What is green grass dreaming about? The answer to this question can be found in the dream book, which will fully reveal all the secrets of night dreams. In most cases, green grass portends prosperity, success and good luck.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Dreams in various sources are interpreted taking into account the traditions, customs and lifestyle of the peoples of different countries, however, a common semantic basis is often assumed.
According to the Modern Dream Book, if you dream of tall green grass, you are expected:
- happy carefree life;
- material abundance;
- harmony in family relationships;
- peace of mind;
- the birth of great love;
- stable official position.
According to the Universal Slavic dream book, night dreams associated with green grass, in reality, portend the following events:
- growing young grass - cash receipts;
- to lead people sowing the field - long-term plans will be successfully completed and will bring respect, strengthening authority, praise to the authorities.
Dream Book of Zhou-Gong explains:
- flowering meadow - a long-awaited meeting with relatives living in the distance, finding happiness in family relationships;
- green grass - a comfortable existence, fortune, honor.
Dreaming by the Eastern sages warns:
- to be on the field and smell the grass with an unpleasant odor - secret conspiracies will be revealed, with the right actions you will be able to turn the course of events in your favor;
- to feel unpleasant pungent odors from herbs and flowers - scandals and quarrels in the home circle.
Interpretation of night dreams by Miller’s dream book:
- emerald-colored young grass - peace of mind, a comfortable existence, good health;
- overgrown with tall plants, reaching the waist, which are ready to devour you - a warning of impending troubles, preparing intrigues by ill-wishers, difficult times;
- Fantastic dream of a picture of green grass on white fluffy snow in winter - the successful completion of protracted work projects, the resolution of difficult situations in your favor.
See cut grass
Dreams in which there was a mowed green grass can mean unpleasant situations in life:
- freshly cut grass in the field - difficulties in achieving the intended or begun serious work projects. To achieve these goals, it will be necessary to exert maximum strength and energy;
- mowed grass at the doorstep of your home - household affairs will require a lot of attention, possible illnesses of relatives, problems with material support of the family.
If in a dream you mow green grass with your own oblique, then the following events are likely:
- mow a green meadow - soon all long-term business plans will be successfully completed;
- mowing a home lawn - well-being and a healthy climate in the family;
- for a woman, sleep means unjustified slander against her;
- a girl’s night dreams can predict an early acquaintance with the prospects for marriage.
Why thick, juicy field
A field with thick and lush grass promises stability and prosperity in all areas of life:
- a wide field with forbs or green ears of cereals - unhindered advancement up the career ladder, inadvertent fulfillment of cherished plans;
- lying in soft grass under the twitter of birds and basking in the rays of the warm sun for a girl means mutual love, for a woman - mutual understanding, loyalty and happiness in a marital relationship;
- a field stretching into the distance with young grass and spreading trees growing on it promises prosperity in the family, a well-paid job, good luck in financial transactions.
Had a dream, run on the grass
Walking in the night plot on the grass can mean different circumstances, depending on the details of the dream:
- walking on the grass - a warning about deceit by both close people and colleagues;
- if you run away from chasing across the field, braiding and tangling in tall grass, it means that there are ill-wishers in your environment at work who are trying in every possible way to defame you and harm the business in order to be removed from office;
- to walk along a path overgrown with grass - meetings with old friends from the past are possible;
- walks in the meadow in places with dried grass - loss of health;
- running around soft young plants, “swimming” in the warm sunshine, is the approach of happiness, love, a serene life.
Value depending on the dreamer's gender
It is impossible to interpret a dream in isolation from the person to whom he dreams, his activity, surrounding reality. Men and women, by their nature, occupy different social positions in society, and dreams that are similar in content will have different meanings for everyone.
For a man, a dream with thick green juicy grass will be interpreted depending on his activity in the field of business, production or public service:
- to see from the side a wide field densely overgrown with green lush grass, illuminated by the rays of the bright sun - success in business, honor and respect, successful business agreements;
- a green meadow, sometimes with laden grass, means that large projects will be implemented through difficulties with the need for adjustments, it will take a lot of time and effort, it will require nervous tension;
- observe the mowing of green grass - unexpected financial injections into the business, receiving favorable orders and offers, promising large profits in the future;
- walking barefoot in the meadow, stabbing or even cutting grass - a dream portends a fraud, a betrayal of business partners, intrigues against a sleeping person.
For a woman, if she is not a business woman, dreams with green grass will be associated with home improvement, the health of family members and well-being:
- such a meadow on a clear summer day is a stable financial situation, a friendly atmosphere in the family, happiness and prosperity of the hearth;
- green grass with faded bald spots warns of possible illnesses of relatives, quarrels in the family, material difficulties in the home budget.
Each person builds relationships with loved ones and society in accordance with a life credo. But the mysterious clues that the universe sends us during sleep help us better understand and analyze the situation at work and at home. Subject to careful attention to night dreams, using the natural mind and worldly wisdom, one can meet the blows of fate fully armed and try to soften them.