved one.
Flowers are often associated with pleasant memories and gifts. But often such dreams carry different information (both positive and negative). The meaning of dreams mainly depends on the color and condition of the plants.