Any person who has died a loved one wants to see him even in a dream. But, no matter how we ask, the dead come to dreams only for special reasons. Today we decided to find out what the dead mother dreams of, what she wants to say, what to warn about.
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Interpretation of sleep in dream books
If a dead mother dreamed, this could be either a simple expression of our sadness (a person was bored) or a warning about something. To understand more precisely what this dream is about, it is recommended to look into several dream books. And then, guided by the information received, bring the prediction to the ideal, considering the details of the vision.
Freud's Dream Book:
- The interpretation is purely psychological in nature. Sigmund Freud wrote that the appearance in a dream of a dead mother is an understanding of her own helplessness. A person realizes that the only close person is not nearby, it is very difficult for him to deal with problems alone.
- Another interpretation of the psychologist is the awareness of one's own mortality.
Wanderer Dream Interpretation:
- It is written here that the parent came to warn the dreamer about possible troubles associated with making a rash decision.
- If you are in a difficult situation, you don’t know what to do, what to do right, in a dream your mother will bless you, and the decision will come by itself - the second meaning of sleep from the Wanderer’s dream book.
Esoteric dream book:
The interpretation of sleep in this edition is not spelled out. But in the dream book it is said that life after death continues, albeit without a physical shell, and relatives who come in a dream are confirmation of this. A mother comes to visit her children, to tell them something important, something that a simple person cannot guess without clues. Therefore, the dream book recommends listening carefully to the words of the parent, and upon awakening, take advantage of her advice.
According to Robinson:
- The dream book says that it is important not to get confused. If only a mother who recently passed away had a dream, then a dream is your subconscious mind, which cannot accept that it is no longer there, and a native image constantly pops up in your head. If there is no parent for more than a year, then you need to pay attention to her behavior.
- Silent - a strip of silence in life. There will be nothing bad and good, everything will go as usual.
- If mother tries to say something, but you don’t understand her, maybe she screams from afar - a warning and warning about the impending misfortune, bad luck.
Astrological dream book:
It says that a dead mother in a dream comes to remind herself. Perhaps the days are approaching, or you just did not commemorate her for a long time, did not place a candle for her peace.
According to Miller:
The psychologist claims that such a dream promises a businessman profit. But if the mother was lying in a coffin, that is, she was dead in a dream, then you need to wait for trouble.
The big dream book, like everyone else, advises considering a dream in detail.
Recall what was happening, in what mood the deceased was.
Why dream of a quarrel with the deceased parent
If you dreamed that you were cursing with a mother who is no longer alive (in a dream you can still consider her still alive), then the next morning when you wake up there will definitely be a negative sediment on your soul. What is the parent dissatisfied with, why did she scold you, or why did you offend her? The dream book will help to answer all these questions.
- If the quarrel is small, you were silent, and your mother expressed dissatisfaction, then in reality there will be little disagreement in the family, and the dreamer will need to act as a peacemaker. In the case when the dreamer began to bicker with the deceased, a family quarrel in real life may result in a divorce.
- No need to swear. The emotions on the face of a dead mother can say a lot. If a woman was evil, you saw that she was unhappy, then think about your behavior and actions. The interpretation of such a dream is clear: you have acted meanly somewhere, a dead relative warns of possible bad consequences.
- If you scolded mother, and tears appeared in her eyes, then a black streak is coming in your life, there will be many problems, grief, and you yourself will begin to cry.
- A fight in a dream with a deceased mother portends conflicts with friends in real life.
Pay attention to the possible details that are present in the fight:
- mother bit - trouble at work;
- if a woman began to choke - it's time to consult a doctor, be examined;
- mother chased after you - there are many enemies around.
If a mother screams in a dream, begins to throw things on the floor, soon there will be difficult times in your life, and everything will begin with one little thing that you will not attach importance to. Remember this, crash can still be prevented!
See the deceased mom in a dream
If a dead mother dreams about it alive, you do not realize her waking death in a dream, then the vision is good.
The parent, as it were, tells you that everything is fine, there is nothing wrong, everything is working out.
And in reality, everything should soon be good for you: there was no work — you will find whether you or your relatives are ill — to recovery, there is no abundance — there will be.
If mom dreams constantly, then this is an occasion to go to the temple, put a candle for her repose.
As can be read in the Esoteric dream book, such frequent communication harms the living. Perhaps the mother misses her child very much, and tries to be near him even in a dream, not realizing that he is taking his vitality. And when you wake up, a person feels the same pain again, as when it was lost.
When mother in a dream smiles at you, she thereby shows that everything is fine with you now, and it will be so for a long time. If the dreamer has a difficult life period, then a happy mother will mean the end of all adversities.
If in a dream you understand that your mother is dead, she smiles at you, then the vision testifies to her supportive attitude towards your life. Mother, as it were, says that she is happy for you, for your family, for work, which could not be better than it is now.
When in a dream, the late mother does not just smile, but laughs happily, maybe even dances, has fun - expect good news from the past.
All that you have to find out will help in the future to make the right decision, to receive benefits.
Talk with Parent
In general, a conversation in a dream with a dead mother promises the dreamer wealth, but only if the conversation was simple, ordinary.
Try to remember the smallest details of sleep:
- If you hear a voice, answer it, but do not see your mother, then the dream is bad. This is a warning to the dreamer about the presence of health problems, which can end very sadly if you do not urgently see a doctor. Even if you feel good, go through the examination anyway.
- Hugging mom, talking to her in a dream - to understand that during life you paid little attention to her. But the interpretation may be different: a person is lonely and bad, and he subconsciously seeks support from the deceased.
- Talking with a parent over the phone is trouble or unhappiness. Be extremely careful on the road, at hazardous work, with a drink, take care of households.
- In the case when the mother gives some instructions, advice, listen to them. Usually, the deceased give practical advice, and they often play into the hands of dreamers.
When in a dream, mom asks you for something, be sure to do it. For example, she wants her favorite fruits or sweets - you can take it to the grave or serve it to the poor, treat the children in the yard. If the mother asks you not to do something (do not leave, do not marry, do not get divorced) - listen.
Kiss in a dream deceased mother
If you dreamed of kissing a dead mother in a coffin in a dream, then wait for changes in life. If you saw a grave in a dream, then be careful. These changes do not promise you anything good.
In the case when you dream of a mother alive, you kiss her, the interpretation will be as follows:
- If during your life there was a conflict, misunderstanding, a dream suggests that you have forgiven the parent for a long time, and she is you. Do not blame yourself for not having time to say all this to a still living mother, she knows everything.
- Mother kisses you - you have received a blessing for your plan (marriage, divorce, moving, change of work, start of a new business, and so on).
- Some dream books state that kissing in a dream your mother who has died in reality is to receive reassurance, the support that is so lacking from the living awake.
In dreams, people rejoice when they communicate with the deceased in reality, the most dear person. But awakening brings new pain, excites memories. Do not cry and be upset, you need to understand that everyone is mortal! Although in a dream, but again you were able to see mom, talk to her. But do not cherish these moments in your soul, keep only what was in reality until her death.