If a person who has fallen asleep has a dream in which he will watch the death of his father, then such a nightmare will certainly be remembered for a long period. The sensations received from an unpleasant dream will constantly recall this night vision. Nobody can calmly respond to such memorable dreams. Interpreters-interpreters will come to the rescue, they will precisely prompt, to what the death of the father dreams?
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Interpretation in different dream books
The death of relatives, friends and relatives, which the dreamer can observe in his sleep, should not at all frighten and alarm the sleeping person. I would like to emphasize that only in some cases such predictions are considered to be bad precursors. The death of a relative seen in a dream should not be feared. Such a dream is usually called a shifter, because it hints at the long years of the life of a dead person sleeping in a dream (of course, if he is alive).
What can one learn about vision by looking into the famous dream books of the world?
Interpreter Miller:
- death is seen as a new stage in the life of the deceased;
- when the dreamer dreams of the death of his father, who is alive, this promises a longevity of a relative;
- if in a dream a person who is sick in real life dies, then such a vision should be interpreted as his speedy recovery.
Freud's Dream Book:
- death in a dream of the deceased loved one means the internal imbalance of the sleeper, the tiredness of his soul from torment;
- if the dreamer sees tears on the face of the deceased, such a sign predicts an early illness of the sleeping person;
- if a living father dies in a dream, then in real life he will recover, and the mortal danger will be left behind.
Interpretation of Wangi:
- to watch in a dream the death of a pope whom he had not seen in real life for a long time is a sign that it is time to pay a visit to his relative;
- if you swear with someone near the deceased father in a dream, such a "reality" indicates that soon the dreamer will face a difficult task;
- if one dreams that a person was in the same grave with his late father, then such a dream hints at the grave illness of the sleeping person who saw the dream.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:
- the late father appears in a dream and dies again - expect the plans to be unrealizable;
- if the dreamer sees his lifeless father as lifeless, this portends the old man's longevity.
Interpretation of Longo:
- to face the death of a priest in a dream means his happy old age;
- to see the death of a dead father means to receive his blessing from heaven.
Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great:
- the death of the deceased father - not to achieve the expected success in reality;
- the death of a living person in a dreamer's dream means the long life of the pope.
Interpretation of Phoebe:
- death of the most dear ones in a dream - liberation from troubles, a new stage in the life of a sleeping person.
The folk dream says:
- if a living father dies, then expect his recovery;
- if a dead relative leaves this world in a dream, this symbolizes that the father wants to warn his child against the wrong act in life.
Why dream of the death of a father who is alive?
Death in a dream has an “inverted” meaning. If the death of a pope was dreamed in a night dream, then the interpretation does not indicate that he will die in reality. Just the opposite. If a loved one is ill, ill, then a similar plot hints at his speedy recovery. If the father was not sick, but died in the dream of his child, then such a dream says that the life of the parent will be happy and long.
The deceased loved one died
If the deceased father dies in a dream, then such dreams are interpreted in two ways. Some dream books indicate the mental fatigue of the sleeping person, hinting that he should definitely relax, while the second symbolizes the care of our ancestors from above. So the sleeper can receive a blessing on the work begun or a warning about what should not be done.
See dad in the coffin
A coffin with a deceased relative in a dream means that everything that the sleeping person wanted to hide from others would come true. If a living father appears in the tomb, then you should worry about his health.
Funeral, wake in a dream
The funeral of the deceased father or his wake testifies that his soul is restless. The dreamer should certainly put aside all his affairs and visit his burial place. If, in a dream, a funeral and a wake of a living relative are seen, it is worth visiting your parent, because he needs help in reality.
Value for women, men
For a woman to see in her dream the deceased deceased father means anxiety of his soul over his daughter, a hint that a difficult period has come in her life. A dream of a similar nature to a male means that the soul of the deceased father is trying to warn his son from the adverse actions that a man is about to commit. When a woman or a man sees in their dreams how living parents die, it is worth taking the time and visiting them soon, because the father or mother, who appeared to them in a dream, require care and attention at this stage of life.