A dog from sleep is a very controversial symbol. It can portend to a person both favorable changes and the activation of enemies. Find more accurate clues about what the dog dreams about, will be possible in modern dream books.
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Why a dog dreams about a woman - interpretation from the dream books
In Miller's dream book, the dog for the fair sex usually symbolizes a reliable friend and protector. If she behaves in a friendly manner towards the sleeping one or even tries to protect her from attack, then in real life you should not refuse the help of others and friends. Without the support of a close friend, a girl is unlikely to be able to cope with piled up problems.
According to Tsvetkov’s work, the interpretation of dreams in which dogs appear will largely depend on the breed of the animal:
- Small decorative dogs promise the girl a pleasant pastime. For example, a long-awaited meeting with someone from the past or a good date. No drastic changes should be expected after such an event. But the meeting will give the woman a lot of pleasant emotions.
- A dog, a shepherd or any other large dog from sleep suggests that an old friend will greatly influence the life of a girl. The dog symbolizes his devotion. After such a dream, a woman can be sure that an old friend will not betray her for sure.
In Wangi's dream book, it is noted that the dead dog from sleep is an unfavorable sign. It promises a danger to a close dreamer. This may affect the spouse, friend or even the adult child of the woman.
Dreamed a kind, angry dog
The interpretation of sleep can even depend on the mood and nature of the animal.Therefore, it is worth remembering whether the dog turned out to be good or evil in night dreams. If the dog was well-disposed towards the sleeping one, it means that in reality the dreamer will find support and support in some of his old acquaintances. There is a possibility that the old friend of the woman has a strong sympathy for her, and therefore is ready to provide any help. If that is really so, it is worth boldly considering a man as a potential spouse. He will become a faithful and reliable companion for a woman for the rest of her life.
But the bristling angry dog from sleep suggests that you need to reconsider your plans for the near future. It is likely that the sleeping person does not notice serious miscalculations and errors in them. A similar plot may also indicate that someone from friends is openly jealous of a woman. To avoid this in the future, do not tell others about your successes and achievements.
Small, big animal in a dream
Tiny loud barking dogs symbolize gossip about the sleeping woman. But no need to pay attention to them, unpleasant rumors will not spoil the reputation of the fair sex.
But the little snow-white dog promises the girl a pleasant acquaintance. It can develop into a long love relationship.
A very large dog, which licks the representative of the fair sex, promises her a quick marriage with a financially secure man. If a huge dark dog behaved aggressively, you should expect difficulties in life. It will take a lot of effort to successfully overcome them.
Dog bites, attacks a woman
Almost all modern dream books suggest that you should not expect happiness from aggressive attacking animals. Sometimes a biting dog is a symbol of the fact that the representative of the fair sex behaves incorrectly in relation to loved ones. She refuses to compromise, openly criticizes her family and expresses her attitude towards them very evil. Relatives for a long time tolerated this behavior of a relative, but now they are even ready to completely refuse to communicate with her. You need to realize your mistakes as soon as possible and sincerely ask for forgiveness from others.
If a seemingly kind dog suddenly bites a girl, it means that in reality she is mistaken in one of her friends. Ahead the dreamer expects a difficult period of disappointment. But you should not worry much about this. New worthy people will come to the place of ill-wishers, whom you can trust.
It happens that in a dream the girl manages to ward off the dog’s attack and prevent the bite. This is a clear sign that the enemies and their intentions will be able to declassify until the moment when they can at least do some harm.
See in a dream a black, white, ginger dog
Had to see a black dog in a dream? This means that among the dreamer's friends there is a person who should not be infinitely trusted. He perfectly knows how to mask his negative qualities and flaunt exclusively positive aspects. Of course, it is not at all necessary to immediately remove such a person from the circle of friends. But it is advisable to figure it out and be wary of this friend.
But a brown dog with shabby hair suggests that one of the friends was very tired mentally and / or physically. He urgently needs the support of loved ones. Otherwise, a person may begin a serious prolonged depression.
The white dog always symbolizes luck and luck. They come from a close friend or from a person whom the dreamer has long and well known. If a white dog is pregnant, then a woman can safely decide to change jobs. The new location will allow her to significantly improve her financial situation and present opportunities for further rapid development in a professional way.
The red dog from sleep is a clue for the girl that she needs to be careful. This is especially true of meeting men. Before you trust a new friend, you should check it in different situations.
Also, the red dog can serve as an indication of the oversight of the sleeping, because of which one of the relatives is offended by the girl.
Woman petting a dog
To stroke or feed a large dog of any color - to pleasant surprises from friends. They will be grateful for the help that the dreamer once rendered to close friends. But stroking a sick dog is a bad sign. He tells that someone close to the woman can get sick.
If the dog is stroked by the fair sex, who is going to get married, such a dream is an important harbinger for her. The plot suggests that the dreamer correctly chose a life partner. She can safely connect fate with him.
Had a lot of dogs - meaning
The plot can be considered the most negative harbinger, in which a pack of barking aggressive dogs attacks a girl. This option promises her a very painful betrayal of a loved one. It will not be easy to survive it. A woman will need a lot of time to return to her usual life rut and forget about her emotional experiences.
Had a lot of dogs of large noble breeds? This means that soon the girl will meet people who occupy a higher position in society. These connections will greatly help the sleeping woman in the future in different spheres of life.
If the fair sex takes part in a large-scale exhibition of dogs, then in reality she will have a public appearance. In order for it to succeed, you need to prepare in advance for the event.