What strange things do not come to us at night in the form of dreams! For example, you can see other countries and even times, eat exotic dishes that were never thought of in reality. But today we will talk about what a herd of cows is dreaming of. Many will agree that the dream is very strange, especially for those who live away from the villages and saw Zorka only on TV!

Interpretation in the dream books

Consider the interpretation of dreams in the publications of famous authors. The values ​​can vary greatly, but then we will familiarize ourselves with the interpretation of small details, and they will complement the picture of the prediction.

The famous psychologist, a native of Germany, Gustav Miller, argues that a dream carries a strong energy, and the interpretation may be different:

  1. For businessmen, this dream promises success in work, the advancement of their career. Soon it will be possible to increase capital.
  2. If the cows herd rush past the dreamer, then it is worth waiting for a major quarrel in which you will be the initiator. In order not to set up an environment against yourself, do not make unweighted and hasty decisions.
  3. Seeing skinny cows is a disease. It is necessary to abandon all bad habits, begin to lead the right lifestyle. If you do not change your attitude to health, then everything can end very sadly.

By Wang:

  1. The famous soothsayer claims that sleeping with cows and bulls is a very good night phenomenon. For example, aggressive bulls foreshadow a meeting with an influential person who will merit your leadership qualities, independence and ability to work.
  2. If you just see a herd grazing peacefully in the meadow, you will have to work hard, but the work will be rewarded.

According to Freud:

  1. The psychologist claims in his publications that the bull in a dream is excessive self-confidence.
  2. If you dreamed about a cow, then the dreamer is illegible in choosing partners, you need to be more prudent, otherwise you can be left alone.

According to Hasse:

  1. A dream with large, powerful bulls portends material and family well-being.
  2. Escaping from a pursuing bull - in reality it will suffer financially from ill-wishers who envy your work and talents. There will be problems at work - look around, this same ill-wisher is nearby.

Eastern dream book says:

If you dream of a herd of running cows (not bulls), then expect disappointment associated with a loved one.

The Muslim dream book connects the dream with productivity and natural phenomena:

Fat cows for a productive year. The weather will contribute to a good harvest.

If a herd of skinny cows, then expect bad weather conditions: a lot of rain, cold or drought - all will contribute to the loss of the crop.

But not every interpretation may be true for a certain dreamer. For example, the prediction will vary depending on the sex of the sleeper, on the color of the cows and much more.

Dreamed of a large herd of cows

Let's consider a dream in trifles. The first thing to remember is the color of the cows:

  • white animals - to joy, good news, a pleasant surprise is possible;
  • red cows - distant relatives will visit you soon, or you will receive news from them;
  • if the cows are black - expect troubles and problems.

In the case when a herd of cows consists of about the same number of black, white and red, then soon you will have to make a difficult choice.

It seemed that the cow was talking to you in a dream, then in reality you feel a lack of communication. You need to spend more time with friends, get out of the house for walks in good company.

Let us see what the dream portends if it is a man, girl or woman dreaming.

  1. In a dream, to run away from a bull that is furious - in life to be a shy person. Thus you can miscalculate your fate! It is necessary to become more relaxed, to stop running away from potential suitors.
  2. To see a herd of a married woman - soon there will be small household chores, but you can quickly cope with them.
  3. If you witness how a bull covers a heifer, it becomes waking to become pregnant. Walking is simple, but giving birth is easy, the baby will be healthy.
  4. I dreamed of a lot of cows with calves - to meet a wealthy man with whom a romantic relationship develops, marriage is possible.
  5. If a woman dreamed of young heifers, then in reality she has a rival, she must beware.

Dreams with cows promise men well-being. If the dreamer is not yet married, then he will soon meet his other half, and she will become a good wife. Seeing bulls is about success in career and business.

More dream books:what do chicken eggs dream of

Bulls going to a watering place

Such a dream portends both good and not so good.

Let's see the interpretation:

  1. If a man dreamed that the bulls were going to a watering place, it means that soon he will achieve his goal. Animals drink - to meet their soul mate, do not overlook it!
  2. Watching the bulls standing at the watering hole, the grass under them is green - your soon marriage will bring many benefits. If there is already a wife / husband, then such a dream portends material well-being.
  3. To see bulls with incredibly long horns at a watering hole, in fact, have a dangerous enemy. If the water is dirty - to a terrible disease.
  4. Bulls stand in the water, they are clean and well-groomed - in the future everything will be fine. If things did not go very well, soon everything will work out, it will turn into a safe channel.
  5. See animals in the mud, they drink from small puddles - do not have high hopes for a new enterprise, there will be no use and benefit from it. We need to tackle a more productive business that will bear fruit.

If the dreamer himself drives the flock to a watering place, then in his life a very favorable offer or acquisition awaits him. Everything that you will be offered this week will bring benefits and benefits!

Roaring and aggressive animals

Not very nice to see such a picture even in a dream! If you already dreamed of roaring, aggressive animals, then look into the dream book. After all, you need to understand what this vision is for.

  1. Regardless of gender, if you dreamed loudly crying, worried cows and bulls, they can even be aggressive - in reality you will encounter your fate, the other half! The union will be prosperous, will bring a lot of happiness.
  2. Bulls are aggressive, run away - a bad dream, which bodes trouble both in work and in personal.
  3. If all the cows, or at least one, are aggressive towards you personally, then in reality you have many competitors and enemies who have already begun to build their plans against you. Be prepared for any turn of events, you definitely should not expect good things.
  4. The herd is piercingly roaring - to losses, health problems are possible.

In any case, do not despair. After all, if warned, then you can still fix it, turn in your own direction!

Grazing artiodactyls in a dream

Dreamed of a single guy or unmarried woman - you need to look at the state of the cows. If you graze well-fed, strong animals, then expect a bride / groom with a good dowry! Family life will be provided, many children will be born. Skinny cows - wait for trouble.

A married and married dream with well-fed cows, which you graze, promises a calm streak in life. You will have wealth, even wealth! If the cows are thin, sick - to diseases, losses, high costs.

In a dream, graze a herd of cows in a beautiful, green meadow - to profit, a valuable gain. Seeing a devastated clearing means poverty.

How the herd behaves:

  1. Obedient animals - you keep the situation and your life under control. Don’t worry about anything: all your plans will come true.
  2. The herd runs up, you cannot manage them - expect great competition in business, and in the family - discord. There are losses, problems.

Compare all the little things, including the color of animals! Indeed, the accuracy of interpretation depends on the details. Do not get too hung up on a bad prediction, you just need to think about possible problems and understand how they can be solved without loss! For each night you will only have the most pleasant dreams that promise joy and prosperity!