To understand what beets dream of, it is better to study several dream books at once. Although it is worth noting that most often this vegetable symbolizes the news (good or bad), productivity, unexpected events, success and trouble. It all depends on the specific situation that occurred in a dream.

Interpretation in popular dream books

In most dream books, the meaning of beets seen is understood the same way. However, there are some nuances that are proposed to be considered in more detail.

In Miller’s dream book, it is stated that the dream of a rich beet harvest is of direct importance. Already in the fall, hardworking hosts will fill the storerooms and cellars with vegetables and fruits. And also peace and quiet will reign in the family.

If you had a rich feast on which beets are served and tasted, it is better to remember the guests. Most likely in the near future they will have a lot of good news.

The East Dream Book agrees with these statements, adding that vegetables served on dirty or broken dishes promise trouble and unwanted chores.

And here is what beets dream of in Veles’s little dream book:

  • to eat - to receive unexpected but pleasant news;
  • to collect - the wealth of the crop and economy;
  • rub - quick separation;
  • wash dirty root crops - a shame;
  • making a salad is a success in life;
  • feed animals with vegetables - business success.

Dream Interpretation of Smurov, like Medea, promises to be freed from troubles and problems in the very near future. And according to the interpretation of the 21st century dream book, beets can be a harbinger of an invitation to an important and fun party.

For those born from January to February, root crops will bring shame in a dream, from September to December - a secret ill-wisher, and from May to August - opportunities to earn a little.

The study of interpretations in popular dream books, including Ukrainian, confirms the following:

  1. Drinking juice - chores with men.
  2. Okroshka - to separation.
  3. For animal feed - lucrative contracts.
  4. Harvest fields are a good income after hard work.
  5. Scrub dirty, ugly fruit - to shame.
  6. Picking vegetables is a good owner for good.
  7. Different dishes - for unforeseen circumstances.

See white, red beets

Depending on the color of the vegetable that you dreamed about, the meaning of sleep may differ significantly from that described above. What is the difference?

Immature pale beets portend large or small troubles, as indicated by the size and number of root crops. The whiter the vegetable in the dream, the more dangers await on the way: career or love.

The yellow fruits "speak" of a possible prosecution by ill-wishers, which means that you will need to be careful when deciding important cases.

In general, any shade, except for red, does not bode well. And all the positive situations listed above should be considered with a minus sign.

But red or saturated purple vegetables will bring good luck, health and joy. This is what it means to see yellow, white, red beets in a dream.

Why dream of collecting beetroot in the garden

Separately, it is desirable to consider dreams in which beets are not on the table, but in the field.

So, watch from the side for a generous harvest - to prosperity and prosperity. If the questioner picks up the vegetables with his own hands, then he will have to work long, but his labors will be more than rewarded.

Why dream of collecting root crops in the garden yet? When there is nothing left after harvesting, a well-paid job and success in business in general are ahead. Although it will take some effort.

At the same time, the collection and cleaning of root crops polluted with land is an unkind sign, even if red beets are dreamed. Most likely this will lead to an unpleasant situation that will disgrace the sleeping person in public.

Had a lot of big root crops

The larger the vegetables dreamed in size, the clearer it is possible to draw conclusions, both pleasant and negative:

  • large red beets on a field or table means prosperity in the house, peace on earth and good news in the near future;
  • beds with large clean root crops predict a rich harvest, success in all endeavors and current affairs;
  • to collect beets in a dream, filling baskets or crates to the top with huge vegetables - for profit or good news;
  • I dreamed of a lot of big root crops at a festive or ordinary feast - the whole family is waiting for happiness and monetary replenishment of the budget, as well as a lot of positive news;
  • appeared in a dream big white, yellow or unripe vegetables - to be in trouble, therefore, it is recommended to be more attentive to new partners or enemies.

Boiled beets in dreams

When boiled beets dream, it can also talk about impending problems or future joys. It all depends on the color, size and what happens to the root crop.

If it is rubbed (no matter in a dirty or clean form), then this dream predicts separation from relatives or friends. But beetroot juice on the tables promises problems that are closely related to men.

Dainties and beetroot dishes, which are beautifully and tasty prepared, mean unexpected positive news (in the case of red vegetables), and negative (when white or yellow).

Still boiled beets in dreams, especially in salads, predict success in all directions - hearty, working and family. The brighter and larger the root crops, the more joy there will be in life.