In dreams, every detail means some kind of internal problem, is a clue to the unconscious about real life. In this article, we will try to figure out why a strong wind is dreaming. Basically, the riot of nature personifies the defenselessness of man. Not everything and not always can be controlled. Some events will happen simply because fate is so destined.

Interpretation in different dream books

All dream books claim that a strong wind symbolizes a big change.

What wind gusts can mean:

  • long distance travel for work;
  • change of life principles, priorities;
  • health problems;
  • a breakdown in relationships with loved ones;
  • reprimand from the authorities;
  • difficulties with money.

People who see such dreams make new friends in reality, changing their worldview. A person begins to evaluate his life and the events occurring in it differently. Moreover, the way of thinking can become both more positive, and vice versa, more gloomy.

It is important to know: you need to tell someone a bad dream before lunch, then he will not come true.

I had a strong wind outside the window

Had a strong wind outside the window? Do not worry, dream books claim that this is a very useful dream. He does not promise bad events, but only warns that they can happen. It is possible to prevent them by taking appropriate measures in time.

  • Can you hear the howling wind, but the hurricane itself is not visible? This is also a warning of an impending threat, but of a different nature.An agonizing wait is coming, a stay in the unknown.
  • The situation is slightly better if the dreamer observes the consequences of an already completed storm. Some misfortunes will happen in the world, but personally these dreamers and their loved ones will not touch on these events.
  • Sitting at the window and watching the riot of nature - to unnecessary concern about the personal lives of others, inappropriate advice. It is better to concentrate on your own life and not to force your loved ones on what they should do.

Get in the middle of a hurricane

The damage done here matters:

  • Destroyed the building. This is a change in lifestyle: you have to follow a diet, get up and stay on schedule, say goodbye to bad habits.
  • Broken trees promise a fight against failure.
  • People were hurt. It should be remembered that the first impression is misleading. A new acquaintance, who at first seems a good, bright person, will further prove himself on the other side.

Those who in a dream find themselves in the midst of a hurricane are experiencing a severe crisis in reality. What is happening in his life now? Plans are crumbling, goals are moving away, hands are dropping. Perhaps this person will be involved in a turbulent love story, painful and with far-reaching consequences.

Why dream of a blizzard and strong wind

Snowfall, blizzard, snowstorm, snowstorm, snowstorm dream when in reality you need to show more determination. There is a risk of being addicted, losing control of your life.

  • Riding through a blizzard, that is, not walking, namely moving by transport - to an urgent order.
  • Not to see anything due to heavy snowfall means successfully getting out of a difficult situation. But it will not be easy to do this, obstacles and opponents await on the way.
  • It’s good to watch the blizzard from the window, then trouble will pass by. But whoever walks through the storm will be betrayed.

Wind with rain

Strong wind and rain in a dream do not bode well in the near future:

  • tears
  • disappointments;
  • insults;
  • anxiety.

The most curious interpretation concerns finance. If the poor man dreams of the wind and the rain, then this will lead to an influx of money, but to the rich, this promises losses by robbery. The exception is the warm spring rain, which in a dream pleases and gives pleasure. This is a good sign, promising happiness in love.

Do I need to do something with a bad omen? The best thing that can be done is not to “wind up” yourself, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Hurricane wind in the face with dust

What can you expect in reality if you dream of a hurricane, a strong wind with sand that blows in your face, covers your eyes with sand:

  • a quarrel with a loved one, family conflicts;
  • active actions from ill-wishers, enemies;
  • embarrassing situation causing shame;
  • something in life will move from a dead point, will begin to change.

It also happens that in a dream the wind in the face gives pleasure. This means that a person paid for past mistakes and in the karmic sense owes nothing to anyone else. Warm rain and a soft, pleasantly blowing breeze promise a reward for patience.

No matter how strange it may sound, dream interpreters recommend that no action be taken to solve the problems that arise. Now the best solution is to take a passive position and observe the development of events from the outside.