Soaring above the ground and suddenly falling down with a stone? Sensations from such a dream are not the best, but they do portend something. You can find out what dreams about height are in the writings of various interpreters of dreams.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Each predictor has their own views on the interpretation of sleep, and their thoughts are not always similar.
Let us consider separately the opinions of the great seers:
- The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets the height as follows.
A successful leap broadcasts that an important choice has to be made in life. The fall means that in the future there will be obstacles that will prevent the realization of life's plans. High mountains carry the news of material enrichment and success. - German psychologist Miller believes that if there is height in a dream, then this symbolizes the dreamer's purposefulness. Recognition and glory awaits the conquerors of the top of the stone cliffs. The appearance of an unexpected collapse speaks of unforeseen barriers.
- According to Juno’s dream book, being at altitude gives the sleeping man reason to think about his health. The height of heaven portends a cloudless future. If the dreamer sees himself at high horizons and is afraid of falling, this marks that he can succumb to the temptation and commit unlawful acts.
Interestingly expressed the interpretation of the height of Freud. High buildings at him symbolize the feminine. And in Chinese dream books, height acts as a spirituality.
Fall or jump from a height
Generally interpreted, flying down from the top is a warning about a possible disease or a change in health. Falling from a height in a dream can also be interpreted as unforeseen waste, misses in business affairs. When the landing is made into the water, then adversity will manage to settle.
Jumping from a height is treated differently than falling.A jump into the empty space portends the adoption of hasty decisions, which then “come around” not in the best way. Jumping from a low object means that a person will become a victim of slander. A jump from the stairs indicates that the sleeping position of the sleeping person is unreliable, and from the roof - about recklessness.
See a falling man, a child
If the dreamer sees himself falling in a nightly adventure, then this broadcasts about his weak support on the path of life.
But to see outsiders or relatives who are flying downwards means quite another:
- Becoming an eyewitness to the fall of another person promises the emergence of various problems and the collapse of future plans.
- If a woman who has children dreamed of a dream that her child was breaking off a cliff, then these are emotions about the feelings for him. A childless person is afraid that she will not find female happiness.
- Seeing a lady jumping down speaks of vicious ties.
- I dreamed about a high floor from which a person deliberately jumps - a sign not to give up and go forward to the intended target.
- If it was imagined that a small child falls to the ground from a ruined balcony, then parents should beware, perhaps their child is lonely.
- In a dream, to see a child’s flip into the water from above - here the baby acts as a symbol of well-being, which means that this dream promises failure in some endeavors.
If you soar high in the blue sky and dramatically lose altitude, then this means that the planned plans are not destined to materialize.
More dream books: birds
What does the fear of heights in a dream mean?
When a person wakes up from a nightmare, the vision leaves a negative imprint on the soul. But it turns out that fear of heights is not always a bad dream.
If there was a sense of fear, then it is said that the dreamer is trying to look his best, but he does not succeed. Fear of falling from a hill means that a person has high ambitions. Dreaming of height and fear of falling - to the fact that the sleeping can stumble in life.
A slight elevation causes a feeling of panic - a person has pessimistic outlook on life, any small difficulties introduce into a state of stupor. Fear of heights, if the dreamer is on the roof of the house, portends that it is better to abandon unrealistic plans.
Feeling fear of heights in a dream, a person seems to feel a nervous anticipation of impending problems in the near future.
Interpretation according to the day of the week
Recently, people have been analyzing dreams by the days of the week.
And this is due to the fact that every day has its own unique energy:
- Monday. The dream predicts that in the morning it is necessary to gather your thoughts and pull yourself together in order to make a final decision on an important issue.
- Tuesday. Dreams of this night give a sign that there is a problem that needs to be solved not independently, but in the family circle.
- Wednesday. Visions of the night predict a slightly dangerous step in reality, and before taking any action, you should think carefully about the decision, since it will subsequently affect the life of the sleeping person.
- Thursday. This night’s dream is considered prophetic, so if you had a fear of heights, it’s worth a little to protect yourself and not take long walks.
- Friday. The vision warns of minor dangers; the significance of the nightly incident should be taken seriously.
- Saturday. The dream of this night prophesies squabbles and squabbles, therefore it is worth considering in more detail the immediate environment in reality.
- Sunday. Sunday's dream does not carry a special semantic load, so it should not be taken into account.
In most dream books, falling from a height is interpreted as a collision with a disease, but conquering the peaks means overcoming obstacles or career advancement.