A chain is a symbol of communication, the connection of two elements. According to the concept of symbolism, the chain is similar to a staircase, in which communicating details stand out, coming one after another. The chain in a dream can personify marriage or even the doctrine of an infinite and continuous universe. To understand in more detail what the golden chain is dreaming of, you should turn to famous dream books.
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Interpretation in various dream books
Different dream books interpret the dream associated with such jewelry in different ways:
- The interpreter of Miller. If a girl dreamed about how her beloved person gave her a gold chain, it means that her partner’s baseless suspicions of infidelity are gnawing at her. If the dreamer personally buys a chain of gold, then in reality he is greatly deceived, not being able to implement plans because of his own insolvency.
- According to the Romanian seer Vanga, the gold chain is a sign of great luck, which "will fall on your head" in reality. Going through jewelry means being the owner of an aristocratic taste. But if the dreamer lost a precious thing, it promises an early loss of financial resources.
- Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova says that the gold chain is an embodiment of sincere relations in which the participants are a single whole. However, if a dreamer noticed some flaw on the jewelry, this warns the sleeping man about possible falsehood and hypocrisy.
- Hasse, in his dream book, considers expensive jewelry as a sign of an imminent meeting with a real friend who will become a reliable support in any situation, even the most difficult.
There are many interpretations of visions about jewelry, but for a more accurate understanding, you need to remember the details.
Find a gold chain
In a dream, find a gold chain - to the reception of wealthy and influential people. Also, such a find may be a harbinger of an easy solution to a long overdue issue, which was "in a long box" because it seemed insoluble.
If the dreamer found a torn product, then he should reconsider his plans - he sets for himself too high standards.
Finding a decoration in food is for love of convenience, when material wealth will prevail over feelings. If the dreamer found several chains, it means that soon he will have a lot of responsibilities, or he will have a lot of responsibility. But do not be scared, because over time it will help to gain credibility among friends and colleagues.
In order not to make a mistake in the interpretation, the dreamer should try to remember what the find looked like:
- tarnished - to a possible ailment;
- with a pendant - to a new romantic feeling;
- in a set with a ring - to the growth of material well-being;
- with the cross - to new, very successful acquaintances.
But if the dreamer could not recreate the whole picture of what he saw, do not despair: just a gold chain is a symbol of a series of happy coincidences.
See the decoration on yourself
If the dreamer dreamed that there was a gold item on his neck, then this most likely means that he will soon come under someone’s influence and will become dependent on decisions both from close ones and from his colleagues. In this case, it is worth remembering what the sleeping person felt: if positive, then this effect will not deprive of personal freedom, but if it is negative, life will resemble slavery.
The chain in such a plot most often symbolizes a trap into which the dreamer risks falling. It is worth in the near future to be more careful and commit only carefully considered actions.
According to Freud, if someone had a golden chain on his neck, this is a reflection of the dreamer's tendency to show a particularly strong interest in the intimate life of other people due to prolonged abstinence.
With pendant or pendant
If in night vision the decoration was with a pendant, then its values can be as follows:
- Dream Interpretant Longo considers a chain with a pendant as a harbinger of the coming expensive, but tasteless gift. If the pendant in a dream had the shape of a heart, and the dreamer was a girl, then such a vision promises her a meeting with a wealthy gentleman. Also, the author attaches importance to the manufacture: if the pendant is made by hand, a serious discussion is coming heart to heart.
- If the dreamer himself acquires a product with a pendant, then it is worth preparing for a meeting with distant relatives.
- The dream where the dreamer steps on the jewelry with a pendant promises trouble, difficulties in work, and especially in the manufacturing sphere.
On a note! If you dreamed that you stole a gold chain (with or without a pendant), you will soon become the owner of important information, possibly even insider information.
What does it mean for a girl, a guy
Interpretations may vary depending on the dreamer's gender.
If a man dreams about how he presents a gold chain as a gift to his beloved, then in reality he suspects her of infidelity. However, in reality, he has no reason for jealousy.
- If a guy was presented with a gold chain in a dream, this can mean both his distrust of his relatives and a quick marriage with the donor.
- If the young man dreamed about how he put the chain on his hand, then ahead of him is a strong and harmonious union created by love.
- If the girl dreamed of a chain on herself, then she speaks of the rich inner world of the lady, of her high morality and personal depth. Such a dream promises success and good fortune.
- But the product seen on the other is a bad sign. He warns, saying that betrayal, betrayal or deceit is possible even from those people whom the dreamer considered her close friends.
Why dream about decoration with a cross
If you dream of a gold chain with a cross, it means that the wedding bell will soon sound, because a neat cross symbolizes joy and family harmony. If there is already a partner who is not in a hurry to tie the knot, then such a night vision portends a quick meeting with the second half, who will not doubt their feelings.
But if there was a huge, massive cross on the chain in a dream, then a new stage will begin in life:
- business expansion;
- career growth;
- getting the long-awaited divorce;
- change of permanent residence.
The main thing is that the fastener can withstand. Since if you dreamed that under the weight of the cross the chain breaks, then the interpretation will be completely opposite - the “black” streak in life is coming.
Tear a gold chain in a dream
If we consider the chain as a kind of connection, then a torn jewelry, according to Miller, means future losses that may be associated with a break in interpersonal relationships.
To hold a torn chain in hands - to quarrels and family troubles.
If a person dreams that he inadvertently breaks the chain when trying on, for example, in a jewelry store, then it is worth moving the event organized by the dreamer to a later date. If the product breaks due to the fault of another person, then the event should be canceled or radically changed. Otherwise, the reputation of the sleeper may be in jeopardy.
But such a vision may have a positive interpretation. Has the chain broken and lies on the floor? Sleeping awaits unexpected success in a matter that seemed to him a failure.
In general, the gold chain does not bode well and fatal, so do not be afraid of dreams with similar plots. Sleep well and have good dreams!