Sometimes natural disasters may occur, which bring a person a lot of anxiety. To eliminate the effect of intimidation, you need to figure out why the earthquake is dreaming, because such dreams often do not have a poor interpretation.

Versions of different dream books, what an earthquake is dreaming of

Interpretations of earthquake visions may differ due to the fact that some dream books interpret it as a warning about loss of life, while others portend a new stage in the dreamer's life.

To find out the full interpretation, you need to study all the dream books:

  1. According to the version of the great psychologist Freud, tremors of the earth signal the insecurity and complexes of the dreamer. A dream indicates a desire for sleeping sexual contact with an old acquaintance. At the same time, the dreamer cannot admit this, since he is afraid of failure. In addition, the vision can visit a person in night dreams after rape or unsuccessful sex.
  2. The modern dream book believes that such a natural disaster dreams on the eve of the adoption of an important decision. This catastrophe in a dream indicates an experience of a feeling of fear in real life. Such visions may be consequences of stressful situations.
  3. Wang believed that dreams are considered an omen of a seismic thunderstorm in reality. Also tremors of the earth dream of poverty and misfortune. Sometimes a dream predicts an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, an earthquake in a dream heralds a disease.
  4. Dream interpretation Hasse indicates that such a catastrophe symbolizes the masculinity of the sleeper, as well as his ability to resist fate. Shaking the earth can indicate a disturbing state of a person, and also symbolizes destruction.After a dream, you should think about the presence of feelings of aggression and hatred. In addition, sleep indicates a desire for sexual satisfaction. Based on this, the interpretation must be done, taking into account not only the plot, but also the nature and preferences of the person.
  5. According to Miller’s interpretation, shaking the earth in a dream predicts not only problems in the business sphere, but also in the political sphere. When you dream about how a dreamer rebuilt a ruined city, then this means that a person will always be ready to help people, as well as withstand all problems and difficulties. Https: // V = fO9GtLcRJnQ

Sleep Interpretations for Men and Women

When finding the correct sleep value, it is necessary to take into account the gender difference:

  1. For women, such dreams always dream of dramatic changes in real life. But they will not always be good for a sleeping girl. Sometimes they portend news about the illness of a loved one. Also, a dream with this disaster prophesies problems for women in the financial sphere. Therefore, for some period it is necessary to get the support of relatives. If she had to save someone from the center of the earthquake, then this means that in reality the girl will have to help that person financially. In addition, such night dreams can signal the presence of unresolved conflicts in the family circle, so that the dreamer should understand all the differences that arose.
  2. Vision promises men the lecture on the long-awaited news. Moreover, if he was in the center of the event, then the moment of receiving the news is very close. When a dreamer tries to escape from a natural disaster, then the dream indicates that in real life he will establish his own affairs. If in his dream other people escaped from the consequences of tremors, then this means that the people around him will soon need his help.

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Earthquake with destruction

In the event that an earthquake occurred with the destruction of residential buildings, then the dream confirms the dreamer's path to his goals. But, if after the tremors the whole city collapsed, then this means that the sleeper will have hard work that will last a very long time.

Visions of an earthquake that can cause serious harm to the city prophesies the beginning of a new life. Moreover, if the consequences are huge, then a dream portends problems with finances, as well as difficulties in the implementation of the plans.

When a dream is seen by a person who actually lives in a danger zone, then this can be interpreted as an omen of an impending earthquake.

Accident in the house, apartment

There are also cases when in a dream at the time of the earthquake a person was in a house or apartment. In this case, the catastrophe is dreaming of changes in the work sphere. In addition, it should be noted that a dream with a house destroyed after tremors promises a sleeping person a meeting with a worthy person with whom new relationships will be established.

When there is an earthquake without destruction in the apartment, then this means that at the moment the sleeping man is thinking about making an important decision. Moreover, if the consequences of the shocks are insignificant, during which only a chandelier sways, then a dream indicates that it is difficult for the dreamer to determine his place of work.

Earthquake with a hurricane or volcanic eruption

Dreams in which an earthquake was accompanied by a hurricane or volcanic eruption should be interpreted with particular care:

  1. In the first case, the vision speaks of possible financial losses. The sleeper is not recommended to agree to dubious transactions, as well as invest resources in future projects. All procedures that are associated with money, it is advisable to postpone for a short time.
  2. When, during tremors, the dreamer saw an eruption of a volcano, then he should expect grandiose changes in life that fate had prepared. They will relate to the love and work sphere.Also, such an earthquake can signal accumulated stress, which must be eliminated.

Strong earthquake

Often a strong earthquake in a dream symbolizes the impending upheaval of events that will bring a lot of emotions to a person’s life. In this case, life will turn for the better, because of which the dreamer will change his idea of ​​what is happening. Usually, after a nightly dream, a sleeping person sets a goal, which will be very difficult to achieve. To achieve it, he will have to collect all his resources, and then send all his forces to it.

Earthquakes, like any other disaster, leave great consequences. Dreams with them are always an important portent, because such visions are able to predict possible changes in the future, as well as receiving serious news. In some cases, such catastrophes in a dream signal an impending illness.