The interpretation of what to dream of depends on the details of the dream: where the kiss was and who the person with whom it happened was. A kiss can be both a sign of attention of the opposite sex in reality, and a foretaste of betrayal. To find out what your dream specifically predicted, you need to parse it into details.
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Interpretation of sleep in dream books
Freud believed that dreams are the result of the projection of our hidden desires. At the same time, other dream books, for example, Miller, do not consider dreams a direct manifestation of deep emotions.
Judging by the most popular interpretations, a dream kiss with someone other than your immediate partner is far from a desire to change. But this may portend difficulties to the dreamer in real life.
A light, non-binding kiss means that in reality you want to thank someone for their care, but you cannot decide how to do it. Perhaps you are holding a friendly or romantic sympathy that you can’t admit in any way. But in most cases, such dreams portend a pleasant pastime with a person in the very near future.
Kiss with a loved one
Kisses with loved ones can mean different things, depending on whose particular hug the dreamer was in:
- If you had a kiss on the lips with a romantic partner, the near future does not promise you a dizzying passion. Your relationship will go into the “calm” period, when a riot of emotions will recede into the background and you will better recognize each other as individuals.
- If in a dream you kiss with your husband, passion does not fade in your couple over the years. Harmony reigns in the union, and each partner feels protected and satisfied.Most often, after such dreams, you feel an emotional lift for the whole day. Kissing in a dream with her husband is considered a positive sign, indicating that your relationship is developing comfortably for both partners.
- If you dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend, you are worried about some unfinished business in the past. Most likely, it will not be possible to complete it. In this case, you should try to stop thinking about the past, start living in the present. It can also be interpreted very literally: you still haven't cooled off in your feelings for your ex-boyfriend. Analyze your relationship, remembering not only pleasant moments, but also the reasons for the breakup. This will help you decide if you need to try to recapture the past.
In any case, a kiss with a loved one in a dream can mean a simple desire to spend more time with your lover.
Why dream a kiss on the neck
If it was a girl who touched someone's neck with her lips, she needs to think about her intimate life. Perhaps she does not like something in sex with a partner or she is unsatisfied. If the girl has a regular partner, it is worth discussing with him their desires and listen to him.
If a girl dreams about a man kissing her neck, this is a sign: it’s time to think about priorities in life, to reconsider your attitude to the future. Perhaps she is gnawed by deep desires, which for some reason she is ashamed of.
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If you had a kiss with a colleague
If a colleague kisses you in a dream, be careful at work. Do not initiate strangers into your personal problems and worries, do not gossip at someone behind you. All this can turn against you and your life will turn into a series of troubles and intrigues. Try to be restrained in emotions so that your colleagues do not have a reason to denigrate you in front of your bosses.
If the kiss was with someone from the leadership and after sleep there was an unpleasant aftertaste, a dream is a projection of your fear of the boss. Perhaps lately you have received too many criticisms from him, and the brain is trying in this way to cope with a lot of negativity.
Kissing with a friend in a dream
If in a dream you see a kiss with a girl or guy unfamiliar to you, this is not the most pleasant sign. You do not have enough attention from other people, communication. And not necessarily we are talking about a romantic relationship. You simply want to spend more time in society, and not shut yourself in four walls.
If you are in a relationship, kissing with another in a dream is no reason to consider yourself a traitor. Just between you and your partner, the former passion subsided, giving way to domestic conflicts. Because of them, you may have started spending less time together. If you both think about your behavior and agree to compromise, you have every chance to restore your old relationship. If you feel that all your attempts to establish communication are like peas pounding against a wall, try to abstract yourself and take care of yourself. Over time, the partner will either begin to make some attempts to get closer, or your dilapidated relationship will finally disappear, and you will get freedom.
A number of dream books treat a kiss with a close friend as "farewell." Judging by them, you and your friend will have difficult times in your relationship: a series of major quarrels will follow, one of which may interrupt your communication.
If this kiss is not just with a close friend, but a best friend, deep inside you can live a spark of sympathy for him. It is also an embodiment of your spiritual intimacy. You have many positive memories in common, you do not have to grind to each other, because you are well aware of the positive and negative aspects of character. Perhaps you should try moving your relationship to another plane.
A passionate kiss
A passionate kiss in a dream, like in real life, leads to a state of mild euphoria. The negative side of such a dream may be the appearance of phantom feelings in real life.For example, in a dream, you passionately kissed a friend you really don't feel anything for. But after a "hot night" it begins to seem to you that something could have worked out not only in a working relationship.
If a girl had a chance to kiss a man in a dream, then dream books advise in such cases not to lose one’s head and not to make hasty conclusions. Do not change your attitude to people just because of your dreams.
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Dream books also report that such dreams indicate possible imminent conflicts with the person you dreamed about. Try to be wise and smooth out the sharp corners between you. Do not give vent to emotions and do not add oil to the fire. Otherwise, you will not only ruin the relationship with the person, but also cause discomfort in the first place to yourself.
Relations with a person from such a dream are very fragile, and deep down you realize this. You understand that one careless word, one rude gesture - and everything that is built between you will collapse at that very moment. Decide for yourself whether you want to save this bad world.
If the kiss in the dream was French, this is a harbinger of treason. As a rule, the result will be a deep introspection of one of the partners and a complete revision of the concept of relations.
Air kiss
An air kiss symbolizes the game, tenderness and lightness, and not deep emotions. This is an abstract romance that does not imply a serious relationship. Perhaps you are afraid of becoming attached to people, so try to stay at a safe distance from people who may express a desire to start a family with you.
No one forces you to go down the aisle a month after you meet, but avoiding and fearing any relationship is not an option. Try to understand yourself and your desires.
Kissing a dead man in a dream
First of all, dreams related to the dead warn us about health problems. Dream Interpretations suggest taking measures for the prevention of diseases and passing tests until the disease has passed into the visible phase. Relax and protect your emotions.
Also, the kiss of the deceased is a symbol of imminent change and a hurricane of emotions, both positive and negative.
Such a dream can be a reflection of real events in the event that a loved one recently died. A dream in this case is a sign that you were greatly shocked by this event and you cannot stop thinking about the past.
If we talk about all the kisses in general, this is a fairly positive sign. The exception is situations when, after waking up, the dreamer feels an unpleasant sensation in his chest, he does not leave regret, as if something immoral was committed. In this case, the dreamer needs to reconsider his attitude to romantic and sexual relations in general. It is possible that under the influence of a developing society, a person feels guilty for his too conservative views, which should not be.