Sometimes we dream illogical, as it seems at first glance, dreams. They are attended by people whom we do not know, incredible and sometimes illogical events occur. In this article we will try to understand why a gypsy is dreaming.

In the general case, a gypsy in a dream symbolizes deception or lovelessness. Another interpretation is also possible, it depends on the nuances of the plot, which we propose to consider below.

Interpretation of dreams about a gypsy in dream books

Remember the circumstances in which a gypsy appeared in a dream.

Each nuance adds new colors to the meaning of sleep:

  • You have come to the camp: a tempting offer will come. Agree;
  • to be in the camp as one among the gypsies, or just live with them, means to meet old friends;
  • entered into relationships related to money: beware of cheating at work;
  • talked: a journey is ahead;
  • sat next: there is a dependence on another person, emotional or financial;
  • there was an unpleasant smell: damage to reputation is possible;
  • buy something from her: be careful with money. Possible theft or rash useless waste.

In general, such a dream foreshadows changes that cannot be influenced in any way. If you yourself were a gypsy, then the changes will affect your personal life, and they will be positive. In other cases, it is impossible to accurately predict whether innovations will lead to something good or bad.

Gypsy who is guessing

The man who dreamed of a gypsy who wonders is about to make a rash decision because he is in a hurry. You can interpret this story in a different way. This is a hint that you trust the wrong person, rely entirely on him, and he is not at all interested in your well-being.

There is an unexpected interpretation for those who are familiar with an adult single woman. To see a gypsy fortuneteller in a dream means to get an omen that this woman will marry soon, and with the active assistance of her mother: she will find the groom for an adult unmarried daughter. Moreover, you should not give it a literal meaning - the mother does not necessarily lead the man to get acquainted with his daughter. Acquaintance can happen by chance, where the mother will be an indirect intermediary - for example, the daughter will meet the mother’s colleague by coming to her work place.

Note! If in a dream the gypsy said something, try to remember her words. They will come in handy in reality. Words that we can hear in a dream often become a signal from an unconscious state. So the subconscious mind indicates that we have lost sight of, being conscious.

What does a pregnant gypsy dream about?

Remember the details of the dream. Was she pregnant from you? If so, then the partner has an external relationship.

If there were no special circumstances, and in a dream a person simply saw an unfamiliar pregnant gypsy from the side, then these are the changes that may occur:

  • big changes in financial condition;
  • self-esteem will be called into question: self-doubt may appear, this will lead to anxiety, as a result - lack of sleep, spleen and depression;
  • adultery will happen;
  • health problems will begin.

The most interesting interpretation concerns the unconscious: someone imposed on you alien opinions, desires and attitudes, and now you are mistaken for their own. Try to set aside time for yourself and understand yourself, your true intentions and desires.

Possible evil eye or the influence of hypnosis. As a rule, in this case the dream can be repeated.

According to psychoanalysts, dream plots can be interpreted as deep desires. Had a pregnant gypsy dream? So, deep down, a person dreams of replenishment in the family.

To see a gypsy girl

In a dream, were you a gypsy girl, or did you see her from the outside? In the first case, this is a prediction of the imminent fulfillment of an old dream. Soon there will be an opportunity to do it easily, do not miss the chance.

If observed from the side, the dream predicts:

  1. If one or more girls had fun, then peace of mind and good health are coming. Your blessed state will extend to others.
  2. Did a young gypsy woman argue with you, trying to take something away? There will be, or already is a young rival who will lead your lover away. Although rivalry may concern not only personal life, but also career. It's about competing in your own business or between hired colleagues. Someone wants to take your place, and the fight for it will be fierce.

Carefully remember all the details of sleep, in what tone the girl is talking, how she is set up in relation to you.

What a dream means for women, men

As a rule, a gypsy dream book may have a different explanation for men and women.

If a woman saw a dream with a gypsy, then the interpretation may be as follows:

  • she is in a hurry to get married, focusing not on feelings, but on calculation, and this will not lead to anything good, the marriage will be unhappy;
  • if the woman is currently married, then there will soon be cause for jealousy.

And if a man had such a dream, then the dream warns - he will face the loss of property, movable (household appliances, furniture) or immovable (apartment, land). You should also beware of fleeting love: it will take a lot of mental strength, but will not be mutual.

Old gypsy

Seeing an old woman from a gypsy camp in a dream is a nuisance: beware of illness, danger, and the pursuit of enemies.

A middle-aged fortuneteller symbolizes emotional intelligence. You know yourself well, know how to manage your emotions and understand how other people feel. But the meaning of sleep is to indicate gaps.There are questions in which you are mistaken either at your own expense or at the expense of others. Some emotions are not what they seem. Either you are deliberately deceived, or you voluntarily engage in self-deception. Do an introspection of your actions and thoughts lately to find this same gap.