Often people dream of their pets, but they do not even suspect that such visions are a harbinger of pleasant events, or misfortunes. Dreams involving cats did not become an exception. These furry friends are not without reason appear in the kingdom of Morpheus, so it’s worthwhile to figure out what cats dream about.
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Interpretation of dreams in dream books
Cats are the most mysterious animals in terms of esotericism. Despite the fact that they cause only pleasant emotions, these creatures are directly related to mysticism, therefore they do not always prophesy only the good for the dreamer.
However, night dreams can have different meanings, which will depend on the plot, the color of the cat, as well as on the dreamer's gender.
All these criteria will affect the interpretation that can be found in various dream books:
- Small Velesov dream book considers a cat in a dream as the personification of a lying friend who is able to rob a person. Also, the dreamer should be careful, as a dream warns of danger on the road. An important point in obtaining an interpretation is the color of the animal. A black pet is dreaming on the eve of minor troubles, while a white cat indicates a thief nearby. When in a dream the sleeper beat the pet, the dream prophesies ingratitude. If the cat was aggressive, as well as scratching and biting the owner, the dream portends betrayal and betrayal of the spouse. A huge number of animals in dreams confirms the presence of crafty and vile people in the environment.
- In the dream book of Miss Hasse, the cat comes in a dream as evidence that the dreamer is deceived in real life. If the beast scratches and bites him, he will long endure such an attitude.In the case when the dreamer fed, looked after and caressed a furry friend, the dream portends ingratitude from close people. In this dream book, many cats signal unfaithful friends in the environment who pretend to use a person.
- The sorceress Medea is confident that a cat or cat in dreams dreams of instability and unpredictability. In addition, the cat personifies female intuition, but this applies only to women. Also, the cat may indicate a desire for sex. The black pet often acts as the dark forces that torment the dreamer. Moreover, if an animal bites a dream, then the vision indicates the possibility of suffering from slander. A beautiful and well-groomed cat often personifies a person of the opposite sex, who will seduce you.
- Miller believes that a pet vision signals impending failures in almost all areas of life. However, the dreamer will be able to turn away troubles from himself in the case when he can kill the animal. You can also avoid problems if a person in a dream drove away a pet. These four-legged entrepreneurs dream of entrepreneurs on the eve of hard work, such visions warn of increased competition.
Had a lot of cats
When many cats dreamed, the vision should be regarded as a harbinger of the fact that new people who like to dissolve gossip will appear in the environment of the sleeping person. Definitely a dream, where there was immediately an immeasurable number of cats, should be taken as advice to stay away from envious and enemies. Moreover, such people are potential enemies who will not miss the chance to do harm in every possible way. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of time spent with unpleasant people in order to avoid unpleasant incidents in the future.
Black, red, white, gray or tri-color cat
When interpreting night dreams, the color of the cat should be considered:
- Black cats always symbolize hidden enemies that are endowed with power and strength, because of which their actions usually lead to disastrous consequences. At the same time, the dreamer may not always be familiar with this person, so he is advised to be attentive to his surroundings.
- If red cats dream, the dreamer should look at the men, because such visions are associated with them. At the same time, such a representative of the stronger sex is a bright personality, he has an inherent hot temperament and cunning thoughts. In some cases, this person may be capable of vile deeds. Almost all dream books are inclined to believe that this man is deceiving a sleeping person, so he should be avoided.
- White cats in dreams usually talk about the danger that threatens the dreamer stealthily. Moreover, the sleeping person often does not even see a clear threat due to the fact that she is under tinsel. After seeing dreams, a person should be careful and alert, because the external brilliance of ordinary things hides a huge threat that will cause significant harm.
- The gray fluffy cat, although inconspicuous at first glance, however, in a dream he indicates the existence of an insidious person who is filled with anger and hatred. Such a person is like an energy vampire who will draw all his strength. In this case, it is better to be from meetings and communication with him, so that he could not harm.
- Dreams with a three-colored cat indicate the versatile nature of the dreamer. At the same time, one cannot speak of any one inherent feature, because its behavior is unpredictable and varies depending on the events taking place.
Talking animal in a dream
Dreams about how you talked with your cat can be a symbol of loneliness, as well as the need for love and communication with other people. On the other hand, a talking fluffy animal in visions warns that soon the peer may deceive the sleeping one. So you should not believe everything that they say, it is better to trust, but verify.In this case, the cat personifies a vile person, so if there were a lot of them in a dream, you should know that a group of people is trying to deceive you.
Why dream cats with kittens
Dreams about cats with kittens have several meanings. On the one hand, these cute creatures predict profit, on the other, a vision signals an acute lack of communication with people, so the dreamer feels himself to be a lonely and helpless person. In some cases, dreams predict a sleeping person a serious illness or minor problems.
Wounded, dying cat
There are separate groups of visions that make the dreamer worry once again.
These include dreams with wounded or dying cats:
- If you had a wounded cat that was covered in blood, the dream warns of health problems. It is possible that a chronic disease will be discovered that will cause a lot of trouble. In addition, sleep portends slight difficulties at work. This value of the vision often applies only to entrepreneurs, while ordinary workers dream of minor failures.
- To dream that a cat is dying in a dream means that an inveterate enemy will soon surrender and will leave your life forever. A dead animal symbolizes the internal struggle between honey between good and evil. Also, a dream indicates that the sleeper copes with bad character traits. The death of a cunning animal also indicates the onset of illness in one of the relatives.
What does a dream mean for a woman, a man
A dream cannot be interpreted equally for men and women, because gender directly affects the meaning of interpretation:
- When a man had a dream, a cat is the personification of an important person in his life, which can affect the fate of a dreamer. The vision of how a cat scratches a man’s face indicates the possibility of relations with insufficiently honest people.
- A woman has a dream about getting to know a man. In this case, the meeting will be the beginning of stormy experiences and confusion. In addition, if the cat turned out to be cute and fluffy in his sleep, this is a confirmation that loved ones and relatives love and respect her.
Cats dreamed during pregnancy
For women in a dream situation with cats, it is considered a favorable sign that all difficulties during pregnancy can be easily solved on their own. In addition, a woman who is expecting a baby can dream about kittens with a cat. In this case, the vision promises her an easy birth and tender care for her baby. Also, a dream indicates the approach of the cherished date of birth of the child. However, you need to remember whose kittens had a dream, because a dream is a harbinger of well-being only when the kittens belong to their cat mom.
Given that cats are always found in almost all mystical stories, they should not be underestimated. Visions with cats and little kittens are considered the most reliable harbingers of meanness and enmity. At the same time, it is important to take into account the appearance of a four-legged friend, because such a trifle as the color of the wool can extremely change the interpretation.