Dreams with water should always be interpreted especially carefully. After all, this symbol often turns out to be an important warning for a person who is able to protect him from various problems and troubles in reality. If you can’t determine for yourself what water is dreaming about, you should turn to experienced interpreters for help.
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What water dreams about - interpretation from dream books
In general, the water seen in a dream turns out to be a completely favorable sign. A more accurate interpretation of the plot depends on its details.
In Miller's dream book, water becomes a harbinger of immense happiness in the dreamer's life, if the latter simply walked on it with bare feet. The cleaner and more pleasant to the touch liquid, the faster the person’s life will change for the better.
In the Women's Dream Book, it is noted that warm water promises the representative of the fair sex a waking pregnancy. Most likely, the girl is already in an "interesting position", she simply does not know about him because of the short time. But the mountain river in the same book is a symbol of surprise. Sleeping something struck his soulmate. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine in advance whether an event that surprised a person will be joyful or sad.
In the work of Tsvetkov, it is explained that for a woman, the water flowing in a dream symbolizes health. If a sleeping person of any gender falls into it, then one can hope for happiness that suddenly falls on his head in real life.
Had a lot of water
A lot of water from sleep portends a man or woman a long struggle for their interests. A person will have to wake up actively defend their own position in life and convince the mistaken people around.
If a teenager sees himself under the water column and cannot get to the surface in any way, most likely, the opinion of his peers and / or parents strongly presses him. The sleeper wants to gain freedom of choice and finally begin to make decisions on his own. But achieving this will not be easy.
A huge and very stormy waterfall from sleep warns the dreamer of a possible mistake. Before giving an answer to any proposal received from others, you should think several times. If a mistake is still made, then the sleeper will have to eliminate its unpleasant consequences for a very long time.
Dirty, muddy
It happens that in a dream dreams of dirty water. Such a plot of a dream can have a variety of meanings. The dirty liquid flowing from under the tap suggests that all things begun by the dreamer on the eve of the case will fail. If a person hoped to make a big profit, then as a result he will be very disappointed.
The plot under discussion may have other meanings:
- A muddy stream, through which the sleeper had to cross, suggests that in real life it is worth waiting for a black strip. It will last quite a long time.
- Sand and water dream of the fair sex to a series of conflicts, and to men - to disappointment.
- Had to swim in the dirty stinking water? In reality, a person will have to become an object of dirty gossip. The cause of unpleasant rumors will be a banal envy of his successes.
See clear, clear water
Very clean water from sleep is usually a good sign. If you had to drink it, you can expect recovery in reality. The sleeping man will be able to recover even from a dangerous serious illness.
A well filled with pure water becomes a harbinger of great luck in life. Huge opportunities will open before a sleeping person. True, they will be able to take advantage only with the assistance of friends.
Bathing in clear water for a pregnant woman is a hint that her months remaining until the baby is born and the delivery process itself will be easy and successful. Does a woman swim in clear water with her friend? This means that all her achievements will be appreciated.
We swim in a dream
Most often, women have to swim in water in a dream. Most commentators unanimously claim that such a dream becomes a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. A similar plot seen by a man promises him an improvement in his financial situation. Both options relate only to those cases if the water was clear without a clear unpleasant odor.
Swimming with dolphins in a dream tells the fair sex that she lacks positive emotions in real life. You need to fill your days with interesting events. Such a plot promises a man a vivid love adventure.
Fall, drown in water
Sleeping falls in a dream in the sea or another body of water? This is a great sign for him. He always turns out to be a harbinger of good health for years to come. If a person is sick, then night vision with such a plot promises him recovery.
Drowning in water in a leaky boat is a problem in work. There is a possibility that the dreamer will be set before the boss by colleagues. In addition, drowning in a dream indicates betrayal of loved ones or lies on their part in reality.
Blue, black water
The interpretation of dreams with water often depends even on what color the liquid was in the plot. If beautiful blue and transparent, then such a dream promises a man or woman to overcome long-standing barriers to his goals. The lonely young ladies said plot may portend familiarity with the second half. The man will be very faithful and faithful.
Had to bathe in the black muddy water? So, in real life, the sleeping person will be doused with "dirt." In order not to encounter insults and slander, in the near future it is necessary to bypass all dubious adventures. Even completely harmless episodes at first glance.
If black water suddenly poured from a tap in the house, you need to be alert.A turn of events awaits a man or woman, which a man does not expect. If the sleeper is not ready for him, then what happened will knock him out of the usual life rut for a long time.
Drinking water in a dream - the meaning
A liquid with a pleasant taste, which the sleeper drinks in a dream, suggests that he will be able to cope with all endeavors. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the quality and characteristics of the drink.
To drink sweet tasty soda is to wealth. But the muddy fetid liquid - to a failed marriage in real life. Newlyweds are unlikely to live together longer than a couple of months. This will happen because the decision on the wedding will be made too quickly.
The most negative value is a dream in which a man or woman drinks black water. After such a night vision you need to check your health. Particular attention should be paid to the stomach.
Flooding, according to most modern dream books, is becoming a symbol of victory over difficulties and problems. Finally, a calm, measured period will come in the dreamer's life, when he will be able to rest and relax.
Death from a flood promises a person waking up. They can concern any life spheres. If the flood turned out to be very large-scale and the sleeping one eventually managed to escape from the water, then soon it will significantly improve the financial situation of his family.
It happens that the representative of the fair sex sees in a dream how water is approaching from all sides. This is a sign that she is expecting an unplanned pregnancy.