To understand what a familiar man dreams about, you need to carefully analyze the dream, take into account its emotional coloring, the nature of the interaction with the person and all the small details. It is traditionally believed that such a dream is provoked by the man himself, who often thinks about a person, misses him. However, more often than not, such a dream is the result of constant thoughts in real life of the person sleeping from sleep.
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Interpretation in different dream books
In different dream books, there are different interpretations of sleep about a familiar man:
- Miller's dream book says that to see a healthy and strong man in a dream is a good sign that promises cash receipts and the joy of life. A gloomy and ugly man, on the contrary, portends difficulties in business.
- Dream Interviewer Hasse prophesies anxiety at the appearance in a dream of a young man. A complete acquaintance of a man promises pleasant moments in real life, and the old one - longevity. If a woman dreams of a drunken acquaintance of a man, then in reality a violation of vital principles, instability of the future and a threat to well-being may appear.
- The Old Russian dream book defines the interpretation of such a dream as a future pleasure for a woman.
- Esoteric dream book portends positive changes in the dreamer's life. Moreover, he delimits them according to the age of a man who has been dreaming. A young guy dreams of success in business, a man aged - to honor and fame in society. The dream book also says that a familiar man can mean the need to find a new approach and solutions in the usual business.
A generalization of the meanings of various dream books suggests that to see a man in a dream is almost always a positive sign.
However, the details of a dream may indicate the need to find a new solution to familiar tasks and difficulties in business.
See a kiss with a friend
You can kiss a man in a dream in different ways, because this action can be painted in different emotional colors. Accordingly, the interpretation of such dreams should begin with the details and sensations of the woman herself.
- If a woman had a kiss with a nice man she knew, she would definitely expect success and attention from the opposite sex. Such a dream most often indicates the self-sufficiency of the sleeper and its attractiveness to men. He portends the devotion of a loved one. It happens that such a dream is repeated several times. In this case, we can expect the emergence of new love relationships with the person involved in sleep or a person who looks like him outwardly.
- A woman who saw in a dream a kiss with an unpleasant man should expect bad surprises from her lover. Also, such a dream may indicate low self-esteem and vulnerability to the opinions of others.
- To be pricked by a man’s stubble in a dream - to chagrin and minor insults, as well as to skin diseases.
- Kisses with sick, ugly and externally repulsive men pose a threat of misfortune, illness and need, as well as deep self-dissatisfaction among women.
- A woman who saw in a dream a kiss with a desired person, the man of her dreams, can count on the fulfillment of her most cherished desires in love. Such a dream is very favorable and prepares for happiness in personal life. It is especially good to see him several times.
- Kisses with bosses, significant personalities portend success in business. However, such a dream should not carry a sexual connotation. If the latter is present, then the dream indicates the formation of femininity and the type of future lover.
- Kisses with a former lover promise a reconciliation with him or the forgiveness of mutual insults. Maybe the man still loves and wants to return the relationship back to normal. The dream foreshadows the meeting and the return to life of a man from a dream.
- A woman who had a kiss with a relative or boss, most likely, will establish friendly relations with him, full of understanding.
- If you dream of a man who likes, and even manages to kiss him, then you should expect reciprocity from this person in reality.
In some cases, the dream of intimacy will soon lead to a kiss in reality. If such a dream is repeated several times - a close relationship will certainly be.
Courts and hugs
The interpretation of a dream about the actions of a familiar man in a dream largely depends on the emotional coloring that the woman herself gives to sleep. For example, the pleasant hugs of a familiar man promise a reliable rear and protection for the girl. If she does not like such actions of a man, then in the future she should expect obstacles in the implementation of her plans.
Special meanings of hugs in a dream:
- A man hugs from the back - reliable rear and security.
- A hug at the waist - a period of romance is ahead or a dreamed man wants to show his feelings for a woman.
- A man carries a woman in his arms - in reality, he is always ready to help and support.
The manifestation of sympathy and courtship in a dream of a familiar man speaks of a lack of romantic feelings in reality.
If a man gazes intently at a woman in a dream, then in the future he will try to get to know her better and show genuine interest in her.
A compliment from a friend of a man portends conversations and discussions of a female person.
The signs of attention shown in a dream by a man most often mean his real passion for a girl who has such a dream.
Dreamed a lot of men
A woman's dream, in which there is a crowd of men, speaks of the dissatisfaction of her sexual desires. However, most often such a dream prophesies the onset of harmony in this area.
There are several interpretations of sleep with many men:
- Many naked and aggressive men portend an undeserved condemnation in society.
- An ordinary crowd of men promises a successful period in life.
- If a woman in a dream is directly among many men, then in real life she should rely only on herself.
- A large number of male actors portends quarrels with friends and relatives.
In a general sense, a dream with many men speaks of an upcoming period of harmony in personal relationships and the transition of female sexuality to a new level.
What does a married friend mean
A love affair with a familiar married man in a dream in most cases indicates a woman's dissatisfaction with her own position.
For a free woman, flirting with a married man portends the future betrayal of a loved one. Such a dream in a married woman speaks of her frivolous behavior, because of which she will soon have to repent.
If a familiar family man wants to achieve intimacy in a dream, then in reality one should expect betrayal of a lover.
The marriage of a free girl to a married man in a dream portends her failures in her personal life for a long time.
Depending on the day of the week
Depending on the day of the week, a dreamed man may portend completely different events and feelings:
- Monday. A man dreams of a woman, wants to see her and be near.
- Tuesday. A meeting with a man who had a dream on Tuesday night would only bring disappointment. If in a dream the guy was aggressive, it is better to generally avoid communication with him in the near future.
- Wednesday. With a man who appeared in a dream on Wednesday night, it will not be possible to build long-term relationships, although they can be quite pleasant.
- Thursday. Dreams dreamed that day of the week should not be taken seriously. However, a man seen can give useful advice.
- Friday. A man who has dreamed that day has the most tender feelings for a woman, is in love and wants to connect his life with her.
- Saturday. A woman can expect a quick and joyful meeting with a man who had a dream that day. Also, such a dream portends reconciliation for people in a quarrel.
- Sunday. To see a man’s face on Sunday night is to meet him or to receive news from him.
The interpretation of a dream with a familiar man is very simple, you just need to remember the smallest details and your own feelings. There are no contradictions in the dream books: pleasant dreams - to pleasant events, moreover, related to a particular man, and unpleasant ones - to failures.
It is important to remember that a woman is inclined to see in a dream a man whom she often thinks of. Such dreams are often repeated and do not require any interpretation, since the whole consciousness of a woman is directed to her lover.