Life on Earth without water is impossible, she is the mother of all life on the planet. The dreams in which she dreamed do not come to a person just like that. Rivers rapidly carrying their waters are always an important prediction, and their course is a symbol of progress, development and life. Such dreams should not be ignored, on the contrary, waking up in the morning, it will not be out of place to find out what the river is dreaming of, and how to correctly interpret such a dream.
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Interpretation of sleep about the river (river)
The interpretation of dreams about the river must be approached very consciously, since such visions often depend on the person’s subconscious and his psychological barriers.
Miller's dream book offers several versions of the interpretation, which depend not only on the state of the river, but also on the dreamer's interaction with it.
- If the flow of water in the pond was small and calm, then the dream promises joyful events in the near future. It is worth preparing for the unexpected replenishment of the budget and the emergence of new opportunities for self-realization.
- But if there was a dream of a raging river along which a person is forced to swim, then a dream can portend disagreements and conflicts with surrounding people.
- When the dreamer discovered the bodies of the dead in a pond, he should be careful - a dream does not prophesy anything good.
- If the river is completely dry, the vision indicates problems and grief in the family.
Freud believed that dreams with a river personify the dreamer's unbridled sexual fantasy. Moreover, often such visions are visited by those people who are afraid to admit it to themselves. Also, swimming on the river dreams of a coming love.
The well-known soothsayer Vanga believed that the river was dreaming of the good news. Such water promises the dreamer crucial turning points in his career that will bring additional income.Swim in the river right in clothes - to wealth and wealth in the family.
The dream book of Nostradamus indicates that the river in a dream is considered a bad sign.
- Often, he associates it with problems and monetary losses.
- If the dreamer managed to get to land, then the dream holds good news.
- If the sleeper was just getting ready to sail or building a dam, the vision portends slight difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.
Medium Hasse believed that pure and shallow, bright water in the river dreams of happiness and joy, and bathing in a dream portends incredible wealth.
In the Esoteric dream book it is said that a smooth and calm river promises a sleeper a very calm life, while a turbulent one foreshadows important events in life that will make the dreamer nervous. Also, the river is a symbol of something new and immense. Sometimes it personifies wisdom.
Swim in the river in a dream
When a dreamer had to swim in a river in a dream, it means that something is going wrong in his life. It is important to reconsider your position in and try to correct your own shortcomings.
In addition, the sleeping person should pay attention to problems in different areas of life, because they will impede the implementation of plans.
- If in a dream a person happily bathed in a pond, then in the future everything will be subject to him, because large amounts will settle in his wallet.
- If the sleeper did not swim alone, but with a relative or friend, his relationship with him will be filled with love and harmony.
- The dream in which the dreamer was forced to swim, says that fate has prepared him a lot of trials and changes. However, they will only bring benefits in the future.
A huge role is played by the sex of the sleeper:
- A woman's dream, in which she swam with a long-time friend, portends respect in the team, as well as a decent assessment of her professional and personal qualities. If swimming in the river was with her man, perhaps you should expect an offer to marry.
- Swimming in the dreams of a man is a sign of impending fatherhood. If a lonely person sees a dream, then a dream indicates the possibility of career growth.
Dreamed of a muddy, muddy pond
A bad sign reads a dream in which there was dirty water in the river. Often she dreams of the onset of a period in her life that will be filled with losses of valuable resources and quarrels.
Sometimes a dream indicates a misunderstanding between employees and superiors, due to which a difficult working period will begin. Turbid water in a river usually promises a sleeping man trouble that cannot be avoided. The likelihood of a serious illness is not excluded. It is advisable to take precautions, as well as improve health.
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See frozen water
Pure but frozen water in the river portends small difficulties that impede business development. Most often, their reason lies in the depression of the sleeping person, who himself does not understand his cause. During this period, a person feels a breakdown and laziness.
However, not frozen, but very cold water can be an omen of a small but pleasant surprise from a loved one. In addition, the vision predicts an increase in the budget.
What does a dream with a stormy river mean
Dreamed of a stormy river? This is an omen of cardinal changes in life that will proceed with special ease and carelessness.
A vision in which the sleeping person first drowns in a pond, and then gets out to land, suggests that it will be impossible to pass through troubles and encountering obstacles in its path. But you should not be afraid of the significance of this dream, since the dreamer will overcome them.
In addition, the flow of water in a dream can speak of impending troubles, which it is better to deal with immediately, without delay.
Cross the river over the bridge
When dreaming of a bridge over a river over which a sleeping person crosses a body of water, this is considered a warning of future trials. To overcome them, you will need help and support from loved ones and relatives.
The bridge across the river sometimes symbolizes insecure and notorious relationships with others who do not always understand the dreamer.
If a person sleeping in a dream crosses a river, this means that on his life's path there will be problems, obstacles and troubles, which he, however, will quickly cope with.
River spill
Spill the river in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.
- On the one hand, the spill of the river on the shore indicates unfulfilled sexual desires of a person or receiving unexpected gifts.
- On the other hand, such dreams dream of trouble at work. To avoid them, the sleeper needs to redo a lot of things, during the course of which new problems will appear.
Despite the fact that the river symbolizes development and change, the interpretation of the dream with it should be considered more from a psychological point of view. The flow of water must be perceived as the feelings and emotions of a dreamer who is currently going through a difficult period in his life.