Dreams tell you what to do in a given situation, warn and help you find answers to important questions. Many people will be interested to know what a watch is dreaming of, what a dream means, and what details of sleep should be paid special attention to.
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Dream Interpretation: why do women dream watches?
Dreams about watches in most dream books are considered as especially important. They often indicate fundamental changes in human life. Such a decoration on a woman’s hand may indicate an important event that will happen in her life in the near future. Relocation, a change of activity, another job, a new relationship, pregnancy - there are many options.
The interpretation of sleep with a wristwatch also depends on certain criteria:
- appearance of the decoration;
- the material from which the chronometer is made;
- serviceability of the mechanism;
- where they are;
- who dreamed;
- sensations during sleep.
Some dream books warn: you should spend less time on trifles and unnecessary experiences and get down to business.
This warning is indicated by the manual chronometer.
Find a wristwatch in a dream
Each thing found in a dream always has conflicting interpretations.
If a woman found a watch in her dream, this can be interpreted in different interpretations:
- trouble warning;
- success in business;
- profitable proposition.
Inattention, indiscipline can cause events for which a woman will not be fully prepared. This is what the watch found in a dream warns about.“Pay attention to the passage of time!” They say.
And you can take such a find as a good sign promising the successful completion of a previously begun business. Especially favorable is a dream when the chronometer was found in the mud, but still remained working and correctly displays the time. This suggests that no obstacles will stop the dreamer on the road to success.
To break or already broken hours in a dream
A broken decoration in a dream is a bad omen. It speaks of heavy losses and major troubles. The forecast is aggravated by broken glass on the chronometer or lack of hands. Often, such a dream speaks of the wasted effort spent on an important task and financial problems.
Clock stopped? Expect a disaster related to the health of loved ones or the woman herself. Serious illnesses can occur that threaten death.
If a woman breaks a watch herself, dream books suggest a not-too-pleasant situation in which a lady will behave unethically. Another interpretation: she herself will become an obstacle to the successful development of events in her personal life.
A good prognosis is if someone picks up a broken watch in a dream in order to repair it. This means that everything will work out in life. It is also good if the jewelry slides off your hand, but remains unscathed. This predicts a big fortune.
Beautiful wrist gold watch
The noble metal of which the clockwork is made must surely promise something joyful. Some dream books make just such an optimistic forecast. The golden watch in a dream becomes a symbol of success in business, recognition and financial well-being.
Among the options for adverse interpretation should be highlighted:
- threat of fraud by loved ones;
- the appearance of envious people;
- slander, false accusations;
- property theft fraud.
Which prediction to choose is hard to decide. But caution in relation to other people does not hurt.
Get a decoration as a gift or give it to yourself
If a dreamer gives a watch to another person, one should not expect good from such a dream.
A dream warns you about losses, financial difficulties or family problems soon.
But to get such a decoration as a gift is a good sign. Engraving on donated watches suggests that the work done will be appreciated.
More interpretations promise pleasant changes, namely:
- career advancement;
- new acquaintance;
- marriage, the beginning of family relationships;
- pregnancy and childbirth.
The interpretation of such a dream for a woman, as a new acquaintance in real life, has its own characteristics. If the presented watch is beautiful, the acquaintance will be especially pleasant. But the not-so-attractive chronometer suggests that the person with whom you get acquainted will only bring chores, instead of having a good time. Prospects from such a meeting are not the most promising.
If a gift was made by an already familiar man, two interpretation options are considered:
- Freud claims that the clockwork symbolizes manhood. Therefore, the gift testifies to the desire of a man to begin sexual relations with the one to whom such a gift was intended.
- In other dream books, the donated clock indicates an imminent separation from this person in real life. If, in this case, the emotions are positive in a dream, then this outcome is the best option for a woman.
If in a dream a woman does not want to receive a watch as a gift, she strongly resists and refuses it, this means a reluctance to accept reality as it is.
See the time on women's watches
All dream books treat the wristwatch on the dreamer's hand as waiting for an important moment, the result of which depends on other people. Looking at the chronometer in a dream, a woman tries to determine the time when everything will become known.
The interpreters of dreams recommend remembering what time the arrows on the dial indicate.
These figures will play an important role in the life of a woman.
But trying to know the time by the clock without the hands is a bad omen. It speaks of major troubles in life.
- The clock rushes in a dream - one must not rush into making decisions in real life.
- The chronometer is late - there are dangers on the way.
- The arrows move in the opposite direction - you have to go back in time to correct old mistakes.
An important role is played by the size of a watch: the smaller the chronometer, the less impact this dream has on life.
A dream dreamed of a married, unmarried woman
The interpretation of sleep is also affected by the status of the woman who dreamed of a chronometer.
- If the watch on the hand was dreamed of by an unmarried girl, there is a high probability that she will soon find her soul mate and marry. The more luxurious and more expensive the chronometer is, the more successful and happy the marriage will be.
- A married woman sees in a dream a clock, as an omen of cardinal changes in life. If a stranger gave the jewelry, a romantic relationship is possible on the side. But if the husband presented the chronometer in a dream, there is a chance of deterioration of the relationship and even the risk of divorce.
In any case, the decisive role in the interpretation of sleep about watches is played by the woman's attitude to what she dreamed. If you pay more attention to favorable forecasts, then life will become even happier.