Understanding what long hair is dreaming of, the dreamer will find many options for positive interpretations and only a few negative ones. The exact meaning of sleep will depend on the plot details. For example, from the state or color of hair, as well as from your own feelings.
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Why long hair dreams - interpretation by dream books
The interpreter Hasse in the dream book long hair symbolizes the prudence and prudence of the sleeper. If a person saw them in a dream, it means that he has been making extremely correct decisions lately.
Wanga's very lush, thick, long curls turned out to be a symbol of spiritual growth. Surely it is in this area of his life that a man or woman in reality pays special attention. But very intricate strands suggest that the dreamer does not trust others. He cannot relax even in communication with the closest and dearest people. Certainly the reason for this was some negative events from the past. To braid the braid in a dream, according to Vanga, to a very long long journey.
In Freud, all actions with his hair and her condition symbolize the genitals and the relationship of the sleeping person to sex. Very long curls indicate that a person is closed and not confident in himself, and short, on the contrary, predict his promiscuity and sexual restraint.
In the dream book of Aesop, it is noted that long hair personifies the vitality and wisdom of a person. If they are very beautiful and magnificent, it means that in real life the dreamer does not have any health problems.
Had a dream in a girl whose hair is constantly growing? This is a hint that in reality the dreamer has a cherished pipe dream.If a person, as it were, pulls the hair from the head of a stranger, and they do not end there, he will meet with a stupid, near-by character. Unfortunately, you will have to communicate with him for a long time and put a lot of effort to avoid conflicts.
In front of a sleeping little girl braids braid? A man by all means strive to be necessary and useful to others. This takes a large part of his vitality, which could be spent on self-development and achieving their own goals.
The value of sleep depending on hair color
After the dream in which the hair appeared, you need to try to remember what color they were.
This parameter can dramatically change the interpretation of sleep:
- Long red strands symbolize strong jealousy. Also, a similar plot may turn out to be a clue that the other half of the sleeping person will soon show him all his most negative aspects.
- Multi-colored hair from sleep portends a loss of self-confidence and beliefs. In the near future, it is necessary to abandon the adoption of important decisions until a person again finds solid ground under his feet.
- Any unnatural color of long locks of night dreams at the dreamer himself (for example, golden, yellow, red, blue) indicates vanity. A person is too confident in himself and constantly sins with narcissism.
- Gray hair portends imminent health problems or unpleasant news.
- White or any light strands symbolize pleasant meetings with friends and relatives who, for some reason, for some time disappeared from the life of a sleeping person.
- Black long hair promises the dreamer love. True, most likely, it will turn out to be unrequited.
More dream books:chickens
Long hair in himself, in another person
If you dreamed of long hair at home, then regardless of the sex of the sleeper, he should expect soon cardinal life changes. They will occur after a frank conversation with a new friend.
Flowers in long curls are a hint that the sleeping person will have troubles in life, but they can easily cope on their own.
If a person in a dream fancifully braids his hair - this is an indication of his frivolous attitude to life. This circumstance is the cause of most of his problems.
Comb long hair
If a young unmarried young lady in a dream combs her long beautiful hair with a comb, she will soon be awaited by a marriage proposal. A worthy interesting man will make him, so there is no reason for refusal. If someone else had to comb the curls, probably the sleeping person is too actively creeping into someone else's life and gives advice that he is not asked about.
For married women and men, combing their own hair is a dream for an expensive gift. This will be exactly the thing that a person has long dreamed about and told about his desire to everyone around him.
When combing, the warlocks suggest that soon a period of conflict and quarrel will begin in the family of the sleeping person. It will turn out to be rather protracted and strongly “shakes the nerves” of a man or woman.
Thick, long, beautiful hair?
To stroke thick long hair in a dream on his own head - to meet with the second half, with whom you can safely bind your life. Such a plot of sleep as a whole promises a change for the better in personal life.
Very beautiful, well-groomed and thick hair, which sleeps admire, promise him excellent health in the near future. Such a dream promises the patient a quick recovery.
What does a dream mean for a man, a woman
Interpretation can be influenced by the gender of the dreamer. So, even perfectly combed hair for a girl is a symbol of strong friendship. But they promise the man a large profit from a recently launched business.
If the fair sex in a dream while combing her own hair breaks the comb, she will have problems in her personal life.The partner of the girl will be to blame for them, whose flaws she has been diligently closing her eyes for more than a day. Such a dream tells a young man that he spends too much time at work and deprives his family of attention and care.
Baldness promises a woman shame as a result of dirty gossip (most likely - untruthful), and a man - the loss of a dear beloved friend.