The dreaming golden ring, as in reality, means a marriage proposal, an expression of feelings and affection. In some cases, this may symbolize promises or given obligations to other people. Why dream gold, engagement rings or with stone jewelry can be found in the material presented.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Expensive jewelry is a sign of greatness and wealth associated with power.
Depending on the details of the nightly scenes, this may mean:
- successful promotion of affairs;
- a good acquaintance that will grow into a strong marriage;
- beneficial ties, the emergence of a powerful patron.
It is bad if in a dream a gold ornament:
- lost;
- broken
- cracked.
Such dreams can portend separation, divorce, the loss of an important thing, a quarrel with a dear person.
The value is the location of the item - on which finger and hand, in a store window or somewhere else, is an ornament.
Miller's interpretation
A golden ring is ringing on a finger - a dream book predicts the realization of conceived plans, business success. Broken jewelry is interpreted in exactly the opposite way - they threaten with failures at work or marital infidelity.
Dream interpretation of clairvoyant Wang
The jewel, dressed on the finger by one of the spouses in a dream, testifies to fidelity and devotion, sincerity of feelings for the second half. To measure a ring in a store and not find a suitable one - this vision means that a woman in reality does not experience serious feelings and attachment to her chosen one.
Freud Value
A smooth ring without any patterns and stones is a symbol of the feminine.Presenting such an ornament means a desire to create a family. For a business lady, a donated ring with a stone portends a surprise from a partner.
Gold Wedding Jewelry
A ring on the ring finger, seen in a dream - you can wait for a marriage proposal, sometimes portends a new relationship, a love relationship. For those who are married, such a dream is very favorable, because for the spouses it promises a renewal of feelings and vivid impressions.
The meaning of sleep with a wedding ring:
- for a young unmarried girl or woman, this is an offer to get married or a successful marriage;
- for a young guy - to an early engagement;
- for a single man - the appearance of a faithful and kind girlfriend or mistress.
I dreamed of a golden wedding ring on the ring finger of my right hand - in the near future there will be a wedding or a replenishment in the family. On the same finger of the left hand is the divorce or death of the spouse. Seeing the little ring on the little finger indicates that the marriage will be fragile and short-lived. To find your jewelry on the finger of a friend - to a new acquaintance.
Remember the details - actions with the ring
In order to correctly interpret the dream, one should recall the smallest details of dreams and everything that happened with the decoration.
An unfavorable dream is a dream in which the engagement ring is lost or broken.
This may mean the following:
- quarrels, conflicts between husband and wife;
- failed marriage;
- divorce;
- treason, betrayal;
- upset engagement or wedding;
- illness of one of the spouses.
The dream of a married woman that she is looking for her ring, portends the betrayal of her husband. Lose and find - the cessation of old relationships and the beginning of new ones.
A decoration worn on a finger by a stranger dreams of unexpected help from the side that will solve current problems.
To find a gold ring in a dream promises the dreamer new promising acquaintances. And if a big deal is planned, there is a high probability that it will be successful.
Other actions in night scenes and their meanings:
- to lose jewelry - for a man this is a warning that he may lose his personal property or the location of a loved one;
- give your wedding ring to a stranger - serious losses;
- try it on and not buy a new one - the heart of the sleeping person is not occupied by anyone;
- try on someone else's precious thing - to have a connection on the side.
- impossible to remove from your finger - married life, as in captivity;
- bent product - complex relationships in the family;
- find such a thing on the table - new friends will help you earn a large sum.
A smooth gold ring without a stone is a symbol of unity of two hearts. The interpretation of dreams about this subject almost always has a direct meaning that can be easily deciphered.
Wear, receive as a gift
A ring presented in a dream has a positive value only if it fits in size. A large ring dangling on a finger means that the choice of satellite is not made. If the ring turned out to be small, this suggests that there is a set of failures ahead, which will soon end, but it will take a lot of effort to solve problems.
Receive a golden ring as a gift:
- such an offering from a stranger is a strong business relationship;
- very soon a fateful meeting will happen;
- jewelry with a stone - a loved one will reciprocate;
- further life will be safe and calm;
- for a young married woman, sleep marks the conception of a child.
Seeing a ring of gold with a gem on your hand means hard work, which, however, will be well paid.
If a woman puts a ring on her finger, she will be successful among men.
And also a dream can mean:
- fulfillment of desires;
- meeting with your soulmate;
- sincerity of feelings, fidelity to a given word;
- a fascinating love affair if an unfamiliar man puts a piece of jewelry on his finger.
To remove the ring portends a strong mental pain from the betrayal of a lover, spouse. Such a vision may mean giving up one's own promises.
To see many rings in a dream
Admiring the jewelry in a shop window in a dream suggests that the sleeper hesitates and cannot make the final choice of a life partner. Anyone who is trying to choose a ring to present it as a gift, in reality wants to find a good friend or colleague who can be trusted.
What does a dream with many rings mean:
- to find a chest filled with such jewelry - to receive a very favorable offer, but to bind yourself with difficult obligations for a long time;
- drop the rings into the water and not be able to get them - because of their own restraint, miss a good opportunity;
- see on someone’s fingers — communication with representatives of the law is ahead, there is a possibility of a trial or conversation with superiors.
Seeing many rings on your hands is evidence that the sleeping person has a strong and friendly family.
Rings on all fingers are a symbol of integrity of character and domineering nature. Such a person is shown respect and honor.
Jewel with stone, diamond
A good night vision is a gold ring with a large diamond. Seeing such a decoration in a dream in a dream means that a person is waiting for major financial success and promotion. Small pebbles decorating the ring promise distress, tears and disappointment in a loved one.
Interpretation of sleep:
- to hand the ring yourself - you can wait for a meeting with people with whom you have long been apart;
- receive as a gift - some person seeks the attention of a dreamer;
- expensive jewelry on the finger with a large diamond indicates that the person has excellent health, another meaning - the sleeping person is endowed with great power;
- a fake stone is a hint that there are ill-wishers and deceiving friends in the environment.
The loss of jewelry with a stone is not considered a bad omen. It suggests that in return the sleeping person will receive something more valuable.
The dream in which the stone fell out of the jewelry portends separation from a loved one, husband or lover. It was possible to find a loss - which means there is an opportunity to renew or restore relations.
To receive a diamond ring in a dream as a wedding ring, and in reality it will mean an engagement and a wedding in the near future. If the stone is muddy, with scratches or cracks, the girl should carefully look at her chosen one: perhaps he has serious shortcomings.
Broken Decoration:
- for a woman - betrayal of a spouse;
- for a girl - the wedding will not take place;
- big losses for business people.
If a ring was stolen in a dream, this means that in real life the dreamer is afraid of losing his beloved.
The interpretation of dreams is an inaccurate science. This territory of the unknown, remains a mystery to people to this day. Sometimes dreams really give clues, and sometimes they are just visions after a day’s experience. If you had to experience negative feelings in a dream, when you wake up, you should look out the window and say: "Where is night, there is a dream." Have a nice sleep!