Did you feel strong gusts of wind in a dream? Use the dream book to interpret it. Receiving news is the most common meaning of what the wind is dreaming of. Depending on the nuances of the night plot, a dream may have a different, most unexpected meaning.
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Interpretation in different dream books
According to Wang, a dream in which there was a wind predicts forthcoming changes. Resisting strong impulses, to meet him, portends a real victory over enemies. Problems will appear unexpectedly, fortitude and prudence will help to solve them.
According to Miller:
- a gentle breeze blowing directly in the face - to luck and implementation of plans;
- the soft rustle of foliage on tree branches - to the appearance of a fan;
- to run or to meet the wind with the rain, to feel how the drops hit the face - such a dream promises a successful resolution of problems. In reality, you can achieve the intended result regardless of the obstacles encountered;
- passing strong impulses portend help from the side, thanks to which make dreams come true and solve pressing issues.
Freud believed that the hurricane warns of upcoming changes associated with a certain person who will completely change the dreamer's worldview. If the sleeping person fell into a hurricane and was hurt, an early acquaintance will be interesting only at first, and then it will become a burden, it will bring trouble and misfortune. Seeing in a night picture how a hurricane or storm is approaching is a concern for a close friend who is unlucky in life. The psychoanalyst advises not to worry about his fate, but to try to change his own attitude towards himself. A new vision will help fix it.
I dreamed of the wind outside the window
If you dream of a strong wind raging outside the window - this does not bode well for the sleeper. All interpreters agree with this.
In most cases, such a dream indicates impending troubles, illness, imminent changes for the worse. Means the appearance of obstacles created by others, which will interfere with the achievement of the goal.
Night dreams, in which a hurricane bursts into a room, breaking a window, indicate that the dreamer needs an urgent change of scenery. If you do not take into account the warning sent, you can get sick. Easier relate to current events. This will help to avoid many problems.
Carefully observe the signals that the subconscious sends. If you saw in a dream the wind outside the window, you need to try to quickly solve all current issues. Get ready and complete what you started.
Get in the middle of a hurricane
The hurricane is so strong that it tears off the headgear, according to Vanga warns that in reality you can lose your social position, which you value. You will be to blame for this yourself. It is possible that you are acting dishonestly towards someone from the environment. Do not forget - people should be treated with respect and respect, as if they were treating you.
When a girl dreamed that a hurricane was knocking her down, such a vision portends a storm of emotions, passionate love, a serious change in life situation.
If in a dream you observe how you resist the elements, stand straight and do not bend under the pressure of a hurricane - in reality await glory and honor.
When strong impulses are knocked down and carried away into the unknown - this portends a journey at the end of which the dreamer will have a new position.
For a woman to be in the center of a storm is a signal warning that her plans are empty, they will be frustrated.
If you had a hurricane destroying buildings or blowing them away, wait for important news related to the change of activity, lifestyle, environment.
Weather phenomenon with rain
I saw in the night that you were hiding from rain and strong winds - in reality you will have a defender or an influential patron, thanks to whom you will certainly avoid a terrible disaster.
For a young woman or girl, a squally wind with rain and lightning seen is a sign that in reality someone is unjustly slandering them.
Pure water symbolizes good luck, and dirty water - on the contrary, the opposite result.
Vanga interprets the warm rain seen in a dream as a symbol of cleansing from sins, the possibility of acquiring superhuman abilities, amazing intuition, or other gifts.
And the interpretation according to the Muslim dream book suggests that if the debtor sees rain, then in reality he will pay off his debts.
Wind with dust blowing in the face
Dust symbolizes light obstacles. You can easily cope with them. But the wind carrying sand warns of a possible danger, which will be difficult to overcome.
For the correct interpretation of the picture of the sandstorm, you need to pay attention to how close it is to the sleeping man in his night vision. If far away, there is nothing to fear, and difficulties will not affect the sleeper and his family, will pass by. But when a person falls asleep in sand, those who have seen such a dream will struggle with problems in reality for a long time.
A sandstorm that ends and subsides is a sign of the beginning of a quiet life. A quick luck awaits the person, the main thing is not to miss the chance.
If the sand fell asleep - this is a warning that you need to be careful, since the enemies are not asleep and are waiting for an opportunity to wake up the sleeping man in waking state and cause a lot of trouble.