It’s very important to figure out what your own dream is about. This is a significant plot of night vision, which can warn a person about all kinds of troubles in real life. Famous dream books will help to interpret it.

As interpreted in dream books dreams with their own death

If one dreams of one's death in a dream, such a plot usually scares a person greatly. But do not expect its repetition in reality.

The dream of death does not exactly portend a person to a fatal outcome in reality.

Miller suggests that his own departure to another world is an important warning for the sleeping person from the universe. Most likely, at the moment the person is doing something wrong or has chosen the wrong path for himself. Before it’s too late, he should change his mind and start work on the bugs. Otherwise, everything in life goes awry. If at the end of a dream a person is resurrected, it means that he will quickly be able to find a way out of this situation even without outside help.

In a dream book, Lin notes that stories with their own death have a double meaning. The exact interpretation of sleep depends on how a person felt in him and what emotions he experienced.

  • If you are very worried and worried, most likely, he also behaves in real life. Fear of death does not allow the dreamer to rejoice and be happy. In this case, you should go to an appointment with a psychologist as soon as possible and try to find the reason for the fears eating from the inside.
  • If your death in a dream does not cause any negative emotions, then the sleeping person needs to be updated. It is time to say goodbye to old stereotypes and values.Replacing them, a man or woman will finally find the desired happiness and peace.

In the Loff dream book, the discussed dream also has two meanings at once.

  • If dying, a person experiences real horror, then the danger of death awaits him and in reality. There is a serious threat to the life of the sleeper, so in the near future you need to behave especially carefully. For example, to avoid long trips, meeting suspicious people, walking in the dark and other potentially dangerous situations.
  • If a man or woman is killed by one of his acquaintances, most likely, the waking dream killer exerts strong pressure on him. You need to try to move away from the tyrannical character.
  • If his death in a dream is not scary, in the very near future the dreamer will be promoted up the career ladder. Finally, there will be a sharp leap in this area, which the man himself should have been waiting for and for which he worked all day and night.

Wang considered the dream of her own death an exclusively positive sign.

She portends the sleeping man health, longevity, excellent health.

The main thing is that death should not be very painful and painful. Indeed, in this case, the meaning of sleep changes dramatically - he suggests that a person has health problems that he does not notice. You need to pay attention to the condition of your body and try to notice dangerous symptoms.

Dreamed of death and resurrection

Always a great harbinger is a dream in which both dreamed of death and resurrection.

  • If the sleeping man suddenly wakes up in an open coffin, he will soon receive good news from a distant relative or long-forgotten friend. Information will greatly delight a person and, possibly, even change his life for the better.
  • According to the Muslim dream book, both death and resurrection in a dream predict a person's attainment of financial well-being. Money will come to life asleep completely unexpectedly. The main thing is to spend them wisely in the future.
  • It happens that in a dream a person rises at his own funeral, and around him there is a huge number of relatives, friends, acquaintances. Such a plot portends a meeting with people with whom the sleeping man had not seen for a long time.
  • Was the resurrection after any traffic accident? A long journey will await the dreamer. It can be associated with both work and leisure. Regardless of the purpose, the journey will cause a lot of positive emotions in a man or woman.

If death and resurrection suddenly begin to be dreamed by a person almost daily, such a hint from the subconscious cannot be ignored. This means that the sleeper has accumulated many unsolved problems and problems.

He refuses to notice them and constantly puts them off for later. As a result, an “avalanche” of trouble can literally crush the dreamer. It’s better to start dealing with them gradually and as soon as possible.

Preparing for your own death

Dreadful dreams turn out to be in which the sleeping person prepares for his own death. But under certain conditions, they can have a favorable value. For example, if the preparation took place in good, clear and sunny weather.

If in the process a person did not feel fear and other unpleasant emotions, it means that he will have long healthy years of life.

But preparing for your own funeral promises happiness in your personal life.

The sleeper finally meets his soulmate.

The meaning of the dream becomes negative in the event that preparation for one's own death took place in bad rainy weather. In this case, a dream portends a difficult life period, filled with troubles and problems.

See death and funeral

If you dreamed of your own death, in which his beloved and native people were present next to the sleeping person, you should not be scared. A calm, happy life next to loved ones awaits a person.

Their dream funeral is a clue that cardinal changes in life are coming.

It’s hard to understand in advance whether they will be good or bad, but the life of the sleeper will definitely change dramatically.

If during the funeral of the dreamer those present dropped the coffin, caution should be exercised in reality. Especially when traveling by personal or public transport. There is a high probability that a man or woman will get into a major accident. If possible, in the near future it is worth walking.

Waiting for own death

Waiting for one's own death in a dream means that in reality a person feels uncomfortable. There are some reasons preventing him from being happy and contented.

Perhaps there are too many obstacles standing in the way of a man or woman that prevent them from achieving their goals, or there are problems in their personal lives. Do not be shy to tell relatives about them and ask for help, emotional support. After a frank conversation, a person will immediately feel better.

Interpretation according to circumstances of death

The value of the plot of night dreams can also depend on the circumstances in which the person died:

  • If a dreamer drowns in a river, after which he independently acquires a coffin and other accessories for a funeral, he will be awaited by large unplanned expenses.
  • Death from a sharp blow to the head portends an unexpected joy, which will significantly affect the whole life of the sleeping person.
  • Being buried alive in the earth is a health problem. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the lungs and throat.

Night visions in which a person watches his own death do not always have a negative interpretation. It all depends on the details and details of sleep, as well as on the condition of the person himself. If death did not scare him and did not cause any negative emotions, most likely, the dream will be a good harbinger.