Flowers in a dream have a great symbolic meaning, which is covered in detail on the pages of classical and modern dream books. Many are eager to find out what the roses are for, hoping that this means a change for the better. It's nice to see a fragrant queen of garden flowers in a dream, but what after this dream expects in real life?

Dream Interpretation: what are roses for?

The rose is called the queen of the garden, and in a dream she is the most common, memorable flower. Many people associate its beauty and wonderful aroma with the most exalted feelings. However, one should not forget that the popular flower has thorns, and after separation from the mother bush, the bud does not live long.

Miller's interpretation of sleep:

  • If in a dream a person sees fresh blooming roses, then in reality they will experience pleasant events, for example, true love, words of admiration.
  • A young woman who sees herself in a dream cutting a rose from a bush in a garden should prepare to receive a marriage proposal from her beloved.
  • Watching unopened buds means that material wealth will be strengthened in the future.
  • Withered flowers indicate the absence of romantic experiences in the dreamer's life.
  • The bright color of the petals promises joy and successful acquisitions.
  • Dried flowers - to disappointment and loss in life.

According to the interpretation of the symbol in Miss Hasse's dream book, blooming roses mean happiness, joy, and to receive them is to true love. Cut it off to matrimony. Seeing large spikes on the bushes is a nuisance and terrible events.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the petals, their freshness, the presence of dew, as well as the events taking place around the symbol.

A person who takes a rose in a dream may in reality feel lack of attention from his surroundings.If the flower opens, then such a dream will be followed by a favorable development of affairs, an improvement in the financial situation.

See in a dream a bouquet of flowers

In reality, bouquets are presented to loved ones, relatives and friends on their birthday, anniversary, with or without. The once popular language of flowers is almost forgotten, although many still try to see the secret meaning in the presented flower compositions.

According to Miller, a beautiful bouquet of different flowers in a dream is for a fun party. But a wilted bouquet symbolizes illness and death, not necessarily a dreamer, but perhaps someone from his family or friends.

Interpretation of sleep in a modern dream book:

  • luxurious bouquet of roses - personal happiness, joy, romance.
  • white roses in a bouquet - a symbol of love, attractive offer, generosity;
  • pink - mutual love and tenderness, pleasant events;
  • buy a bouquet - for profit, a gift;
  • withered bouquet, faded flowers - cooling in love.

Interpretation of the symbol of sleep according to E. Tsvetkov:

  • having seen in a dream one bouquet, one should expect a pleasant acquaintance in reality;
  • receive as a gift - constancy in love relationships;
  • but to see many bouquets is sadness.

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, a pink bouquet dreams of happiness in love.

Red, white, pink, black, yellow roses

The outstanding psychologist and philosopher C. Jung wrote that a rose in a dream symbolizes a holistic perception of the world. The contemplation of this flower gives great joy, causes a feeling of admiration. The color of the petals is important in the interpretation of sleep.

The following interpretations of the symbol are possible:

  • The white rose is shy, pure, innocent, platonic love.
  • Pink - love in youth, full of hope and enthusiasm.
  • Yellow - jealousy, passion, hidden behind external indifference, perhaps reverie, isolation from reality.
  • Red is passionate, sensual, “earthly” love.
  • Blue - rationality, melancholy, detachment, anxiety.
  • Black - dying feelings, loss, fear.

In Miss Hasset's dream book, the color of a rose has the following meanings: white is a good choice, yellow is treason.

As the gypsy dream book indicates, roses are seen in a dream fortunately. If you dream of a flower with white petals, it symbolizes innocence, with pink - health and joy, red roses - sexual satisfaction.

Dreamed of flowers in a garden, in a vase or pot

In many religions, beautiful places are described as "paradise", where carpets of wonderful, delightful plants extend. The famous psychologist G. Miller in the world bestseller “Interpretations of 10,000 Dreams” explains that any flowering bushes in a dream are associated with the approach of favorable events.

Possible interpretations of a dream:

  • The seer Vanga believed that a dream of a wonderful garden full of beautiful flowers portends an unexpected romantic meeting in reality.
  • To plant flowers in the garden in a dream is a noble and wise act.
  • To see trampled flower beds - one should expect the intrigue of enemies, the concealment of important information.
  • To receive a room flower in a pot in a dream as a gift - in reality, learn about the death of a person.
  • To see dried roses in the garden - to unpleasant events, failures, diseases.
  • The dreamer who received the flower wreath should be ready for an argument in real life, the emergence of feelings of guilt or hostility.

Withered roses

Such a dream most often symbolizes deception, danger, illness and grief in real life. The most unpleasant events promise a faded white rose in a dream. Destruction of buds by larvae also means trouble.

If a person in a dream observes a withering flower, then in reality he will regret the missed chance to improve his life. Such a dream can mean the approach of unexpected changes, the end of one period in life and the beginning of another.

Buds, petals, rose bushes

To see incompletely blossomed flowers in a dream - to plan your future in reality. It also promises prosperity, building a strong family.Buds can symbolize the birth of new ideas or relationships, the entry into the next phase of one’s life. A budding rose bush in a dream portends material prosperity, but buds that dry on branches promise problems.

Rose petals in a dream suggest that even grains of happiness should be rejoiced. You will have to work hard to achieve success, build prosperity and get the long-awaited result.

Interpretation of sleep, depending on the dreamer's gender

The famous psychiatrist Z. Freud believed that roses and other flowers are the embodiment of femininity. The spikes on the stems symbolize the male reproductive organ. Therefore, a dream in which a woman sees a rose may mean entering into an intimate relationship in reality.

  • A bouquet of roses, dreamed of by a girl, portends a dreamer an increased interest in her from men.
  • Cut beautiful roses in a dream - soon marry your beloved.
  • According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, to see flower beds for a woman means hope for personal happiness, and a flower in a pot - to an unexpected acquisition.

For a man, a flower in a dream symbolizes a woman. If its petals dry and fall, then sexual relations will not continue.

As the many years of experience in interpreting dreams suggests, roses are almost always considered a favorable symbol. It is important to remember as many details of night dreams and your feelings from what you saw as possible in order to correctly interpret the dream.