It is unlikely that you often have to see pigs in a dream, unless you are the owner of a pig farm or keep a pet in the barn. Moreover, you should pay attention to the dream, the guest of which was an unusual pet. Remember carefully the details of the dream and look into the dream book: what if it’s some kind of sign?
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Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream of a pig?
For some reason, for most of us, pigs cause unpleasant associations associated with laziness, uncleanliness, and finally, with gluttony. Perhaps that is why most of the explanations for which the pig is dreaming also promise the dreamer little good. Nevertheless, the interpretation of such dreams is far from unambiguous and able to portend favorable circumstances and events in life.
The main thing is to recall to the smallest detail all the features, from the type and condition of the animal to the "density" of your contact with him in a dream and the emotional color of the dream, and take into account their combination.
For the interpreter, a big role is played by whether you dreamed of a wild boar, or if it turned out to be a pig; what color the animal had skin; Piggy behaved kindly or angrily, chasing you in a dream and trying to bite. Where you saw a pig - in a stable or grazing on green grass, is also important for a correct understanding of sleep. Like that, the animal was alone or in a large company of fellow tribesmen. Or maybe it was a sow with a bunch of little funny piglets, or you saw a pig head in a dream decorating a festive feast.
To dream of a living, dead pig
If you dreamed of a living, unremarkable mumps, which you watched from the side, this promises a prosperous life in the house - a "full bowl."However, do not get carried away with your well-being, prefer moderation and reason to excesses so that the situation does not turn into the exact opposite.
In the dream came the hog - formidable, huge? Perhaps the dream warns that it is worth figuring out which people surround you in reality. Surely in the circle of acquaintances turned out to be bad, uneducated, evil personalities, communication with which in the best case will bring emotional discomfort.
If a healthy, beautiful wild boar was dreamed of by a young woman or girl - on the horizon was a marriage proposal. The groom is almost at the doorstep, and you will only have to decide how to respond to courtship: although the potential husband is very wealthy, he is incredibly stingy and terribly jealous.
We saw a pig that was not clogged by you - turn on your intuition and think about what such a spectacle in a dream is associated with you. One can interpret the dream in two ways.
- First of all, take it as news that your enemy has been defeated. Or that you successfully avoided the "snares" placed by the enemy.
- Secondly, it may mean future material losses. It is not for nothing that a pig is a symbol of fertility for many.
Woman in a dream cuts a pig
However, when a dead animal was dreamed, this far from always predicts some troubles and life disasters. Remember, we said that for a correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account all the details seen in the "land of Morpheus"?
Of course, cutting a well-fed domestic pig is not very pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream. But such a somewhat creepy dream portends an interesting job or a well-paid part-time job. But such actions in relation to a small piglet promise trouble, sometimes significant. This is either a business problem, up to an imminent collapse, or an ailment, or stupidly spent serious money. In other words, not the best dream. But, according to the pig’s dream book, the black pig personally killed in a dream demonstrates that you successfully circumvented all the traps cunningly arranged by your enemies.
Clean, dirty pig
As a rule, the pure pink skin of your dream animal means well-being and good luck. Everything will go well with you both in the family and at work. Of course, you may want more, but sometimes there are times in life when you should be content with what you have.
Kohl pig in a dream is cheerful and covered with bristles, this portends pleasant surprises and events, promises a lot of joy.
But in the case when the animal in your dream itches, or wallows in the mud, in reality one should expect conflicts and quarrels - either with friends or with colleagues at work. And also gossip and approach from ill-wishers.
Animal in the pen, at home, on the street
It is not very good if a large company of pigs and wild boars from your sleep was in the pigsty. Most likely, this is a sign that you are the subject of gossip and gossip relating to your lifestyle. And for you it would be better not to ignore such a warning and not give others a reason to question your reputation.
Tiny little nimble piglets scurry around the house? Such a dream suggests that soon the dreamer will appreciate the profit. Moreover, the more clean beautiful babies were in your dream, the more significant it will be. In addition, a large number of piglets indicates a possible promotion or a large bonus.
If in a dream you saw a pig flock grazing peacefully on green grass, you have a calm period ahead, when family relationships will be extremely harmonious.
What is the dream of a pig with piglets?
But piglets with a sow - not so rosy. After such a dream, perhaps you will understand why everything is not going well with you. This is hindered by "parasites" who use your successes and achievements for their own purposes, who want to make a profit at your expense.
Thus, a married lady is given a sign: it is time to pay more attention to children.Perhaps your eternal employment at work and at home has already led to the fact that they are slightly unbelted from the lack of mother's society. Although if the cubs in your dream sucked the uterus, this is a favorable sign. Do not be surprised when you are noticed and marked by management: you probably deserve it with your professionalism.
The pig runs after you, bites
In general, such dreams do not promise anything good, although, depending on the circumstances, there are nuances in their interpretation. At night it seemed that a domestic pig or boar does not allow passage? Attacks and tries to nibble? Then get ready for an imminent “battle” tete-a-tete with a sworn enemy. True, if you notice blood on the animal, it means that you have some advantages over the enemy. But still, in reality, you’ll have to go all the way to consolidate them and not lose your business or loved one.
Did wild boar demonstrate the same aggressive behavior in a dream? Surely in life you offended someone seriously, and now his revenge awaits you.
If a wild beast managed to bite in a dream, it would be necessary to be prepared for real meanness on the part of famous enemies. The worst thing is that the severity of the consequences cannot be predicted.