There are many mysterious and frightening dreams. Of all of them, most of all, a person seeks to know what his death is dreaming of. People see this as an omen, fall into fear or extreme curiosity. In fact, such dreams are not at all a symbol of real death.
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Interpretation of dreams about own death in dream books
The image of death in a dream is rarely interpreted as something negative. Most often, it is a symbol of a new significant episode in your life.
But in different dream books they write about other options for the interpretation of such a dream:
- Miller’s dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a sign that you are tired of gray everyday life and want to drastically change your life. You want to communicate with new people, find a new hobby, leave hated work. Also, the dream of death is a symbol of the emergence of major problems that prevent you from moving on. If resurrection follows death in a dream, this is a sign that, deep down in your soul, you already know the way out of this situation, and very soon everything will be fine.
- Dream Interpretation Lynn. You want to finally discard old problems and start a new life, find peace of mind, spend more time on your hobby. You also want to make new acquaintances, but old connections and prejudices interfere with this. Finally, get rid of the old problems and ties that bother you.
- Dream Book of Wangi. The soothsayer believes that your death in a dream attracts love in real life. Soon you will meet a man who will become your soul mate.
- The dream book of Nostradamus interprets the dream as future joy and good news. Also, dreams about death are a symbol of imminent fun and meeting with close friends.
- Velez's dream book also turns the dream of death upside down.It would seem that such dreams do not bode well. In fact, they lead to a happy long life surrounded by loved ones.
Thus, despite the large number of dream books, and interpretations, mainly such dreams mean something pleasant and joyful.
Why dream of death
If in a dream you do not see the deceased with your own eyes, but the news of death reaches you, the interpretation will greatly depend on the details of the dream and your reaction to the news:
- If after words about death you feel relief, such a dream does not bode well. Most likely, in this case an unpleasant period of your life “dies”, one of your problems will be solved by itself.
- The news of death causes terrible grief if you are afraid to deal with the problem yourself. You always try to attract extra people so that they help you stay afloat. You need to become more independent. An adult life has come; someone will not always be with you who will be ready not only to lend a helping hand, but to do everything for you.
- If in a dream you received the news of the death of your former partner or spouse, this symbolizes the end of your dreams on him. If you remembered him long days after the breakup, it will finally stop, and you can start a new relationship without looking for a new friend's outlines of your former lover.
Some people who hear the news of death are perceived as a prophetic dream, and they begin to panic to dial the number of the deceased relative in a dream. Do not be scared and make loved ones nervous. Just try to devote more time to people you love, and always be aware of their health.
I dreamed of the image of "death with a scythe"
The image of death with a scythe should not scare the dreamer. Such visions can be interpreted by the good news soon. Perhaps someone from your environment has been trying to get pregnant for a very long time, and finally he succeeded. Also, the image of death can mean the return of a loved one from abroad or reconciliation after a long quarrel. In any case, death with a scythe does not bode well. It only symbolizes a quick flash of joy and suggests rejoicing for the happiness of loved ones.
See your funeral in a dream
If in a dream you see your own funeral, this portends an early deliverance from unnecessary experiences and bad habits. It is time to restructure your personality. Take up a hobby that has been put off for a long time, and learn to be happy.
In addition, his own death also dreams of longevity, a quiet life with loved ones. If you see grieving friends and relatives among those who have come to the funeral, be sure: these people are always ready to come to your aid and support in any situation. Soon your friend may be in a difficult situation, and he will need support from you.
The third interpretation of sleep about your death is very simple: you are really very afraid of dying. This constant fear is projected onto your dreams, creating such a frightening and mysterious picture.
More dream books:dream of the cemetery
What does it mean to see yourself in a coffin
In fact, a dream where you see yourself in a coffin does not bode well. It symbolizes the completion of a life span, a change in the character or views of the dreamer. For example, this may be a sign that after a long struggle with a bad habit, attempts will finally succeed.
Even if you are very sick and see yourself in a coffin, you do not need to panic. Most likely, the reason is that your thoughts are often occupied with complications of illnesses and the fear of a possible death. If the dream ends in the fact that you rise from the coffin to your feet and leave - this is a sign that very soon you will recover.