An elephant is often considered a symbol of power, strength and power, and dreams with them can portend cardinal changes. Based on this, you should figure out what the elephant is dreaming of in order to be able to predict future events.
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What the elephant dreams of - interpretation in dream books
An elephant in a daydream symbolizes not only important events in life, but also portends a meeting with a very influential and wealthy person.
But in order to know exactly the interpretation of the vision, it is necessary to take into account information from different dream books:
- The famous psychologist Miller in his treatise believed that trips on this animal often dream of unexpected success and the acquisition of enormous wealth and respect. Moreover, such a representative of the animal kingdom dreams of improving the results of all fields of activity, which will lead to an increase in profits. If you have dreamed of many elephants, then expect a multiplication of wealth. When there was one animal in the dreams, then the dreamer will face a very serious task, which must be solved with special care.
- In the dream book of medium Hasse, it is said that these representatives of the fauna in a dream personify a special degree of attractiveness of the dreamer, thanks to which he will enjoy the great attention of the opposite sex. When the sleeper saw him ride the animal, the dream promises him happiness, and the dead elephants prophesy the collapse of plans.
- The dream book of Nostradamus says that such an animal is considered a symbol of wisdom. In addition, the elephant also symbolizes cruelty and vindictiveness. White elephants in a dream portend the acquisition of an expensive but unnecessary thing.
- According to the Esoteric dream book, a dream in which there was an elephant promises the dreamer stability and a strong position in society.At the same time, a sense of stability will arise not only in the family circle, but also in the business sphere.
- Wangi's dream book indicates that visions with these animals signal a high level of the dreamer's intelligence. Often, such people can easily navigate in new places, as well as make important decisions.
If the elephant was in a dream in a house or apartment, then a dream bodes happiness. In a dream appeared elephant with her children? This means that the sleeping person needs to devote more time to talking with his relatives. Riding an animal portends a great strength of spirit and authority. You also need to consider the color of the elephant, since white promises a career, and black portends success in achieving the goal.
Big elephant
If a big elephant is dreamed, a dream indicates that a very influential patron will soon appear in the life of the sleeping person, who will be able to take him under his care.
Dreams with a big elephant promise a person not only an increase in wealth, but also a leadership position. Therefore, in general, such visions have a positive interpretation.
Also, many dream books indicate that a large elephant portends a sleeping person with great luck and favor of fate in his personal life. After the dream, you may become acquainted with a person who will be responsive and pleasant in communication. This meeting will soon be able to develop into strong feelings.
Also, elephants in dreams dream the dreamer good health and longevity.
I dreamed of a baby elephant
When a baby elephant dreams, it means that in the dreamer's real life there will come harmony in relations with close people. In addition, a small elephant can be a forerunner of pregnancy. On the other hand, visions of a baby elephant may indicate that things will go up, which is why financial success is guaranteed. White elephants dream of moving up the career ladder.
It is important to consider the actions of such "kids":
- When an elephant calf performs in a circus, this symbolizes a fun pastime, as well as walks with a close friend.
- The young do not leave their mother - those around are very kind and ready to support the dreamer at any time.
- The elephant drank the mother’s milk - before the sleeper there will be a difficult choice that can change his life.
- A white little elephant in a dream among gray brethren portends unusual situations that can turn into significant benefits.
Caring for a baby elephant in a dream - to prosper in business and stable prosperity.
Elephant figurine
Sometimes in dreams you can see small figures of elephants. If these figurines are placed in the house of the sleeping, then the vision promises unmeasured wealth. If the figurines were presented in a dream, then the dream promises a pleasant present in reality.
A bad meaning is a dream in which the elephant was broken. It portends the onset in the near future of a series of unpleasant events that will affect the general situation. The dreamer will need a lot of time and effort to restore his former state.
Why do many animals dream
If the sleeping man saw a flock of elephants in his dreams, this means that soon a small danger will appear in his life, which, however, can soon develop into a real threat to life. On the other hand, such a vision has a positive interpretation, promising prosperity and longevity.
When in a dream a herd of animals runs away from the dreamer, this personifies chaos in his thoughts. It would be nice to sort out your life and get rid of unnecessary experiences.
Sometimes such a vision is considered a sign of impending threat. In the near future, it is advisable for a person to avoid stressful situations and try to be careful in everything.
What symbolizes a dream with an angry elephant
The attacking furious animal is considered a warning of impending misfortune. If during the attack the dreamer sat on his back, on the contrary, it symbolizes victory and prosperity.Soon, it is possible to increase wages and strengthen the position in society.
When angry animals chased the sleeper for a long time, a dream may indicate that the dreamer chose the wrong path in life. He should take a vacation, abandon all problems and calmly think about his existence.
Interpretation depending on the dreamer's gender
A great role in the interpretation of vision is played by the dreamer's gender:
When an elephant dreams of a woman, he foreshadows the adoption of an important decision, as well as the conclusion of a profitable transaction.
- If a woman was ill at the time of the vision, the dream promises her a speedy recovery.
- This animal in a dream also symbolizes a wise person or chosen one who has a strong influence on the sleeping person.
- Also, such a dream simply indicates the good character of the girl.
- In some cases, this representative of the animal kingdom is considered a phallic symbol. Based on this, it can be assumed that a lover will soon appear in a woman's life.
- For young girls, the dream portends a marriage and pleasant gifts from a lover.
If a man had a dream, he portends him a rapid career growth. Such visions will certainly dream of increasing earnings and affluence.
However, according to Freud’s dream book, such dreams sometimes signal the presence of a desire for homosexual connections on a subconscious level. One way or another, these animals in a dream indicate the willful nature of the dreamer. Such dreams portend young men new romantic acquaintances. If the elephant dreamed without a trunk, this means that the man will soon have to change his place of residence.
In general, dreams with elephants are considered a good sign. They promise replenishment of the budget, as well as benefits that have come to the family. Such visions symbolize the power and strength of a sleeping person, and also promise him good health and long life.