Wedding celebration is seen not only in young dreamy young ladies. Such a plot can become a frequent nightly guest, even for a man. The easiest way to figure out why your dream is your own will be with the help of professional dream books.
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Why dream your own wedding - interpretation of dream books
To begin with, it should be noted that unmarried girls who dream of her and think a lot about this event often dream of their own wedding. Of course, in this case, the plot does not really matter. You can safely forget about it. But under other conditions, a wedding from sleep can be an important harbinger. And not always favorable.
In Miller's dream book, a wedding means that in the near future, a man or woman will be able to deal with circumstances that impede success. If a traffic jam has begun in business and you can’t manage to move closer to your goal, you need to look for the reasons for this. The sleep tells us that it will be very easy to find and eliminate their sleeping.
In the Women's Dream Book, it is noted that a wedding that did not take place due to disapproval of the parents in a dream will fail and in reality. The girl’s mom and dad are categorically against their daughter connecting her life with the chosen man. They will do everything possible to prevent this. Before categorically rejecting the advice of loved ones, it is worth carefully analyzing and weighing their words. What if they turn out to be true?
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova suggests that seeing yourself as a bride in a snow-white dress is not the most positive sign. It is interesting that such a plot can be dreamed even of a representative of the stronger sex. Sleep suggests that a person has health problems.Particular attention should be paid to the state of the cardiovascular system.
I dreamed about an unmarried girl
If an unmarried young lady sees in her night dreams that she is getting married in parallel with her sister or girlfriend, then it is with this woman that she may have a waking conflict. The reason for it will be banal envy. If there is no desire to spend energy on a developing quarrel, it will be enough just for a while to distance oneself from the girl who is starting her. Over time, passions subside by themselves.
It happens that in the role of a spouse at a wedding celebration, the representative of the fair sex sees her colleague or boss. This is a wonderful sign. You can soon expect an increase in the career ladder or an increase in salary. True, the cause of such pleasant changes may be the leadership’s sympathy for the dreamer, and not her professional merit.
If a girl dreams of a very quiet sad wedding, at which she appears in the role of the bride, such a plot can be considered a reflection of her inner state. Surely the sleeping woman suffers from loneliness, feels abandoned and useless by all. Until she has met her soulmate, it’s worth finding an interesting hobby and generally stop spending evenings at home alone. Otherwise, you can bring yourself to depression.
A man saw in a dream his wedding - what does it mean?
In many dream books, a man’s own wedding from a dream for a man turns out to be a sign that he chose the right partner in life. This interpretation is especially relevant if the marriage in night dreams turned out to be very magnificent, joyful and solemn. If the second half has not yet become the wife of the sleeping person, do not pull with the offer of a hand and heart.
Also for men, the day of the week on which the wedding was seen matters:
- On Monday - to large financial expenses, which the sleeper did not expect in advance.
- On Tuesday - to change jobs.
- On Wednesday - to deception from debtors.
- On Thursday - to a fleeting, but very vivid novel.
- On Friday - any plot seen may turn out to be prophetic.
- On weekends - to a sharp change in relations with the second half.
The most negative version of the plot is the one in which the man married his beloved. It promises a sleeping person a sharp deterioration in health.
Wedding with ex-husband
If a woman managed to get married again, but suddenly sees in a dream a marriage with an ex-man, such a plot promises her quarrels and misunderstandings in family life. Probably, their main reason will be jealousy from the last spouse. To avoid it, you will need to behave with dignity, give up even the slightest flirtation and not react in any way to provocations from other men.
More dream books:dream of your own wedding
Sometimes a wedding with a former spouse or boyfriend dreams of a girl as a sign that she will soon receive news from him or find out any news. Perhaps she will even have a chance to renew relations with a man from the past.
Dreaming of a failed wedding
It happens that in her dream a girl gets married, but the whole process is not going as expected. This is a clear sign that in reality the representative of the fair sex should reconsider her life views. She often makes the same mistakes, because of which she cannot actively develop and quickly achieve her goals.
If in a dream a man or woman is married / given to marry by force, then this is a good sign. The plot promises a person a strong real love in reality.
Had to consider your own celebration in the photographs? So, in real life you should keep your mouth shut. Excessive talkativeness can cause a person to incur trouble.
If the wedding did not take place in the dream, because the groom simply did not come to her, in reality the relationship between the couple is not as perfect as the lovers are trying to imagine.The woman is afraid to disappoint her relatives that for the sake of their calmness she is ready to keep silent about the existing problems and continues to idealize the soulmate, attributing non-existent virtues to her partner. The dream suggests that it is time to become honest with both loved ones and with herself.
Had to cry in a dream at your own wedding? This is a great sign. Soon in reality there will be a reason for fun. In exoteric dream books it is noted that in this way the human soul is purified in a dream.
- Marina Petrova
- Marina Petrova