Mosquitoes are not too pleasant dream guests. Therefore, it may seem that they portend the sleeping man to exclusively negative. In fact, this is not always the case. More precisely, why mosquitoes dream, is described further.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Interestingly, the blood-sucking insects discussed (depending on the plot details) can symbolize, for example, ill-wishers, warn a person of unpleasant troubles, warn about a delay in business or that all efforts made to achieve the goal will be in vain.
Accurately understand what this or that plot of night vision means, information from various proven dream books will help:
- So, Freud in his work notes that mosquitoes symbolize the children of the sleeping person. Insects drink blood? Probably the heirs greatly irritate the person and cause him a lot of trouble, problems. If the sleeping person in the vision kills the mosquito, he should give the child more freedom and stop over-patronizing him.
- The family dreambook tells: mosquitoes promise the sleeping company of bores and unpleasant personalities. Communication with them will be a waste of time and will not lead to anything good. If possible, such a meeting should be avoided. The same plot is able to portend failure in business. Their cause will be the tricks of enemies and rivals.
- In the work of Miller it is noted: mosquitoes symbolize the enemies of a man or woman. Seeing them in a dream - to an imminent collision with ill-wishers in reality. Enemies will be very strong and cause a lot of problems to a person. But at the same time, one cannot engage in an open struggle with them. You need to act cunningly and unnoticed.
- In Wangi's dream book, only negative interpretations of night vision with mosquitoes are given.If the sleeping person is literally covered with insects sucking blood from head to toe, it means that in the near future he will face family problems. Most likely, these will be serious conflicts with loved ones.
A lot of information about mosquitoes can be found in other dream books. For example, in Loff, such insects symbolize unnecessary fuss, dependency, annoyance, envy, tactlessness. More accurately understand the meaning of the plot will allow its details.
Had a lot of mosquitoes
If you had a lot of mosquitoes dreamed of by a man or a woman, then to solve such a plot of night vision is quite simple. Insects stuck around the sleeping in a dream and bite? Sticks in wheels in reality are inserted by many envious people. It is they who prevent him from quickly achieving his goals. You should review your social circle as soon as possible and say goodbye to ill-wishers.
A single lady tells the same story that soon a very stubborn man will appear among her fans. He will do everything possible to achieve the favor of the dreamer.
Why dream bites
It is always unpleasant if mosquitoes bite in a dream. But such a plot has a very clear interpretation. It is only necessary to take into account some of its details. So, most often, a painful mosquito bite symbolizes the collapse of hopes and unjustified sadness, for which there is no reason.
Blood after a bite suggests that someone from close relatives will show a dangerous disease. A man will come for help and support to a sleeping person.
Large, small insects
If big mosquitoes dream, it is important to consider how much they were. A swarm of huge insects suggests that the sleeper is inferior to its competitor. Most likely, the reason for everything was inattention and excessive gullibility.
Small mosquitoes appeared in a dream? This means that a man or woman does not have a very good relationship with his superiors. A person suffers from constant nit-picking and unfair comments from the leadership.
Kill mosquitoes
Well, if a mosquito, who was trying to drink blood from a sleeping person, was eventually killed.
This means that with all the enemies that interfere with a person’s life in reality, it will be easy to cope. From their tricks the dreamer will not suffer at all. Is that spend a lot of time on the fight.
Hear the squeak in a dream
If only a peep of mosquitoes is heard in a dream, and the insects themselves are not visible, most likely in the near future a person will receive an invitation to visit. It happens that without looking, the sleeper slams the annoying visitor with one blow, and the sound stops. This is a clear sign that soon the dreamer will be able to overcome all the obstacles that arise and a truly happy life will begin for him.
Mosquitoes are guests of sleep who can portend cardinal changes or even warn about some serious problems or mistakes. Therefore, it is so important to correctly interpret the plot of night vision and draw competent conclusions from it.