Night dreams give us a hint and warn about future events. Through parallel reality, one can understand whether a person is doing the right thing. We will find out why the dead mother is dreaming of alive, and what popular dream books say about this.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Judging by the dream book of Gustav Miller, the deceased is dreaming of a sign that the dreamer is under the strong guardianship of the family. Pay attention to the plot of sleep. If mom gives you something - wait for profits, if he takes - do not pass losses.
The dream interpretation of symbols considers such a vision a sign of the temperature difference. Other entities may come in the image of a loved one. When meeting with them, a person will experience unpleasant sensations, excitement and fear. The appearance of a loved one, on the contrary, is accompanied by a warm attitude and calm.
According to the Nobility's dream book, the late mother dreams of living rash acts. Everything that the parent will say in the night dreams is true. If the dead man leads and calls for him, and the dreamer goes after him - to serious illnesses, death. The deceased parent was seen up to 40 days - a sign of her farewell and departure from this world.
Loft's dream book does not attach much importance to such a vision and connects it with the psycho-emotional state of a person who lacks decisiveness and courage.
Experts believe that deceased people in dreams represent our personal projection and show an unfinished relationship with a specific person, the need to resolve former conflicts, understanding and reconciliation. Therefore, often meeting in a dream with a deceased mother is expressed by sadness, regret, and repentance.
What portends a recurring dream
Repeated dreams are designed to draw our attention to important events that occur in reality.Often in everyday hustle and bustle we are not aware of the full extent of the problem or are not ready to do this at the psychological level. The same plot can be dreamed of at any age with an interval of several days or years. The dream will be repeated until the situation improves.
If a dead mother dreams almost every day, do not be afraid of this phenomenon. Most likely, you feel guilty about yourself, or, conversely, you cannot forgive her. If, in periodic dreams, the native person is alive and suddenly dies, this indicates that the dreamer has not yet survived the loss of his mother.
Parents always come in dreams to warn and help. After all, they worry about children even after death.
Why kiss, hug the deceased mother
If in a dream it happened to kiss and hug the deceased mother, this indicates great joy and long life. And also night dreams can portend a disease. If during her life with her mother there were disagreements and misunderstandings, she forgave the dreamer and let go of resentment.
If the parent turns away at the same time, this indicates a successful outcome of affairs, and trouble will be avoided. When mom hugs and kisses herself in a dream, this symbolizes her last goodbye. In reality, you can part with any hope.
In many ways, the interpretation of sleep depends on the behavior of the deceased parent:
- mother smiles - a good sign talking about joyful meetings in the near future;
- deceased mother cries in a dream - a harbinger of negative emotions that are associated with the loss of a loved one;
- a worried mother does not come close - it is necessary to apologize for her actions and repent of sins;
- mother drinks alcohol - means a strong tension in reality, which must be removed.
When in night dreams you saw yourself small in your mother’s arms, this indicates a longing for her. You want to feel warmth, support and care again.
If the deceased mother came to a pregnant daughter in a dream, this indicates a reliable protection from above. They advise you to go to church and buy a consecrated incense.
Dreamed parent in a coffin
The coffin itself in a dream prophesies a disease, an undeserved insult. Lying in it with the deceased is a bad sign that indicates the death of a loved one.
In some dream books, a parent in a coffin prophesies favorable events, namely:
- successful outcome of events;
- cash profit;
- good luck in business.
If the mother looks young in the coffin, it means that there is a lot of negativity in your head, the memory is constantly burdensome. Saying goodbye to a person with all honors - to soon relief and a favorable outcome of events.
An open coffin dreams of a successful completion of affairs, an empty coffin - to danger and anxiety. Carry it - to commit a rash act. To hammer a cover with nails - to get rid of weaknesses and defects.
More dream books:knife
The value of sleep depending on the day of the week
The value of sleep will depend on the specific day of the week:
- Monday. The deceased relative, in a cheerful mood, dreams of problems and a series of financial troubles.
- Tuesday. Sleep boasts help from strangers.
- Wednesday. We should expect serious news in real life.
- Thursday. One needs to prepare for potential risk.
- Friday. It is necessary to perceive a dream as a prophetic one, it is important to remember it in detail.
- Saturday. If you have dreamed about a deceased relative that day, wait for a quick marriage.
- Sunday. Talk with the deceased - to make the right decision.
It is impossible to unequivocally answer what the deceased mother dreams of. In any case, one must strive for favorable changes, learn to control the situation. The main thing is not to be afraid of a vision, but to listen to the advice of a loved one who is no longer alive.