The dog has long been considered a friend of man and the most faithful animal.

Especially tender are the little puppies who love to play and generally have a good-natured character. Therefore, many are interested in what the puppy is dreaming of and what sign it can be.

What a puppy dreams of - interpretation according to dream books

Usually, according to the dream book, a puppy is either a good or a neutral omen.

Let us turn to the dream books for a more detailed explanation:

  • A puppy in a dream is a meeting with an old, long-forgotten friend, school friend or a person will appear in your life who will certainly become a true friend.
  • According to the autumn dream book, puppies small or young dogs can mean a person who pretends to be a good one. In fact, he bears insidious plans for revenge for a petty insult that you did not even pay attention to.
  • According to Freud, a puppy is receiving a small but pleasant gift that will noticeably cheer up.
  • A flea or sick puppy portends an annoying incident.
  • And the modern dream book is not very different from Slavic interpretations. According to him, a puppy is a meeting with a new friend.
  • A dead puppy - to disappointment in a person from whom you, it would seem, did not expect a setup and betrayal at all.
  • To feed a puppy is to provide friendly help to a loved one in real life, for which you will certainly be rewarded in one way or another.

See in a dream a good or evil puppy

It is also worth paying attention to how the puppy behaved in a dream.

Whether he was affectionate or vice versa, aggressive, wanting to harm you:

  • A cheerful and kind puppy will be the embodiment of the fact that in reality you want to get posterity in the near future.According to the universal dream book, a playful puppy will be aware that a child will appear in your family very soon.
  • Aggressive and barking - is a harbinger of impending quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones. Try not to take everything to heart and exercise caution in utterances. An accidentally thrown word can ruin a relationship with one of the family members.
  • Also, an angry puppy may dream of gossip behind his back, which people from close circle dissolve about you. Take a closer look at those you are used to trust.

Had a lot of puppies - meaning

If you have dreamed of many puppies, try to remember the dream in more detail.

As a rule, the most popular dream books come down to the following interpretations:

  • For a man or a young man to see many puppies near a dog at once will in reality mean a meeting with a man similar to his own mother. It is likely that between you there will be a love or friendship, which in the future will result in sympathy. For a girl or woman, this is a meeting with a young man an order of magnitude younger than herself.
  • Did you see a lot of barking and running puppies? You will be surrounded by young people. Also, such a dream may mean that at the moment you are in great need of having a baby. It is not necessary that this desire be open, it may be present at a subconscious level.
  • If puppies run and bark under their feet in a dream, then people who are much younger than you will be intriguing in the team. It can also mean social work with youth.

White, black, brown puppy

The meaning of sleep may vary, depending on what color the puppy has been for you.

Find out what the dream books come down to:

  • White puppy - to useless fuss and vain troubles. Try to plan your time in advance in order to manage to do all the necessary things and not lose valuable moments in vain.
  • Black puppy in a dream, as a rule, an ambiguous symbol. For example, if you fed him, and as a "thank you" he bit you, then you should not wait for a positive reaction to your actions.
  • Puppy with brown fur warns the dreamer of an impending difficult situation. If you helped to avoid the danger, or fed him, then be sure that the incident will be resolved in your favor with minimal losses.

Stroke, play, feed the puppy

If you had to feed a puppy in a dream, then this will be a sign of quick profit and the onset of financial stability. For example, the bosses have long been monitoring your progress and decide to reward what they deserve, or it will be a sudden win in the lottery. In any case, money will arrive unexpectedly, in the way that you least expect.

The killing of a small defenseless puppy promises problems in relations with a loved one. However, do not rush to chop off the shoulder. Perhaps by breaking the connection between you now, you will lose forever the one who is devoted to you for the rest of your life and is unlikely to find someone who can replace this person.

Are the little puppies you play with? This is a manifestation of some dreamer infantilism in relation to life. Try to be more serious, otherwise, because of your ignorance and frivolity, you can make enemies and problems.

Stroking a puppy - to the onset of imminent change. It may be that you are bored of the old relationship or you are tired of being alone. This is a harbinger of the fact that the dreamer is tired of stability and wants to dive into the pool of passion and love with his head, almost without thinking about the consequences of the perfect.

Little Dog Attacking You

An attacker and a kitten showing towards you - in reality this is almost always a bad sign. Be prepared for the fact that you are actively washed bones in a team or circle of close people. These gossip can significantly spoil not only the reputation, but also life as a whole.You will have to defend yourself alone from the attacks of ugly personalities and wait for help from nowhere.

Puppy dreamed of a woman, a man - interpretation

The meaning of the dream with a small dog may also vary depending on the dreamer's gender. For example, for an unmarried girl, this soon promises a successful marriage with someone who truly loves her. Such a connection will last a very long time, perhaps a lifetime. For an adult woman, this can mean the appearance in her life of a strong male shoulder, which you can always rely on and, optionally, it will be a lover.

A whining puppy that a middle-aged man will dream of is a meeting with an old school friend, with whom you once were not spilled. A new period of stability will begin in your relationship. Be sure you can trust this person and turn to him for help in difficult times. For a young man to see a dog with puppies - to the birth of a child in the family and marriage.