Dreams about killing are not always negative. Under certain conditions, they portend the sleeping man to a swift rise in the career ladder and other benefits. Other options for killing a person are discussed below.

Interpretation of sleep in dream books

The request in the dream books: “killing a person by me” is quite common on the Web. To correctly interpret it, you need to turn to trusted sources for help. For example, to Miller’s dream book.

  • This interpreter is sure that killing from night dreams turns out to be a warning about future upsets and troubles. Their cause will be completely strangers. There is a possibility that the sleeping person himself will be an eyewitness to someone else's death.
  • If in a night of dreams a person kills a bandit who has attacked him, then this is a good sign. He promises the dreamer success, promotion at work, good luck in the financial sphere and other similar benefits.
  • The dream in which the sleeping man was killed is an important warning - the enemies of a man or woman are determined. They will try in every possible way to cripple a person’s life. In the near future, you need to be especially careful in a variety of areas.

Freud is sure that if a dreamer himself killed a man in a dream, he should put an end to a boring relationship.

In reality, the sleeper is trying to convince himself that there is still a chance to revive love. In fact, he simply drags a "suitcase without a handle." It is necessary to end a hopeless relationship as soon as possible, and then the dreamer will have a chance to meet his true love.

If the sleeper was only a witness to the murder, most likely, his sexual fantasies are particularly cruel and perverse. The dream book advises him to remember that excessive rudeness may not please the partner in bed.One must stop being selfish in this area.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book an excellent harbinger is a dream in which he managed to kill the enemy. It promises a man or woman success in any endeavor. If in the process a person stained his clothes or hands with blood, a large financial profit can be expected. Money will literally fall onto the dreamer's head or flow into his hands in a wide stream.

Kill a man in a dream

If you dreamed of killing with a knife, most likely, it reflects the internal state of the sleeping person. Does a man attack a familiar man with knives? Surely a lot of aggression and anger accumulated in it in reality. If in the near future the sleeper does not take care to throw her out, then the case may end badly. Serious quarrels with others or even a real fight with the one who first falls into the hands of an embittered dreamer are likely.

See the kill from the side

It happens that in a dream a person simply sees someone else's murder from the side. In this case, it will be very important to remember your own emotions. They will tell you what a dream means. If the sleeping man was not frightened by what happened and did not cause him disgust, then the dream does not promise him anything bad. Even if problems arise, they will be primarily associated with other people. The dreamer will participate in them only indirectly.

Had to watch someone being killed in a dream with a pistol? Such a plot should be considered a harbinger of sadness and atrocities from new acquaintances. If someone from the inner circle in night dreams was hacked with an ax, it is worth warning the dreamed person about possible health problems.

Choke in a dream

If you dreamed of killing with your hands, then this is a clear sign - it is time to deal with a long-standing hidden conflict.

It is not the first year that he torments the sleeping man and does not allow him to live normally. Having finally decided to end the problem, the person himself will feel unprecedented relief.

  • If in a dream a sleeper who killed with his own hands killed a living creature, most likely he will consciously decide to completely get rid of some side of his own personality. It can be a negative quality or a bad habit.
  • It happens that in a dream a man or woman has a strong desire to strangle a stranger. This means that in real life you want to get rid of some unpleasant situation.
  • If you had to see in a nightly dream a very bloody cruel strangulation of someone, the sleeping person will probably take part in a scam that would defame his name. Eliminating the consequences of this will not be easy.
  • Could not in a dream strangle a criminal who attacked a dreamer? In reality, a man or woman has a problem that makes life very difficult. While a person does not see the ways to solve it, and therefore for help in finding them, you should turn to a more experienced senior friend. He will see the situation from the side and will be able to evaluate it with a fresh look. To find a competent exit under such conditions is much easier.

If the dreamer is strangled

People often dream about strangulation.

This usually occurs for the following physiological reasons:

  • The sleeping man does not have enough air in reality. For example, he covered his head with a blanket or the room became stuffy.
  • The dreamer is in an "interesting position." In this state, the fair sex needs more oxygen, as she “breathes for two.” Her sensitivity to air quality also rises.
  • With asthma, ailments of blood vessels and the heart, night suffocation can occur.

If you had a dream for any of the reasons listed above, you should not try to find a hidden mysterious meaning in it.

It happens that in the night dreams of a sleeping person a person familiar in reality suffocates. This is a clear clue that it is he who does not give the dreamer freedom in reality.

Perhaps this is a tyrannical husband or overbearing / overly caring parents. If a dead person strangles - not all affairs with this person are completed. For example, the dreamer did not let him go morally, during his life he did not pay the debt or did not fulfill this promise.In this case, you should go to the priest and ask for advice on how best to do.

No need to be immediately afraid of a dream about the murder. It is not always negative. Under certain conditions, such a plot becomes a harbinger of life changes or even a powerful cash inflow.