A crow in a dream is, as a rule, a sign of an approaching sad event, a warning of danger. To find out why a crow is dreaming, it’s worth remembering everything, even the smallest details of a dream, and turn to a dream book.
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A dream in which a crow attacks a person
If the raven was not just present in the dream, but also acted actively, tried to attack or attacked a person, night vision can have the following interpretations:
- the bird suddenly flew over to the sleeping one - to the loss;
- the dreamer sees the crow pecking another person - news will soon come of the death of a distant relative;
- a large number of crows circling over the dreamer and intend to attack - to local wars or disasters;
- if the dreamer is male, then the attacking crow symbolizes a lover weaving intrigue.
No less important is the ending of such a dream: if a person managed to repulse the attack, then he can deflect trouble and reality.
If a black crow dreams of attacking a dreamer, then a terrible misfortune definitely looms over his relatives. If the color of the bird was not remembered or was different, then not everything is so fatal: sad events can be related to work, financial situation or quarrels in the family.
- According to Miller’s dream book, an attack of a screaming raven warns of a dreamer falling under someone’s negative influence.
- But the Gypsy dream book associates the attack of a flock of crows with family reunion: relatives will appear that the dreamer did not even suspect.
- Freud interprets such a dream as a reflection of an internal conflict between partners.
Black bird flew into the house
Despite the fact that the crow is a symbol of trouble, you still need to try to recall the whole night story.A correct interpretation will help to properly prepare for pending troubles, and may even minimize them.
If the black crow flew into the house in a dream, then the American psychologist Miller warns - people with "black" thoughts enter the dwelling. Their communication with the dreamer occurs only because of selfish motives. This dream appeared to prostrate and say that in the immediate environment there is an envious and treacherous "friend."
Some commentators interpret this story as coming news that could unsettle a sleeping person. Sometimes black birds flying around a room may reflect self-doubt and confusion. The dreamer should be less suspicious and independent of the opinions of others.
On a note! If a white bird dreamed, then Miller said that we should expect soon meetings with pleasant, bright and positive people.
Flock of ravens in dreams
Since such a bird is a sign of impending misfortunes, many believe that if there were a lot of ravens, it only strengthens the oppressive prediction. For a complete understanding of night vision, you should turn to the main dream books.
- Esoteric interpreter. Seeing a flock of black birds, you should be careful about the opinions of others, they will soon begin to criticize all the activities of the dreamer.
- Medea's dream book says that a flock of ravens is to the news of the death of a person who is not indifferent to a sleeping person.
- According to Loff, ravens who have gone astray mean a quick loss of funds, which will not be enough even for existence. Only hard work can help the dreamer get out of such a deplorable situation.
- Tsvetkov in his dream book claims that crows flying overhead are a sign of the first news of the death of a relative.
- Wangi's dream interpretation interprets a similar plot of a dream as a harbinger of war in the dreamer's land. If the birds do not fly, but are on the ground, covering everything around - do not hope for a good harvest. If the pack is sitting on a tree, then a serious illness is possible.
On a note! If there are several flocks of ravens in a dream, then a serious epidemic can break out, which will spread not only to people, but also to animals.
Feed the feathered in a dream
The ability to correctly interpret dreams is an important skill. Often, the subconscious gives us tips on how to behave and what to do to avoid adversity and disappointment.
For example, if you had to feed a bird in a dream, then this could mean the following:
- the insidious plans of others will fail, and the dreamer will be able to achieve his goal;
- the dreamer is tormented by remorse because his actions on the way to the goal can cause serious harm to someone.
Catch a bird
To decipher the message hidden in such a plot, you should turn to well-known interpreters:
- According to Miller, to catch a crow means to somehow manage to circumvent future failures.
- But Wang believes that a disease or misfortune in the face of a crow will still overtake the dreamer. But if he succeeds in catching a bird in a dream, then the disease or grief will not spread to those around him, but will only concern the sleeping one.
- According to Tsvetkov, it will not be possible to avoid the black strip, however, the dreamer who has caught the crow is able to minimize losses.
- Freud is of the opinion that the raven is a symbol of intimate relationships. The capture of the crow promises the disclosure of infidelity partner.
- Dream interpretation Longo says that catching a bird with your hands is a disagreement with management, relatives or friends.
- In Medea's interpreter, such a night vision is associated with a waste of time.
- In the French dream book, the interpretation is rather optimistic - in the next season the dreamer will have a good harvest or profit (depending on his field of work).
If the dreamer managed not only to catch, but also to kill the crow in a dream, then he will be able to avoid the disaster hanging over him.
To see the screaming raven
An interpretation is more common that says that to hear the crowing of a crow is in imminent trouble, misfortune, or sad news.But sometimes a flashy raven is just a sign of bad weather.
There are many folk signs that are reflected in the dream books. For example, if a dreamer saw a croaking bird flying over a house, then a dead person will be in this courtyard. A croaking raven can also warn of a change in the way of communication: because of his harsh and rash statements, a sleeping man, like this bird, will soon be left without friends in "proud" loneliness.
Also, the interpretation may vary depending on the dream book:
- The cawing bird, according to the Family Dream Book, brings evil and adversity to the dreamer's house.
- In the French dream book, as in many others, the author is inclined to believe that a croaking raven bodes a loss.
- Wang claims that the death that hangs over the house of the dreamer who had such a dream can be avoided. It is necessary to spend a lot of time in prayers, which will save from trouble, if the thoughts of the asker are pure.
- Dream Interviewer Hasse speaks of the impending misfortune that the raven brings to the dreamer with his cry.
Almost all interpreters agree that a screaming bird is a sign of imminent trouble, which is most often associated with serious ailments or even impending death.
More dream books: hens
What does it mean for women, men
The interpretation of sleep may vary depending on the dreamer's gender.
If a woman sees a dream, the plot of which is connected with a mythical and mystical bird, then the interpretation may be as follows:
- If a young lady saw a black bird, then be a disease. And if it’s bright, then a seriously ill close person will soon recover.
- To a young girl, a dead crow is dreaming of an early meeting with a faithful friend.
- If a flock of birds is circling over a pregnant woman in a dream, then you should not be scared: a dream only portends health problems, if you do not treat it with due attention.
- If a raven in a dream is completely indifferent to the dreamer, then she should pay attention to her husband, who may have an “affair”.
For men, a dream involving a raven bodes the offensive in the near future of a black band in life. It should be remembered how many birds were there: the more, the more difficult it will be to get out of a pile of problems. You may even have to ask relatives for help. If a young guy saw a dream with a feathered creature, then this is a sign of a romantic relationship, the termination of which will be associated with the meanness of the girl he liked.
So, the crow is a bad sign in almost all dream books. But do not panic when you see a bird in a dream. Such a dream is only a warning, not inevitability. It is worth remembering that the fate of everyone is in his own hands.