When figuring out what the funeral is about, you need to consider all the details that you can remember in the morning. For example, even the weather during the funeral service and the mood of those present are important. An accurate interpretation of any plot is published in modern dream books.
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Dream Interpretation: why dream of a funeral?
Miller recommends recalling the weather in a dream during the funeral procession. If the weather is sunny and clear, then fast positive life changes await the sleeping person. Also, a similar plot can promise an improvement in the health status of his close relatives. But overcast or even rainy weather is a bad harbinger. Such circumstances of sleep promise a person to receive sad news from his inner circle. In addition, bad weather is often a harbinger of problems in his personal life that will interfere with the success of the dreamer in other areas of life.
Vanga suggests that tears for a dead person in a dream are a good sign. He suggests that a person is internally cleansed. The troubles in reality will soon end, and there will come an easy favorable period. This interpretation is especially relevant if the sleeping person did not see the deceased and, on the whole, did not know who was being buried.
In Tsvetkov’s dream book plots are deciphered in which the dreamer himself participates in the funeral procession. If he simply walks after the coffin with a wreath in his hands, then the conventions and opinions of other people influence his life too much. You need to learn to listen exclusively to your own inner voice and realize your cherished desires, not paying attention to criticism from the outside.
To bury a dead person in a dream
If the funeral of a deceased person appears in the night vision, this portends troubles in family life or love relationships. Even a quick divorce is possible, in which the dreamer himself will not be to blame. The desire to leave will come from the second half.
It happens that a requiem for a long-dead person is dreamed by a man or woman as an important sign of the need to "go out into people." The sleeper rarely began to leave the house and refuses new friends. Thus, he can bring himself to serious depression. It is necessary to establish your own social life and start looking for new friends.
The funeral of a living person
The creepy dream with the funeral of a living waking person in fact always turns out to be a positive harbinger. He promises the hero of the plot good health.
If the sleeping man is buried alive in a dream, then soon he will be able to recover from a long-standing illness. Recovery will come very quickly.
Memorial service for a stranger
The dream of a stranger's funeral promises the end of the black stripe in life. In reality, you can expect success, prosperity and good luck in any undertakings.
If a friend is buried in a dream, you need to pay attention to what the funeral was like. A miserable beggarly procession means that in reality, the sleeping person will face material difficulties and large debts. But the magnificent memorials portend a spiritual upsurge and stability in financial matters.
Relative's funeral
If in a dream the funeral procession is dedicated to a close relative, it means that special attention should be paid to the interpretation of such a plot:
- Mom’s funeral in a dream usually turns out to be a harbinger of sudden and very serious problems. Cloudy weather during the burial process suggests that trouble will arise with work. To cope with them, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.
- The funeral of the father, who is alive in reality, suggests that the family is unhappy with some decisions and actions of the sleeping person. You need to analyze your own behavior and try to find errors in it. Do not immediately categorically reject the advice of family members. They can be very useful and true.
- Did you see your grandmother’s funeral in a dream? Such a plot is also a negative harbinger. Especially if during the funeral ceremony the ringing of the bell is clearly heard. This means that in real life a man or woman will receive news of a serious illness of a close relative.
- Grandfather's burial in a dream indicates that the dreamer is not comfortable feeling in reality. He lacks the attention of close friends and / or relatives. To solve the problem, you need to talk frankly about it with family and friends, or try to expand your own circle of friends.
- But the funeral of their own children in a dream is usually a good sign. The coffin of a son or daughter in night dreams indicates that in reality all adversities will remain in the past. Harmony will reign around the dreamer, and his heirs will be able to boast of excellent health for many years.
Why dream of your own funeral?
Own burial, as a rule, is a dream of health problems. You need to try to take action as soon as possible in order to protect yourself from possible diseases. The first thing is to give up bad habits and begin to lead a healthier lifestyle.
In the Miller's dream book, their own funeral, at which the funeral ringing sounds loudly, turn out to be a warning that soon a person will receive bad news. Wake up needs to be prepared for an unexpected and very unpleasant shock.
Crying in a dream at a funeral - meaning
Tears in a dream in most cases are a good sign, regardless of the plot details. If you had to sob at someone’s funeral, then the sleeping person will be able to part with the past, which weighed heavily on him. A favorable period will come to begin a new happy life.
If a person does not just cry in a dream during a burial, but also accepts condolences from those present, then he is expected to have a noisy and joyful holiday event in real life. On it, the dreamer will be in the spotlight. For example, for a girl, the described plot may portend her own cheerful lush wedding or an invitation to the celebration of close friends.