Most dream books indicate what the hay is dreaming of - for unforeseen happiness. But the interpretation may vary slightly or radically depending on the details of night vision. We learn that this or that dream portends, in which hay was dreamed.

Interpretation in the dream books

Interpretations depend not only on the little things seen in a dream, but also on the authors who compiled them. The article selects the interpretations of the most famous seers and psychologists.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that to see hay in a dream is the fulfillment of everything conceived and envisioned.

But remember a detail like the smell coming from the grass:

  1. If the hay smelled nice, then expect an important good event that will affect the implementation of plans.
    In the case when the smell was unpleasant, soon you will lose a very necessary and valuable thing, theft is possible.
    Do not remember the smell at all, or it was not from hay, then expect unexpected luck.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great:

  1. This publication promises the dreamer after sleeping with hay to receive a well-paid position.
  2. I dreamed of hay in bales - an unexpected joy, there will soon be happiness, and it will come, from where they did not wait for it.
  3. If in a dream you are pitching with a pitchfork dry or just mowed grass, then expect troubles associated with the past. Some of your friends will reveal secrets that you told the closest people, and hid from the rest. This is the case when you do not need to be afraid of the intrigues of enemies, but be careful with friends.

According to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya:

  1. The seer promises success in all endeavors, material well-being.
  2. If you look from the side, how others mow grass or hay, then a new job is expected to help stabilize the financial situation.
  3. Harvesting hay yourself is hard work, but this work is for the good, will bring good profit.

Miller's psychological dream book:

  1. Earlier, hay meant labor and chores for people. Today it’s harvesting - making a profit, material well-being.
  2. Feeling joy in a dream when you see hay (in any of its conditions) is the personification of the emotional balance of calm, joy. It’s a feeling when on a summer day you walk around the field, away from everyday problems, work, enjoy the smell of fresh grass - what could be better!

The Dream Interpretation of the birthday promise different things, and it depends on the time of year in which the dreamer was born:

  1. In the spring - tiring work is expected, which will not give a big profit.
  2. In the summer - there will be noise in the house, but not related to the scandal. Soon fun, guests, joy are expected.
  3. In the fall - between lovers there will be a stormy showdown.
  4. In winter - capital increase.

Further we will consider night vision, based on its trifles, specifics.

Why dream dry hay

Dry hay basically portends profits. This is explained as follows: a finished product, on which we worked a lot.

But the interpretation will not always be so good, in some cases the dream has a completely different meaning:

  1. The grass is golden, beautiful - profit, prosperity, joy. Whatever you do will bring only satisfaction, it will turn out.
  2. Hay bred, but clean - to unexpected profits. If the straw is unkempt and dirty, then expect disappointment.
  3. Rotten dry hay, gray or black - to mourning, death of a loved one or friend.

In all cases, you must always pay attention to the smell, palpable in a dream from dry grass:

  1. If you didn’t feel an unpleasant smell from rotten hay, or if it was completely absent, then the deceased will be in a strange family, familiar to you, that will not bring grief to the dreamer personally.
  2. From the golden, beautiful hay a pleasant aroma was felt or it was not there - the interpretation, as spelled out above. But if the dreamer felt an unpleasant spirit from the grass, then he would envy someone else's success in reality.

To dream in a dry hay that a cow chews - for good, profit. If the grass has been dried, but is now getting wet in the rain - a dream foreshadows empty chores.

A stack of straw in a dream

The first thing you need to pay attention to is how dry grass is harvested:

  1. The usual stack in the field - you will reach the end in an important endeavor, get to the top.
  2. A haystack is dreaming in the middle of the street or in his yard, in the house - the profit is not far off, soon all financial difficulties will be resolved. But you will not borrow, but you will receive unexpected profit. For example, you can win the lottery at this time or get an inheritance.
  3. If you have dreamed of bales of hay, then profit is expected. The dreamer worked hard, and now the time has come for the reward.

In each case, remember what the bale or stack looked like. If it was integral, then the interpretation is correct. If the design collapsed, broke, then family troubles are expected.

For a married woman or a married man, rotting hay in a haystack means a strong scandal.

If one half is rotten and the other half is good, then the situation may be as follows:

  1. Now there is a discord in the family - soon there will be peace, everything will be fine again.
  2. If at the moment the world is paired, then a strong discord is expected, which can destroy the family.

To an unmarried girl or unmarried guy in a dream to see a beautiful stack - for a fast wedding, there will be no problems in the life of the newlyweds. The family will be strong. If the stack is broken up, then the first half of family life will be smooth, joyful, and the second will not add up. Rotten hay in a stack (in whole or in part) indicates that the lover / lover who is next to you is not your person, and there will be no happiness with him.

Lying on the dry grass

When you dream about how you lie on the hay, whether it is a haystack or just mowed grass in a field or on a hayloft, a series of quiet and moderate streaks in life will do. But if you do not just lie, but chew a blade of grass, or even eat hay, there will be troubles associated with monetary debt.

Interpretation as appropriate:

  1. The dreamer enjoyed lying in the hay, received moral satisfaction - a series of pleasant events is expected, and they will delight.
  2. If the hay was pricked, it was inconvenient - take on responsibilities that will weigh you down. If you are not sure that you can help someone without harming yourself, then do not get down to business, do not make promises.
  3. When you dreamed of a hayloft, on which you were not alone, then expect a fateful meeting in reality. A new person in your life will affect fate, help in personal and financial matters.

In a dream, lay down on the hay in the field, tired after harvesting, then expect a successful outcome of some important matter.

Mowing hay in dreams

The values ​​for this dream are also several. The main interpretation is making big profits, wealth. Mowing hay - taking what belongs to you, taking it in large arms - well-being of the material plan and family.

Consider other interpretations:

  1. Mowing flowering grass - to prosperity and wealth. If it is already dry, yellowed, then you will begin to work in vain, there will be no big profit.
  2. It’s hard for you to hold the braid, you don’t know how to work it - family troubles. Work is easy, as if all my life they had only been mowing grass — joy in the family, happiness.
  3. It is of poor importance to remove hay from the field in a dream, to take it out with carts or in the back. Such a vision portends the death of a loved one, a loved one.

The dream in which you see the hay is mostly beneficial. If the interpretation of your vision is sad, do not rush to get upset, to focus on it. They say that you need to tell your dream, and it will not come true! If you want the prediction to come true, then keep the vision in yourself, and all the good things will definitely come.