Such vegetables symbolize the position of a person in society, his material well-being. To understand what a woman dreams of tomatoes, various modern dream books will help. For example, the work of Miller or Tsvetkov.
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Dream Interpretation: why do women dream tomatoes?
A lot is said about tomatoes in the Women's Dream Book. In this interpreter, vegetables are considered the harbingers of a successful marriage for a woman. Soon she will meet a man with whom she can safely bind her fate.
In Miller’s dream book it is noted: to eat tomatoes in his dream is for a speedy recovery. Even if the condition of the dreamer in reality is very difficult, after such a dream her health will improve significantly.
In the Ukrainian dream book, tomatoes are not the best sign. They suggest that the representative of the fair sex in reality will have to be ashamed of someone and blush. Perhaps for the ugly deeds of the second half or the next of kin.
Tsvetkov explains that large red ripe tomatoes symbolize a secret feeling. Surely the woman has a sympathy for some representative of the opposite sex, but she carefully hides it from others.
Dreamed ripe red or green tomatoes
The interpretation of sleep also depends on the color of vegetables seen in the night dreams.
Well, if the sleeping girl managed to remember such a detail in the morning:
- Green tomatoes suggest that some event in reality will completely depend on the opinion of the girl. But at the time of the decision, she will be overcome by doubts and awkwardness. We must carefully weigh the pros and cons.
- If you dreamed about red tomatoes of a very large size, then the woman has a positive attitude towards her own life. Perfectly smooth beautiful ripe vegetable portends the imminent fulfillment of a cherished desire in reality.
Tomatoes in the garden, in the bank
If the girl herself processes the beds with tomatoes, then in reality completely strangers will discuss her personal life. In order not to provoke others to such behavior, you need to openly talk about yourself as little as possible.
Just admire the tomatoes in the garden - the need to spend time with family in the family circle. The dreamer missed her relatives very much and dreams of a sincere fun day off next to them.
If in a dream tomatoes are in a jar, then joyful changes can pass by the fair sex. The reason for this will be her conservatism and unwillingness to at least something in my life.
Harvest in a dream
It happens that a girl has to pick tomatoes in a dream. If at the same time she experiences only positive emotions, then in real life the representative of the fair sex really enjoys the relationship with her soulmate. Envious people will not be able to interfere with her personal happiness.
Did the dreamer herself collect a lot of vegetables growing on tall bushes? Such a plot of night dreams promises her the end of a difficult life period and the successful completion of all piled up problems.
Well, if a long-married lady had to collect ripe tomatoes in a greenhouse in a dream. This means that between her and her husband passion will flare up again. The couple will be able to relive a pleasantly exciting candy-bouquet period.
Collect tomatoes on the field - to material well-being. The more difficult the sleeping process was, the larger will be its luck in reality.
Salted tomatoes
Salty tomatoes seen in a dream portend a woman to unexpected disagreements with others. At first glance, there will be no reason for this. If red tomatoes during salting were in the bank along with green ones, it means that the girl’s interests and views will not be approved by her relatives. She will have to painfully and nervously defend her own opinion and try to prove her case.
Black vegetables canned in glass jars are a negative sign. They promise unpleasant surprises that can truly shock the fair sex.
There are tomatoes in a dream - the meaning
For lonely young ladies, enjoy delicious tomatoes in their night dreams - a romantic meeting soon. The new man will stir up a whole storm of pleasant feelings and emotions in the girl.
It happens that in her dream the dreamer eats pickled tomatoes, but feels their sweetish taste. This means that in reality she will be able to wait for praise from the person whose opinion is very significant for her.
Had to eat a tomato salad with your beloved man? Surely the girl suspects her soul mate of insincerity. It is not necessary at all that there are grounds for her doubts about the fidelity of the young man.
Eating yellow tomatoes portends the girl an interesting long journey. The trip will be very successful and will allow the dreamer to get a lot of pleasant emotions.
Rotten tomatoes
If a girl eats rotten tomatoes and clearly feels their unpleasant taste, then she will have vision problems. You need to pay special attention to the health of your eyes.
Young lady trying to throw spoiled fruits out of her house? Numerous problems and failures will fall upon her. The difficult period will last quite a long time, deprive a woman of strength and peace of mind.
Many fruits
A large number of ripe tomatoes in the girl's room symbolize preparations for the wedding. If so far the girl has not received a marriage proposal, you can be sure that this will happen very soon.
Many tomatoes on the shelves in the store or in the market promise the fair sex the onset of a very successful life period.You need to try to get as many advantages as possible from him.
A whole mountain of salty vegetables suggests that soon the young lady will have to do something unusual and unusual for her. For example, radically change the scope of activity.
Cutting large tomatoes in a dream indicates that a woman has too many internal fears. She overly focuses her attention on them, which prevents her from living happily.