Dreams in which people are representatives of the clergy carry important information and serve as a warning about global changes for better or worse. Moreover, you can expect sharp turns of fate at any time in your life. The nature of future events depends on the mental state and spiritual state of the dreamer. What a priest dreams about in each particular case can be understood if we recall all the details of night vision.

Decoding in various dream books

The father is dreaming - in the near future it is necessary to be careful, to control all your actions, to follow the speech. Before you do something or say something, you need to anticipate their consequences.

The priest is always the personification of morality, so you should think about cleansing your soul, maybe visit a temple and pray to God. The interpretation of sleep is often influenced by the current lunar phase and day of the week. The meaning of what was seen can be explained only taking into account all the nuances and details: what the priest looked like, what he did, he said.

The interpretation of this dream in different dream books:

  • the priest serves the liturgy - a harbinger of emotional experiences, anxieties, possibly illness (Modern Dream Book);
  • just to see a church servant - the dreamer's conscience is unclean, support, an indication of the right path (Wanderer Dream Book);
  • the priest conducts the Wedding rite - in reality, a peaceful, happy life awaits with a loved one (Wang);
  • the priest is angry with the sleeping person, turns away, or dies - in reality one should look at his problem from the other side and start looking for other ways to solve it (Family Dream Book);
  • father is busy with service - illness and minor troubles (Psychological);
  • to see closely the priest, but not be able to talk with him - a warning that the dreamer expects submission to someone else's will;
  • the preacher appears before the sleeper as a reminder of his weaknesses and defaming bonds (Miller);
  • the priest, tired and saddened, is a warning about someone’s evil intent regarding the sleeping person;
  • to talk with the priest - in reality, high honors are expected;
  • to be a priest himself - in reality, find himself in an ambiguous, uncomfortable position, a strong blow will be inflicted on the dreamer's pride (Esoteric);
  • solemn service - participation in a socially important matter;
  • the priest serves a memorial service - in reality a complex problem that has troubled a person for a long time will be solved;
  • listening to a sermon is an important message on which the future depends (Simeon Prozorov);
  • the priest serves as a symbol of wastefulness, money will be spent for other purposes (Gypsy);
  • to confess in a dream - repentance, desire to correct a mistake, if the priest forgives sins, therefore, suffering and misery in real life will stop (Family).

The meaning of sleep for a woman:

  • falling in love with a priest - a loved one will deceive (Love Dream Book);
  • a young girl dreams of a baby whom the priest baptizes - replenishment in the family;
  • a pregnant woman is present at Baptism - childbirth will be successful, and the baby will be born healthy (Freud).

What does the priest dream about in a festive robe

Interpreters believe that such a night story portends events that will occur in the coming days.

If in a dream the priest wore a light festive garment, this means:

  • the future lawsuit due to inheritance will end in favor of the dreamer;
  • Waiting for dinner with friends or partners in a restaurant or other good establishment;
  • receiving invitations from friends for a holiday;
  • new acquaintance or renewal of relations with a previous partner;
  • for a girl - a quick marriage;
  • for a married woman - strengthening marriage ties.

More dream books:what death dreams of

Blessing in a dream

There are several options for explaining such a night story, in which the priest blesses the dreamer. This is a harbinger of the fact that a person goes through life without making big mistakes. However, a dream can serve as a reminder that for the good from others it is necessary to pay the same.

Interpretation of a vision where a priest gives a blessing:

  • difficulties will be solved successfully, and those people from whom no one expected this will help;
  • new affairs and undertakings will be completed successfully without any special obstacles;
  • a good moment for the implementation of life plans;
  • you need to show confidence in people, do not look for hidden subtext in their actions;
  • should take care of your health;
  • receiving support from an influential person soon;
  • improvement of material condition;
  • success will come without fail, you just have to wait a bit.

Father prays at the icon

The priest who reads the prayer before the holy image is a good sign. This is a harbinger of God's love, which will protect against errors and temptations. The dreamer expects success and a successful outcome of each business.

The dream where the priest in the church prays before the icon means the following:

  • vision on the eve of the Christian holiday - you need to be careful, it's time to repent of their sin;
  • to receive an unknown object from the clergyman who is at the icon - you will need help in some matter, but in any case its result will not please you with a positive result;
  • praying father - the time has come for repentance, the dreamer is worried about loved ones.

Dreamed in a black robe

The daily clothing for the priest is a black cassock. Often such a dream indicates cares and minor troubles. The majestic appearance of a clergyman suggests that support can soon be expected from an influential person.

If a priest in a black cassock dreamed:

  • in the coming days, you will have to devote most of the time to household chores, stay in the family circle;
  • receiving good, favorable news;
  • sadness and sorrow;
  • family dinner;
  • in relationships with others, avoid excessive suspicion;
  • should be open to the chosen one in their feelings;
  • Divine love, help of providence;
  • the destruction of habitual ideals, a radical change of outlook on life;
  • obtaining new information, knowledge;
  • in difficult situations you need to trust your intuition;
  • touch the cassock - in reality, celebrate an anniversary or other significant date.

The attribute in the hands of the clergyman is a harbinger of a threat or trouble, not only for the dreamer himself, but also for his relatives. Care must be taken for several days after the dream.

To see in a dream many priests in black robes gathered near the temple, means to become the main at a great celebration. The prayer book or icon presented by the clergyman is also a good sign, transactions will be successful, and a career will go up. If a girl receives a gift from the archpriest, then in reality she will have a loving husband and children, material wealth.

Do not be afraid after such dreams, most of them are favorable and quickly come true.